Sequel: Angel

The Blank Book


The sun was setting and they had stopped for the night. Mike had acted normal all day so Billie and Tré wouldn't suspect a thing. Billie was making a fire and Tré was busy trying to put up a tent with help from Mike. Actually, Mike was practically putting it up by himself.

"Where does this thingy go again?" Tré asked, holding a long pole.

"Just give it to me," Mike held his hand out. Tré handed it over.

Eventually they finished putting it up and Billie was sitting on a fallen tree that was in the small clearing they were setting camp up in. He gazed all around him, taking it all in. After all the times he had been in here it finally hit him. He was inside a book in a medieval world, out in the wilderness. He was soon going to risk his life by trying to kill this Lord Veldenbarr guy just so this kingdom that didn't even concern him would be saved. If they did survive they would be heroes, but might never be able to come back.

He turned around and saw that the tent was up and had sleeping bags in it. They had already eaten and now they were done setting up camp.

"Guys, you know what I just realized?" he asked, "We might never come here again after we kill Lord Veldenbarr, if we do." He gazed into the fire. "What happens if we don't kill him? What happens if we die? Will it have any effect on our world?"

Mike felt for a moment probably what Billie was feeling. But then he remembered his plans and how he was still forced into loyalty to Lord Veldenbarr.

'We'll kill him, alright. And there will be an effect on our world. '

Tré rolled his eyes. "You think too much."

"You don't think at all since you don't have a brain," Billie retorted.

Tré opened his mouth to say something, but decided to let it pass. He would get Billie back tonight, just as soon as he fell asleep.

Soon the sun set and the moon came out, accompanied by the stars. The stars looked so bright and clear and there were so many. Billie was transfixed by them while Tre was busy drinking lots of coke. Lots and lots of coke...

Mike tried to hide his impatience by going through his plan in his head. He changed a little thing here or there. It needed to be perfect. Any mistakes could mean his death. As he finished, he ended up dozing off and he ended up dreaming...

He was flipping through the book that had been forbidden to him. There was many powerful spells in it, but he was looking for a certain one. He was getting near the end and was losing hope when he saw it. It was on the last page. He shook all over with excitement as he read it. There was only one small part he couldn't read since it was smudged, but it didn't matter. It didn't tell him how to perform the spell. That's all he needed to know: how to perform it.

It was the legendary spell: it gave the caster immortality and immense power.

Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He glanced over at it for a second before returning to reading the book, but then he looked back at the piece of parchment. He had seen his name written on it in Marpheln's handwriting. It was the last thing he had ever written. At the top of the piece of paper was the date. It looked like it was his thoughts of the day. It read:

The boy, "Veldenbarr" as he calls himself, still does not suspect a thing.
Tomorrow the potion will be ready and he will be turned into my
Personal servant and minion. I cannot believe my luck that I
Found such a clueless vampire. I guess it was since he was so
Young. He was angry when I found him, but I guess he let
Go of that when I started to be kind to him. So naïve, I wonder
About how the world outside of these woods are.
With him working for me, I should soon find out.
Now I need to go to sleep so I will be able to wake up tomorrow.

I crumbled up the piece of parchment and threw it into the fireplace where I had lit a small fire so I could burn the page of the book that had the spell on it so nobody else could ever cast it except me after I read it.

'Marpheln could not have been more wrong. In fact, he was
dead wrong. '

I continued finished reading the spell and prepared to cast it.

Mike woke up, and right before his eyes, though it wasn't part of the dream, he saw a vision of the page of the book that he had read. The part that was smudged out became legible. It read:

The reason why this spell is not cast very often is due to the fact that your soul shatters if you cast it.

'Lord Veldenbarr made a mistake back then in not thinking much of that smudged out line, ' Mike thought to himself, 'And he made another mistake not too long ago in believing that I won't kill him, even if I am loyal to him. Billie and Tré will follow through. They still trust me. '

Billie glanced over at Mike. For a second, he could've sworn his eyes were red. Again. The other time he thought he had seen them red was back when they were waiting for Tré to go back into the book. But then Billie reasoned it might've just imagined it the first time and this time it could've just been the firelight reflecting in his eyes.

"Well, I'm going to turn in," Billie said, getting up from lying down on his back and stretching. "G'night." He yawned and walked into the tent. He got into the sleeping bag that was farthest away from Tré who was already asleep, or so he appeared to be. Tré was "sleeping" in the sleeping bag on the left and Billie fell asleep in the sleeping bag on the right. As soon as he heard Billie start to snore, he stuck his head out of the tent. Mike was pacing by the fire.

Tré transformed into a terrier again. He had been holding it for awhile now, especially considering his need to go to the bathroom about fifteen times a day.

Billie was almost impossible to wake up when he was asleep. He was practically a rock when he was getting his beauty sleep, which Tré thought he needed to get more of.

He walked over to the sleeping bag and grinned. Up went his leg and out came a steady stream of urine. Tré started to think about how much he missed Freddy Bobby Joey Johnny Schmidt XXX now while he waited until he was empty.

'Man can I pee. '

*Two Minutes later*

'I wonder how I held all that. But oh well. I can't believe Billie didn't wake up. He's gonna be so pissed- hee hee- when he wakes up. Now it kinda stinks in here, though. I guess I better make some air fresheners or else Mike might get mad. Or maybe I should just make another tent. Nah... Too much work. I'll just make a wall and add air fresheners. '

Tré (in human form) exited the tent which now contained a wet sleeping bag with a Billie Joe still sleeping in it.

Mike jumped when Tré came outside. He was just about to transform into a bat.

"Jeeze, why are you so jumpy? Are you scared of the dark? Or maybe camping out in the wilderness?" Tré started to ramble before saying, "You might want to wait a bit before you go in there." He pointed back at the tent.

Mike didn't think he wanted to know why and was glad it was Tré that had come out of the tent and not Billie. Billie probably would've started asking him a bunch of things about why he was acting strangely again. He watched Tré as he brought some air fresheners back into the tent along with a long box that would just fit into the tent and was about two and a half feet tall.

'Why can't he just go to sleep? ' Mike really wanted some blood right now, but knew he couldn't drink his friend's. It would ruin his plan and he knew Lord Veldenbarr would kill him since he was probably planning to do something important with them.

After a few minutes of Tré rustling around in the tent, he poked his head back out and asked, "Are you gonna go to bed yet?"

"In a bit, I just want to think for a second," Mike replied.

"Okey-dokey then." Tré withdrew his head and got into his cozy sleeping bag. Soon he fell asleep.

Mike transformed into a bat after checking to make sure both of his fellow band mates were asleep. He had taken a second look at Billie who slept on one side of a wall and was wet. It was hard to breathe in the tent since Tré had gone a little wild with the air fresheners. Mike was glad that he wasn't Billie right now.

'Now, time to go "hunt". '