Book Smart

Starbucks and Home Improvement

When I woke up in Frank's arms, I almost fell out of the treehouse. Damn, this was a small place.
"Mornin Angel." He smiled down at me. I had slept on his stomach after we crashed from being sugar-high last night.
"Grum." I muttered. I wasn't exactly a morning person.
"Say you love me." I heard someone yell from the ladder at the bottom of the tree. Then Mikey climbed up with 4 Starbucks coffees.
"I LOVE YOU!" Both me and Elena called. We practically knocked Mikey back out of the tree house in our struggle to get them.

Both me and Elena had barely met these two beautiful guys but we felt as if we had known them forever. 'Why hadn't I noticed Frank before?' Was all that I could ask myself.

After Starbucks, we figured we should all go home to shower and change clothes. Me and Elena walked up Cemetary Drive. It was this dead-end street that only had two houses on it. One was mine and Elena's, and the other one was empty. No one had gone in or out in years.

"God, they're SO CUTE!" I yelled to Elena as I waked into my empty house. My dad and his latest wife had their own house on Ridgemont Ave. which was two streets away. I liked the privacy.

Me and Elena's house was kind of like a duplex. It was really two houses that were joined by a sunroom. We shared the house though like it were one. My dad payed the rent and all of the bills and Elena's dad payed for any renovations we ever want like painting a room, or buying new furniture. And Elena's and my two houses both have the EXACT same layout. It works out well. Here, I'll give you a tour:
You walk in the front door and you're in the living room which extends to your far right. If you walk straight, you'll enter the kitchen and if you pass the kitchen, you'll enter my library. If you go back in the kitchen and turn right, you'll be in the dining room. Go back to the door and walk straight but before you hit the kitchen, turn left. If you walk down that hall, you'll find a bedroom, my bathroom, and the sunroom.
Elena's house is the same.

I took my shower and changed clothes. Then I walked in the sunroom and knocked on Elena's side door. She opened it and we both left the house going to buy some more skittles, swedish fish, and coke zero.