We Are One

We Are One

As you go through life you'll see
There is so much that we
Don't understand

Gerard walked on stage, being greeted by the roar of the crowd, cheering him and his band on. They were the fans that supported them. They were the reason he was doing all of this. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes were clearly visible under the lights of the stage. He looked at the faces of the fans on the first row. Some of them were crying, some of them were shouting his name, reaching out for him, marriage proposals were thrown around, getting a small smile out of him as he walked over to the front of the stage while the rest of the band started the first notes of the opening song to their new album.

And the only thing we know
Is things don't always go
The way we planned

His hazel eyes scanned the crowd, some of them were looking at him with a doubting look as he pranced around the stage, singing his heart out just like he did every night. It was wearing him out but he gladly did it for the fans. They were the reason he continued. He had never planned this band to get so big. He hadn't expected the little fact that his fans were slowly starting to look at him as a sell-out, accusing him of being back on the drugs and alcohol and talking bad about him behind his back.

It was hurting him in a way. Some fans that had been there with them since Bullets were slowly turning their backs on them, the fans that had made sure that this band had gone out to the bigger crowd, those who had seen them in basements and supported them, starting a group to promote the band where they lived.

But you'll see every day
That we'll never turn away
When it seems all your dreams come undone

Some of the fans were crying, their hands stretched out in an attempt to get closer to him, to touch him, perhaps to hug him, he didn't know. The security guards were standing securely in front of the stage, preventing anyone from reaching the band even if they wanted too. Gerard sang the last line of the song and stood just in the middle of the stage, the microphone tightly clammed in his hands, his mouth half-open and his eyes fixated on an unknown place in the air.

We will stand by your side
Filled with hope and filled with pride
We are more than we are
We are one

He saw his fans as an army, a large army of people who were messed up just like him and his band members. A group of people who supported him and his visions, being seen through his lyrics, the music itself and the sometimes – now somewhat rare- messages he said between the songs. Some fans had written the words “MCRmy” on their arms, hands, cheeks and foreheads. They were proudly shouting some sort of battle chant towards the band, letting them know that their army was present and they were waiting for their general to speak to them.

If there's so much I must be
Can I still just be me
The way I am?

Gerard took a deep breath and blocked out the negative things and rumours floating around. He raised his fist in the air, nodding at the crowd to encourage them to raise their voices louder and louder. They judged him for being who he was, he knew this better than anyone. They looked at him like he was perfect while he was far from it. They looked at him, expecting to see someone who had nothing to be afraid off, nothing to hide from them. Was he allowed to be himself, or did he have to pretend that he had nothing to hide while he, just like everyone else, had some secrets.

Can I trust in my own heart
Or am I just one part
Of some big plan?

He had always tried to be someone else, he was someone who messed up, not belonging in the society of today where fitting in and being cool was important. He hated the society of today, the way people treated each other and labeled those who were different than them. His fans were just as messed up as he was, not belonging in any group and finding friends in those who lived (sometimes) far away. But they were all connected through one love, the band and their vision.

Even those who are gone
Are with us as we go on
Your journey has only begun

Gerard sang the first words to 'Helena', which had always been a somewhat emotional time on the stage for him, and his brother. The song was about their grandmother, every fan knew that. But it had a message, it told everyone that the people who had gone away from us were still with us in our hearts and that we shouldn't cry over them but rather celebrate their life and the times we had with them.

They would always be with us and accompany us on our journey, even the hard parts of their lives. That was the message the band tried to show through the song. And fans had taken it and ran with it, knowing that it was the truth and that they should follow that rule. Even though the band had never forced it upon them. The chose to do so, they chose to follow the band and that was more than they could ever hope for.

Tears of pain, tears of joy
One thing nothing can destroy
Is our pride, deep inside
We are one

Taking his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, Gerard was met with the cold air outside. Several fans were waiting at the gates, wondering if the band might ever come out to meet them and give out autographs while they talked with their fans. Some of them were chatting with each other, talking about the concert and how they thought of it.

Gerard smiled slightly and lighted the cigarette, putting it between his thin lips and enjoying it while he knew that it was bad for his health. One of his fans, who looked somewhat older than the other fans, stood in a small group with the rest of her friends, two or three people while a bigger group of younger, - probably more inexperienced with concerts - girls and boys noticed him standing here, waving slightly with a small smile, not shouting, not telling the others about his presence.

Gerard smiled and looked at her. He couldn't see much but from the distance between them he could still see her tear stained cheeks as she smiled at him with pride, happiness that she had finally seen the band with her own eyes and that they were still there.

Seeing with his eyes that she was holding something, probably meant for one of the band members or just the band in general, Gerard slowly walked over towards her, hoping that no one would scream to loud to his presence. The girl's smile widened slightly as she saw her idol coming closer to her.

We are one, you and I
We are like the earth and sky
One family under the sun

In her hands was this big book. Gerard looked at it with a frown as he signed several autographs to the fans (who had still spotted him). The girl kept a distance, waiting for him to finish up what he was doing first, a small smile still playing on her lips, a shy smile as she could finally see one of her heroes closer than ever. Gerard looked on his watch and saw that it was already over 2 AM, the crowd had thinned out and only the tight group of friends he had observed earlier was still present. He smiled tiredly at them and greeted them.

“We made this book for you and the guys.” The girl said, stretching out her arms with the book in her hands so Gerard could take it from her. The singer looked at with a slightly open mouth and opened it, looking through the pages with interest.

“A lot of people are losing faith in the band, especially in you for some reason. A lot of people have given up already, or are in the process of doing so. We all knew that it was would take more than one person to change this ” The girl said in a low whisper, a small blush appearing on her cheeks as she talked about the book. Gerard frowned, knowing that what she was saying was true.

“So we started this project with a bunch of writers. These writers choose to be a part of the team and write a small story about this theme, hoping that people would stop loosing their faith.”

“Its amazing.” Gerard whispered, looking straight in the eyes of the girl. The young fan nodded and smiled at him, reaching out for him through the bars and placing her hand on his shoulder, giving it a small squeeze.

“We keep the faith Gerard. We always will, no matter what.” She whispered before taking a deep breath, “and that book is the proof of it. “

“Keep the faith.” Gerard whispered, nodding and looking at the book before shooting a tired, yet proud smile at the girl.

“Thank you.” He whispered, knowing that tears were slowly appearing in his eyes. But at that moment, he didn't really care. Because he knew that there were still fans that supported them and had their backs.

All the wisdom to lead
All the courage that you need
You will find when you see
We are one