Sequel: Angel

The Blank Book

Planning a Show

They were exactly where they were the last time and Tre was a cheetah. Everything was exactly the same.

"Shall we go down there?" Mike said, looking at the village below.

"Yeppurs," Tre transformed back into a human. They slowly went down the hill. Hopefully they wouldn't be too suspicious looking.

The village consisted of mainly wooden and stone huts, cottages, and stuff. There were a few horse-drawn carts carrying goods moving around on the dirt paths. A few people were milling about. They all looked downcast.

Billie Joe and Mike dismounted their horses and started to lead them by the reins.

Somebody looked up and saw them.

"What are yah doin' here in Maenurr, nobles like yer?" a man asked in a throaty voice. He was wearing medieval-looking clothes and had straggly brown hair. "And what are them thingies on yer backs?"

"Uh... " Billie was staring at what he thought was a lazy eye.

"We are not nobles and these are our instruments." Mike replied.

"Instreements? Never seen any instreements like that before. Maybe yer can play a lil' somthin' for us villeegers sometime."

"Er, maybe." Billie said.

Tre meanwhile was eyeing a woman who was getting water from a well nearby.

'The people here don't look half-bad. ' He thought.

The man walked away and Mike and Billie looked at each other.

"Do you think we should?" Mike shifted in his saddle.

"They do look sort of like the living dead, so why not? It might get some more life in them." Billie then spotted Tre edging his way towards a good-looking woman. "Tre, that's not why we're here."

Tre ignored him.

Mike noticed and immediately grabbed Tre's collar.

"*gasp**choke* You are *gasp* choking *choke* me! Nooooooooo!" Tre kept being melodramatic and didn't notice that Mike had let go. "I think I *choke* see the light! *gasp*"

Billie shook his head. "Tre, he let go. Besides, we have to tell you something."

"Ooo! Ooo! I won the Pulitzer Prize?" Tre shouted.

The people who were around stared at him.

"No, shhhh. We're going to play a show for the people here." Billie whispered.

"We might want to go somewhere more private to plan it all." Mike looked for somewhere for them to go. He spotted what looked like an abandoned hut. He silently nodded towards it and Billie and Tre followed him to it.

Tre transformed the horses into dogs so they could bring them inside. The roof had collapsed and cobwebs were all over the place along with a thick layer of dust. The two dogs laid down and were silent.

Mike took a seat on a fallen beam. "The songs we play can't have anything in it that they don't have now. That rules out... All the songs off of American Idiot and a load of others. Maybe we could modify a few so we could play them like maybe Good Riddance."

"Okay, I guess we better start brainstorming." Billie Joe looked around for something to write with. He found a rusty knife lying a few feet away and grabbed it. He carved the words Good Riddance into one of the fallen rafters.

"Man, that means we can't do Dominated Love Slave!" Tre whined. "Maybe I can invent staples here!"