Sequel: Angel

The Blank Book

The Brown Horse

'I knew it! She is hot! ' Tre thought to himself.

"Aren't you the three performers?" Katherine asked.

"Yes, can you give us some board and food and stuff?" Billie asked her.

Katherine nodded. "Yes, I own an inn that my husband used to own before he died. You can stay there, but only if you play a song or two for the suppertime crowd."

"We will," Mike said quickly, "And is it alright if we bring our dogs?"

"Yes, now follow me." Katherine led them through the streets to the biggest building in the village. There was a sign with a picture of a brown horse on it, rearing. Under it was written the words: The Brown Horse.

Inside there were tables and chairs, most of them filled with a variety of people. There was a person who looked like he was the cook putting some bread in an oven.

"Trubane," Katherine called to him, "make some food for these men and get them some beer. They are going to perform afterwards for the crowd."

"Alright, alright," the man muttered, "Do this, Trubane, do that Trubane, don't burn the man's food, Trubane. You're only a woman; yah shouldn't be bossing me, a full grown man, around." He looked up and saw the three men who he would be giving refreshments to. "Why, you're the performers, now aren't yah? Never heard anything like it, but I must admit, it was nice to listen to yah and watch yah perform. So much energy... " He continued to babble on about things.

"Oh, and give their dogs something to eat, too," Katherine ordered him before.

Trubane stopped his babbling and nodded. He got three mugs and filled them with beer, giving them to the three members of Green Day. Katherine left and went through a door into a different room.

"Now anything yah make when yah play will be used to pay for your board and food here." Trubane told them. He got a piece of meat for each of the dogs. They ate it noisily.

"You guys," Mike whispered so Trubane couldn't hear them, or anyone else for that matter, "I think one of us should stay sober so we don't let slip anything about the 'uturefay'."

"What's the 'uturefay'?" Tre asked.

"Shhhhh! It's the future you idiot," Billie whispered.

"Ohhhhhh... Not me!"

Mike looked at Billie who just stared back.

"Fine, I will!" Mike threw his hands up in the air.

They sipped from their mugs until a plate of meat and bread reached them. They ate hungrily.

Billie swallowed. "What are we going to play?"

"How's about We Are the Champions? We just have to change 'No pleasure cruise' to 'No pleasure ride'." Mike suggested.

"Ok, and then, if they want to, they can just request songs. I guess we'll just have to cope with the limited space." Billie drained his mug. They had finished eating.

"Shall we?" Tre asked.

As an answer, Mike and Billie Joe got up.