Sequel: Angel

The Blank Book

Dinner and a Show

Tré heard his stomach growl. He clutched it. He was still hungry since they hadn't gone out to eat.

"It's okay, stomach, we'll eat soon. Besides, I ate some pizza, a bowl of ice cream, a chocolate bar, Cocoa Puffs, and mini chocolate chip muffins for breakfast before we came here. I also had two sodas... and a bag of Doritos... and some Fritos... and a burrito... We've only been here for like... . 15 minutes." Tré was quiet for a moment. "Okay, okay, I'll tell them." He turned to the other two. "Guys, my stomach needs food right this instant!"

"But didn't you have breakfast before you came here?" Billie Joe asked.

"Yeah. I had some pizza, a bowl of ice cream, a chocolate bar, Cocoa Puffs, and mini chocolate chip muffins. And then for a snack I had two sodas, a bag of Doritos, some Fritos, and a burrito. AND THEN, I had a mashed potato, courtesy of you in here." Tré then whispered to his stomach, "I forgot about the mashed potato."

"That explains your hyperness, right Mike?"

Mike silently nodded before adding, "Where do you even have enough room to store all the food you eat in one day if that was just your breakfast and 'snack'?"

"I ain't telling yah," Tré heard his stomach growl again. Right now he was a monkey. He sat down and looked up at Mike and Billie. "I ain't going another step further until my stomach has what it needs: food!"

Billie gave in, "Alright, alright."

"Let's see... what shall be on the menu tonight?" Tre scratched his head, thinking, "I know! Escargot and caviar!"

"You do know that that's snails and fish eggs." Billie told him.

"Ewww!" Tre stuck his tongue out, "Never mind about that stuff. How's about we have some pizza instead."

Mike and Billie agreed. They split a cheese pizza and Tré had his very own pepperoni and chocolate chip with a cherry on top pizza. He also made some cokes for them to drink with it.

"You people are so boring with your cheese pizza," Tré mumbled.

Even though Tré had more pizza to devour, he somehow managed to finish before Billie and Mike. To entertain himself and his fellow band mates, Tré decided to perform a little ditty for them.

Tré stood up and said, "As I know how you guys love my songs so-hey that rhymed-I am going to perform another. This one's about a little wormy whose name is Hermy- ooo another rhyme! I could be a poet!" He started to sing:

"Sitting on my front porch chewing my bubble gum," Tré imitated chewing gum, smacking his jaws,
"Playing with my yo-yo, woo woo!" He pretended to be playing with a yo-yo,
"When along came Hermy the worm. He was this big!" Tré used his pointer fingers to show how big "Hermy" was, leaving a gap about three inches big,
"I said 'Hermy what happened?'
'I ate my sister.'

Sitting on my front porch, chewing my bubble gum,
Playing with my yo-yo, woo woo!
When along came Hermy the worm.
He was this big!" He left a gap about six inches big,
"I said 'Hermy, what happened?'
'I ate my brother.'

Sitting on my front porch, chewing my bubble gum,
Playing with my yo-yo, woo woo!
When along came Hermy the worm.
He was this big!" The gap was about eleven inches wide this time.
"I said, 'Hermy, what happened?'
'I ate my mom.'

Sitting on my front porch, chewing my bubble gum,
Playing with my yo-yo, woo woo!
When along came Hermy the worm.
He was this big!" He left a gap as big as he could,
"I said 'Hermy, what happened?'
'I ate my dad.'

Sitting on my front porch, chewing my bubble gum,
Playing with my yo-yo, woo woo!
When along came Hermy the worm.
He was this big!" He left a gap a centimeter wide,
"I said 'Hermy, what happened?'
'I burped'"

And to compliment the last line, Tré belched.

"Wanna know what part I like the best?" Billie asked him. Billie and Mike were done eating.

"The end? Where Hermy burped?" Tré said excitedly.

"Close, but not quite. I liked the part after it." Billie told him.

"But there is no part after it."

"Yes there is. It's the part where you stop singing."

"You're mean and I don't like you... you meanie-butt," Tré turned around and folded his arms.

"Come on Tré, we need to leave. Take care of our trash and let's get going," Billie went over to his horse and got on. Mike was already on his first, again.

Tré didn't budge until Billie lit a fire under his butt, literally. The only downside was that Billie knew that Tré would get him back, big. Probably while he was sleeping...

"Meanie-butt," Tré said again, "Your new nickname will be Meanie-butt, Meanie-butt."

"Whatever gets us going faster," Billie was starting to get tired.

"Which reminds me... " Tré said, doing the "I-gotta-go-potty dance".

"You can hold it," Mike said, finally speaking.

"Ha, he's on my side," Billie smirked.

"Traitor... " Tré considered pranking him too, but decided against it. Billie was his main goal. He transformed into a terrier and smiled. He had an idea, but would have to wait until Billie was asleep. For now, he ran over to a tree and lifted his leg up high.

'Being a dog has its perks. The world is your toilet. You can say things and people won't understand you, and you get a tail! A cute wittle taily waily! Luckily Billie and Mike can't read minds; otherwise they would mock me about this.' Tré walked ran up to where Mike and Billie were.

Mike was silently listening to things around him. He heard something ahead of them, but it was too far away for him to be sure what it was. Dropping back a bit, he cocked his head towards the noise and felt his ear grow pointier and he could hear a bit better. It sounded like a horse and it was moving slowly. Something was right behind it: a cart. There wasn't any clanking, only a slight rustling. Mike guessed that it was a farmer, carting his goods into Lenned. They were on a path and had been for awhile now. Soon they would come upon his farm if they continued the way they were going.

"I think we should go into those woods over there," Mike pointed to some woods that were to the right of them some hundreds of yards away. "Who knows if Lord Veldenbarr knows about us yet? We don't exactly fit in what with our instruments and clothes. He'd be suspicious."

Billie and Tré agreed that it would probably be best if they did go through the woods. They went in them and the horses carefully picked their ways slowly through the trees and over any fallen trees.

'Tonight I'll hunt, so I better make sure we set up camp before we get to Lenned.' Mike thought to himself, smiling.