Angel or Devil


“You could deny it?” the preppy one said.

I shook my head no, and the evil one agreed, “No, there’s all of that ass’s friends as witnesses.”

“What about the truth?” she said next.
The Diablo and me rolled our eyes. “You don’t know anything about this do you?” I complained.

I reached the office quicker than I thought I would’ve. I figured I would just make it up as I went. I took a breath and went in. I tried to hide my face from the person at the desk, but I was too late. “Dyrian, so nice to see you again.” She stressed on the last word.
“Well you know how much I love being here.” My sentence drowned in more sarcasm than hers (which was very rare for anyone to do). She scoffed at me then pointed to my chair. I sat down and curled up my legs. I then rested my head on my arm, which I laid on the armrest covered in drawings and sculptured-in lettering. I looked down on wooden arm of the chair, and saw all of my own work still on there.

“Dyrian, your not here to get comfortable!!!” The vice principal had just walked out to “talk” to me. How come the only people in the whole school who can say my name right are the old bag at the desk and this bozo who gets to see me at least once every two weeks, GOD! I rolled my eyes and followed him into his office. I heard the two voices snicker to each other. I closed my eyes and furiously pictured a volcano erupting inside of my head, and I heard small shrieks of pain coming from my head.
“You Bitch!” angel screamed. I heard the other start cussing like hell- and not just at me. I started giggling as I walked into the vice principal’s office and I saw a few of the other kids look at me like I was crazy; and who knows, maybe I am.
I sat down in the chair he pointed to, acting as innocent and clueless as possible.

“I’ll get right to the point, Dyrian” he said, in his almost fake sounding deep voice- like he was trying to sound manlier or something. I looked at him with wide eyes with my head to one side- as if I was completely oblivious.

“This is fun” I heard the prep giggle. Apparently angels heals faster than devils, because I could still hear the demon moaning and cursing and making revenge plans on me in his own little corner of hell in my mind (home sweet home). Devils can also hold real grudges so I made a mental note to watch out.

“Kasey Becker, a girl I’m sure you know, is in the nurse’s office right now and claims that you’re responsible for her bloody nose and big bruises on her face and stomach.” He eyed me, looking for any sign to give me away. Luckily I’ve had a lot of practice.

“Kasey Becker? Hmmmm…” I touched my chin as if in deep thought. “OH YA!!” I exclaimed, nearly making the man across the desk jump. “ I’ve seen her around school, she’s the one that claims that I did that one thing to her… What was it?” I paused deeply again. “Oh, yes, she said she would get revenge on me because I made fun of her or some shi- something like that.”

“That was a close one dumbass,” the devil laughed, he was obviously feeling better now. I slightly growled under my breath, unable to be heard by anyone not in my head.

The vice principal merely chuckled “Nice try, but you can’t sneak your way out of this that easily, we have enough witnesses of your little stunt out in the hallway.”

My jaw dropped and I leaned forward in my seat “But…”

“Don’t start,” He said, putting his hand out as if that alone could shut me up.

I stood up and stormed off towards the door, muttering the whole way. “ Go get your stuff then come back here to wait for your parents, I’ve already talked to them about this.” He sternly told me as I rushed out furiously- as I said before I have a short temper.
I went back to my current class and grabbed my stuff. I stomped out before the teacher or Tommy could say anything. Then I went back to my chair with my artistry on it in the office. I got myself in a comfortable position then took out my sharpest pencil. I figured out what I was going to carve this time when the door burst open.

“ Oh my poor baby I’m so glad they didn’t put you in jail!!! Are you alright are you okay???” You could probably hear my mother on the other side of the school. I rolled my eyes and tensed up when she grabbed me into her grasp, practically squeezing the life out of me (where do you think I get my strength from?).

“I don’t wanna die like this!!!” I heard the angel scream.

“I’m the one going through the torture here!” I screamed into my head.

The fag- I mean “nice” woman at the desk seemed to hear my last gasps of breath because she looked up and rushed around the desk and peeled my mother off of me- finger by finger. It was excruciating work but what felt like hours later I was able to breath properly again. I looked up to find my father standing there, arms crossed; the same as the look on his face. He was studying the room, as if this was the prison they were going to hold him in. Then I saw him look at me. It was as if this was the first time he had seen me standing there in the room. He was giving me one of his death glares (which I also inherited) and I was staring, completely guilty.

“What did you do now!?!” my father’s reckless voice boomed throughout the room, which caused the woman at the desk to jump.

“At least she doesn’t have to deal with that ass!!!” the devil screamed. I silently murmured an agreement, looking down at the ugly teal color carpeting.

Then the vice principal cautiously walked toward my dad, “If you would come in here sir, we can discuss your daughters misbehavior in a calm manner.” He motioned to the door and my dad looked around as if it might be a trap then slowly walked in. It looked like one of those things you would see on the discovery channel. “ And now watch as we slowly lure the bull into its cage –where it will then be killed so it cannot hurt anyone else. But we must be extremely careful- at any moment the bull could lash out again and severely hurt one of us; even the camera man needs to take major precautions….” I could hear it all; or maybe it was one of them flipping through the channels inside my head, they got a nice big screen in there, as well as a hot tub. I hate them; they’re so fucking spoiled, GOD. Why can’t I live inside my head?

My mother grabbed me and dragged me into the room as soon as my father entered, and the vice principal followed, closing the door behind him.

“Dyrian” the principal started...I hate it when he says my name- I almost prefer it when they say it wrong. I sprang to life when he put his hand on my shoulder. “This little troublemaker right here punched a girl, gave her a bloody nose, then kneed her in the stomach; we don’t know if she did any great damage yet.” My parents both turned, as if by signal, to give me dirty looks. I just looked away, pretending not to see the fury in their eyes. From then on I didn’t even pay attention to anything going on in the room. I was too busy in my mind trying to get away from this hellhole…
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