Sequel: Angel

The Blank Book

Out to Eat

Billie was now clean and changed and Tré had made some Fruit Loops and Cocoa Puffs. Tré also added some sugar, chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, chocolate syrup, and some sugar cubes to his bowl of Cocoa Puffs and used Coke instead of milk. It made Billie feel sick just to see all of that sugar, but Tré ate it as though he ate it every morning...which he probably did...Now they knew why he was so hyper...Of course he also made coffee.

Billie and Mike started to get worried when Tré started singing, "Oh I wish I were a little bar of soap, bar of soap! Oh I wish I was a little bar of soap, bar of soap! I'd go shiny, shiny, shiny, over everybody's hiny! Oh I wish I was a little bar of soap!" and bouncing around. The next verse was, "Oh I wish I were a little acrobat, acrobat! Oh I wish I was a little acrobat, acrobat! I'd go up in the air and lose my underwear! Oh I wish I was a little acrobat!"

After that Billie shut him up by throwing his empty bowl at Tré's head.

"Hey, be glad Mikey didn't let me put what I wanted to on there, otherwise..." Tré trailed off.

"Yes, to that I owe Mike my undying gratitude," Billie said.

Tré then thought to himself, 'But there's one thing Mikey missed. Hee hee.

"Let's get back on the road again!" Tré shouted. Mike and Billie looked around. "Tré, there is no road." Mike pointed out.

"Oooo! I know! Let's follow the yellow brick road!" Tré said excitedly.

"Oooo! I know! There is no yellow brick road!" Billie said.

Tré shrugged. "Meh, I'm all out of ideas."

"Just follow me," Mike said, walking over to his horse.

"Eureka! I have an idea!" Tré said, "Let's follow Mikey boy, here!"

"Yeah, Tré! Wow, you're so smart," Billie said sarcastically.

"Why thank you," Tré didn't seem to have noticed the sarcasm.

"Oh, and by the way, Tré," Mike led his horse towards him, "Could you quit calling me 'Mikey'?"

"Sure thing, Michael."

"Don't call me that either."

"Fine then, your Highness."

Mike paused for a moment. He liked the sound of that name. But then he said, "Don't call me that either. Just call me Mike. Plain old Mike."

"Okay, Plain Old Mike."

Billie started laughing while he swung his leg over the other side of the horse. Now Mike knew what it was like for him.

They followed Mike to the edge of the forest when they suddenly felt "the sensation".

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Tré shouted. He didn't stop until they were back in their world. Mike and Billie gave him weird looks. "What?" Tré asked innocently. 'Why did we have to go back before it got dark?'

"Okay, I'm just going to pretend you never said that..." Billie said.

"I'm hungry. Are we still going out to eat?" Tré asked suddenly.

"We just ate," Mike told him.

"I know, but what else are we gonna do for like an hour or whatever since Adie thinks we're going out to eat?" Tré said.

"I guess we should, then," Billie agreed for once.

"Okay, we can take my car," Mike said.

The three rockers went out to Mike's car and drove off to a restaurant.


They had just finished eating and Mike had gotten up and gone to the bathroom. Luckily no one was in there. As he stared into the mirror he saw nothing, just as he suspected. As he was washing his hands, Billie walked into the bathroom. He noticed that Mike's reflection was missing.

"Mike, where's your reflection?" Billie asked.

"Memirog." Mike said, pointing at him.

Billie's eyes closed and he just stood there for a moment. Mike finished washing his hands and dried them off. As he passed Billie in the doorway, he opened his eyes again.

"Oh, hey Mike. Didn't see you there for a moment," Billie said.

Mike just shrugged and walked out the door, nearly colliding with Tré. "Tré, didn't you already go twice?"

"No... I went three times!" Tré started doing the "I-gotta-go-potty" dance.

"Yeah..." Mike watched as Tré went into the bathroom before making his way back to their table.

Mike sat back and was happy at the fact that he could now easily perform magic; otherwise everything would be a bit harder and would require more thought. He still looked like his regular old self, but inside he was changed; as changed as a caterpillar when it comes out of its cocoon. The change was permanent and his two band mates didn't know anything about it.