Angel or Devil

Voices on the Wind

“Dyrian.” I heard my name as if it were a light whisper on the wind. I shook my head against my arms that were covering my face, not agreeing to believe any of this was happening.

“What is this? What is going on?” I sobbed mostly to myself. Not really realizing anyone else was there, at least anyone who would be able to see me.

“Don’t cry.” Came the soft voice again, soothing, almost like a song. It made all my troubles go away somehow… almost. I looked up, but all I saw was black, I was no longer on the sidewalk in the middle of my hometown. But that seemed to be the least of my problems. I could still feel the rain pouring down on me. When I couldn’t see anything around myself but blackness, I gave up trying to see where the mysterious voice had come from. I went back into my previous position with my head covered by my arms. I couldn’t stop the tears now, they were freely falling from my eyes, no matter how hard to tried to get a hold of myself and think logically I couldn’t, I was too overwhelmed with emotion.

I now knew that I was completely and utterly alone. My outlook on life had been all wrong. Before all I had wanted was to die, now all that I wished for was to once again be alive. A new stream of tears starting flowing from my eyes. “If I smile and don’t believe, soon I know I’ll wake from this dream.” I sobbed out the lyrics to one of my old favorite songs by Evanescence. “Don’t try to fix me I’m not broken. Hello. I’m the lie, living for you so you can hide.” The crying slowed. Music always made me feel better.

“Beautiful song.” The voice from before had become clearer, it didn’t sound all wispy anymore, and in fact it sounded like it was a few feet away from her. Now I could tell that it was definitely a man’s voice; it wasn’t the same calming, almost cooing voice it had been before. I slowly raised my head, not knowing what to expect. “Not half bad singing either.” There, about five feet away from her, was an extremely good-looking guy, looking around 17 years old. He had shaggy dark black hair with a wisp of hair that fell shaggily across one eye. His eyes were bright green, with specks of yellow in them. He was wearing all black, black jeans and a black t-shirt. Oh, and did I mention he had wings?
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i wrote this a LONG time ago when i was in love with evanescence... I was going to change the song she sings, but i think the first line fit well with the story so i left it :) and as always, feedback means more of the story!