Sequel: Angel

The Blank Book

Finding the Book

Tré Cool was sitting around, bored out of his mind. He went over a few possibilities in his mind.

'Hmmm. Band practice is in a little while so that rules out going to the movie theater to harass people. That also rules out annoying random old people and "disturbing the peace" at the library. Oh! I've got it! I'll just show up to practice early to annoy Billie!'

Tré grabbed a spare key to Billie Joe's house that he didn't know Tré had and jumped into his car. He drove the short distance to his fellow band mate's house.

When he got there, he parked out on the street and took his seatbelt off. He whipped out a pair of sunglasses and put them on. He smoothly got out of the car and shut the door. He started to hum the theme from James Bond. Looking around first to see if anyone was watching, he stealthily maneuvered towards Billie's porch. Some old dude was watching him like he was crazy, which was quite possible. He unlocked the door since no one was home and slid inside where it was dark in contrast to the bright sunlight outside.

Tré pocketed the key and sunglasses, closing the door behind him. He looked around, searching for what he needed in order to do what he had in mind, which was actually something quite ingenious. Finding what he needed, a pen and a piece of paper, he wrote down what he wanted to and left it out where Billie would see it when he got home, which would be soon. In the meantime, Tré found some marshmallows to munch on. He had somehow found both mini and regular sized marshmallows and was making sculptures out of them before eating them.

Finally he heard Billie entering the house. Tré heard him pause and snuck quietly to a place where he could see and hear everything. Billie was puzzling over the paper, his brows furrowed. He mouthed the words, trying to make sense of them. Then he started to mutter them. Still trying to get some sense out of what was written on the paper he read it out loud. He read it a couple more times before he gave up, frustrated. Tré was suppressing his laugh, not quite succeeding and letting a bit escape. Billie looked up and saw him.

"How did you get in here?" he queried, "And why are you laughing?"

"Eh, spare key I just so happen to have and do you want me to show you?" Tré just managed not to laugh.

"You mean the note thingy?" Billie asked.

Tré nodded.

"I really don't get it," Billie said.

Tre grabbed the paper and read it word for word:


Billie just stood there for a minute, everything clicking in place. Then he realized what he had said.

"Tre!" Billie charged angrily towards him.

"Ahhh! Run for your life!" Tré shouted, running back towards where he had previously been munching marshmallows. He grabbed the bag of mini marshmallows, his only defense against an angry Billie Joe Armstrong.

He grabbed a handful and threw them at Billie.

"Hey!" Billie shouted.

He grabbed the bag of regular sized marshmallows. He glanced at Tré, taking a marshmallow out of the bag. He threw and hit a surprised Tré right in the forehead.

"No fair!" Tré pouted, "Your marshmallows are bigger and hurt more!"

"Should've thought of that before you pranked me and grabbed the mini ones now, eh?" Billie pointed out.

Soon they were having a full-blown marshmallow war and were nearly pissing themselves with laughter. After about a half an hour, they were both on the floor, lying down amidst a big, sticky, marshmallowy mess.

The doorbell rang.

"Tré, go answer the door!" Billie moaned.

"It's your house!" Tré retorted.

Sighing, Billie got up to answer the door. It was Mike.

"Hey Mike," Billie said.

"Hi Billie," Mike replied. "Why do you have marshmallow on your clothes and in your hair?"

"Erm...marshmallow war..."


"Well I guess we should go downstairs for band practice."

They went to where Tré was. He wasn't there; he was using the little men's room.

"It looks like you guys went crazy with the 'war'." Mike surveyed the room.

"You don't know the half of it," Billie laughed.

"May I ask what started the 'war'?"

Billie went over the where the paper with the words on it was, but it wasn't there anymore. Instead, where it used to be was a book. It was leather-bound and looked pretty ancient since its pages were yellowed. There was nothing on the front or back. Billie flipped it open. All the pages were blank.

"What the...?"

Mike looked over Billie's shoulder.

Tré suddenly burst into the room. When he got within five feet of the book, it started to glow.

There was a flash of light and then they all felt nothing and all they saw were themselves and their fellow band mates.