Mona Lisa


I opened the gold compact and checked my complexion. My cheeks were still appropriately rouged and my deep red lips were still untouched. My honey locks were still curled tightly and pinned back. My eyes were still lined darkly with my eyelashes thick and long, making the gray of my irises pop.

I snapped it shut with my thumb and forefinger before slipping it into my black satin clutch. I sighed watching the couples gracing the dance floor in their elegant gowns sweeping across the pearl marble as they moved.

I picked up my long stem champagne glass filled with the bubbling liquid and brought it to my lips drinking it slowly, enjoying the dry taste of it.

Their bodies were the orthodox 12 inches apart as they waltzed about the room. Their feet moving sharply to the four beats of the music.

I smoothed out the wrinkles in my powder blue satin gown, the diamond bracelet falling to the edge of my wrist glistened under the soft hues of the crystal chandeliers that dimly lit room.

Feeling a potent gaze on me, I looked up, my eyes roaming across the room.

He was standing out on the balcony, a face that had a dry, undecipherable look upon it. However, it was obvious that he had rather be anywhere but here. His long thin fingers brought a cigarette to his full lips before blowing out the smoke slowly.

He was dressed to the nines like everyone else in the room. A standard black tuxedo fit him like a glove. Though instead of a black bowtie, like most of the men there tonight, he wore a deep royal purple colored one.

He noticed me staring and smirked as he brought the cigarette casually to his lips once again. His smirk reminded me of a lions, playing with their prey. I did not dare lower my gaze to show him how he could fluster me with just a glance.

He finished his cigarette slowly, his blue eyes not leaving mine for a moment. Soon, it was towards the filter and he put it out on the stone railing instead of finding a tray, like a gentleman would. He pushed himself off the railing at ease, standing up to his fully height that overshadows most, if not all the men in the room.

I swallowed watching him walk closer to me. My heart beating so loud that it drowned out the orchestra. I broke the eye contact needing to look elsewhere as I felt my body on fire just from his stare. I finished my champagne and set it on the carefully made table.

Feeling his presence, I looked up and smiled politely. He held out his hand and no words were said as I took it in my own, my ivory skin standing out against his. His fingers wrapping around it and he helped me stand.

The cap sleeves of my gown clung to my shoulders as the dressed slipped into place. I ignored his stare that was anywhere but my eyes, knowing that when I chose this dress, the square neck accentuated my breasts. I gathered the draped godets that went down the back of the dress as he led me towards the dance floor, joining the sea of people at the party.

I ignored the stares, the gasps, and the whispers as I followed him, my head held high, unashamed.

The small plucks of the acoustic guitar began before the violins took over as the band began to play Mona Lisa. I let go of the soft fabric bringing my hand to rest on his shoulder. His, in return rested on the small of my back. In a quick, subtle gesture, he pulled me close to him.

I smiled at the body contact; that he was bold enough to perform the dance closed style. "Mr. Sullivan, I did not believe that you would make an appearance to events such as these."

His chuckle went down my spine making me momentarily close my eyes. "How else will I keep you guessing, Ms. Genevieve," my French name slipping off of his tongue, like hermès. I allowed my body to relax and ease into his slender frame as he serenaded me in a voice that rivaled Nat King Coles.

We danced slowly in the center of the grand room under the main chandelier, its brilliant crystals casting mystifying shadows across his soft face, enhancing the delicate blues in his eyes.

"Do you smile to temp a lover Mona Lisa," he continued to sing, all the while my small smile never leaving my lips.

I frowned at the loss of warmth as he pulled back slightly, standing still before the song had ended.

As the strums of the acoustic guitar came to an end he stared down intently into my gray eyes. "Care for a walk, mademoiselle?" he whispered, knowing how much trouble I would be in if caught.

I followed him out onto the balcony that he was smoking out on earlier; only, when no one was looking, we took the set of stairs that wrapped down into the north gardens. I let go of his hand and ran through the mazes lined with tall hedges. I was not that easy, and a little chase always did the heart good.

I heard the soft steps of his dress shoes not too may paces behind myself. The soft swish of my dress brushed against the steppingstones as I continued to run.

I smirked sitting in the far edge of the courting bench facing the large fountain in the center of the garden that was dribbling water peacefully, with my back purposely facing him. I sat up straight, my chest rapidly rising and falling as I tried to steady my breathing.

I felt him sit down beside me, his warm hand gently holding my chin and turning me to face him. "When will you stop running from me, Genevieve?"

I laughed softly at the frustrated look on his face. "Never, Jimmy. You know you like the chase."

He smiled chuckling softly knowing how true that was, as he tucked back a few strands of hair that had fallen in my face. He guided me towards him, leaning over the small barrier of the bench that separated us, bringing me into an amorous kiss. He let out a soft sigh and leaned his forehead against mine. "I've missed you."

"And whose fault is that? Hm?" I mused with a desolate smile on my lips.

"The offices'," he pouted childishly. Jimmy rubbed his thumb across my cheek affectionately. "I hope you appreciate how hard I work for you; for your father's approval."

"And how many times do I tell you that," I kissed both of his cheeks and his nose. "I do not care what he thinks."

Jimmy smiled softly, always thankful for hearing that. It always made him work harder and all the more determined. "You say that now Genevieve…"

"And I will keep on saying it until you believe it." I kissed his lips repeatedly until I received a reaction from him.

I smiled as he licked my bottom lip, grazing my teeth gently, waiting for me to part my lips. I complied and moaned softly as he wrestled with my tongue for dominance. Jimmy always surfaced feelings in me that I never knew existed. He ran his fingers through my hair, loosening the curls that had been kept so perfect.

I pulled back startled by the frustrated voices calling my name. "You should go. I'll make something up." I stammered.

He smiled and shook his head. "If you truly mean what you say, I'm not going anywhere. I love you." I melted under his gaze under the moonlight, his words tugging on my heartstrings.

I turned distracted by my name being shouted frantically again. I was caught like a deer in headlights; I could not do anything but gawk at the figures running towards us. Mr. Sullivan on the other hand, just slipped his hands casually in his pants pocket and licked his lips that were now covered in my lipstick.

I turned to him to return the same heartfelt words when I was violently shaken. "Genevieve!"

I blinked a few times, allowing my eyes to adjust to the light, and looked around at my surroundings. I was no longer in the gardens of Paris, but in the back seat of a car, parked somewhere.

"My God, Vieve!" Lacy screeched. "You are the biggest pain in the ass to wake up. Do you know that?"

I sat up in the back seat of the SUV. "Quel? Où suis-je?"

"And she forgets I don't speak French." Lacy mumbled to herself, tired from having to be up so early.

Val chuckled. "The airport, honey. You fell asleep."

"J'ai dormi." I mumbled rubbing my eyes awake, before getting this shit-eating grin on my face. "We're here!?" I hoped down from the car, almost losing my footing, earning a few laughs from the girls. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

I kicked Lacy in the butt for being such a grouch in the morning and followed them into LAX. We made our way to baggage claim not feeling like finding their gate.

Val nudged me and pointed towards the tall, lanky man that captured my heart. I left my sac on the chair and ran over to the escalators as fast as my legs could carry me. He grinned and held his arms open, dropping his carry on.

I matched his grinned and jumped in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waste. "Mon amour, je t'adore."

"I love you, Genevieve." He whispered finding my lips, quick red-hot kiss. He thanked Brian from picking up his carry on as he carried me over to everyone else. His smile widened as I whispered sweet promises in his ear in French.

"Think he understands a damn thing she says?" Johnny nodded his head to their drummer, still with a dopey look on his face.

"Either way it sounds hot." Jimmy said smugly. "And it usually is too."