Status: Completed One shot!

New Year's Kiss

New Year of a Lifetime

I sighed as I hung up my cell phone and lay back onto my bed. I had just made a huge mistake; agreeing to accompany my best friend, Lacy, on her trip to New York City to watch the ball drop. Today was December 30, 2008 and tomorrow night we would be making the 30 minute drive to New York City, oh joy. Lacy always did things like this. She would go out somewhere with friends and leave with not only 3 times as many friends she had arrived with but also a new boyfriend. She was outgoing and boy-crazed. But I didn't mind because her "boy-craziness" and outgoing personality along with my shy and quiet personality balanced out, that was why we were best friends.
I woke up the next morning to the annoying beeping of my alarm clock. I groaned as I sat up and wiped the sleepiness out of my eyes. I pulled myself out of bed and walked into the bathroom with a towel and got in the shower. I stood in the shower and let the warm water wash over me for a few minutes as I began to wake up. Once I decided I was awake enough to take a proper shower, I did so by proceeding to wash over my body with soap and shampoo and condition my hair. After about thirty minutes I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my body and walked into my bedroom to choose an outfit to wear for the day. I decided on a pair of jeans and a nice top. Unfortunately the day passed by quickly and it was already just about time for Lacy to be here to pick me up. I trudged down the stairs and waited in the living room until I heard a car honking outside.
As I stepped out of the car and into the busy streets of New York I felt a slight chill to my bones. It was chilly out and, me being the smart person that I am, only had a light sweatshirt. I sighed and Lacy and I began walking towards Times square.

"Kiley, come on! We are going to have TONS of fun tonight! I just know it!!" Lacy said excitedly to me.
"I guess." I replied in a rather bored tone. When we reached Time square the already wginormous crowd that had been walking the streets of New York had at least tripled, resulting in Lacy and I having to push past people to get as close to the stage as possible. We stood in the middle of the crowd staring up into the sky as the ball rose at exactly 6:00 PM. We watched Carrie Underwood perform along with Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers.
Before we knew it, it was 11:55 meaning it was only 5 minutes away from 2009. As I had expected to happen eventually, an older boy walked over to Lacy and the two became absorbed into a conversation.


As I stood in the crowd with my brothers at 11:57 I looked at all the people surrounding me: Couples, couples, and, Oh! what a surprise!, more couples. I, of course, was single once again this New-Year's-Eve-soon-to-be-New-Year's-day. I did see two girls who seemed to be date-less. A tall blonde girl, and a small brunette. The blonde looked to be having much more fun than the brunette. I watched as a boy walked over to the blonde girl and they became engaged in a conversation. I continued watching the scene as the brunette stood alone watching up to the sky. I pointed the girl out to Joe who was standing next to me and he began whispering a plan in my ear. I looked up at him with a questioning look. Should I? I decided to take Joe's advice. After all, I needed to work on my spontaneity. I nodded at him and he grinned and began talking to Kevin.


I noticed that Lacy had begun talking to a new boy. The boy was standing with his back to me, leaving me clueless as to who this new boy was. All I could see was that he had long black hair. As I stood there staring up at the sky I felt eyes boring into the back of my head. I turned around only to see a numerous amount of couples holding hands and waiting for the ball to drop. One curly haired boy who looked about my age did catch my attention though. He was standing without, i repeat, WITHOUT, a date and he almost looked, nervous? 60 seconds away from 2009 and I once again felt eyes in the back of my head. I decided against turning around, just in case it was some strange, stalker-like person. Now only 30 seconds from 2009, I felt a bump to my shoulder. Instead of turning and possibly making a new friend, I stayed put and didn't even glance over at the culprit. I sighed as the crowd began counting down to the New Year.
Suddenly, I felt a pair of lips crash down on mine just as fireworks began to go off, and I, surprisingly, kissed back. Why? I don't really know. Maybe because when this mystery person kissed me my lips tingled and I felt sparks run down my spine. Maybe because it just felt right. I reluctantly pulled away to see that same curly haired boy I had seen only 60 seconds before. Only this was not just any curly haired boy, it was Nick Jonas, of the Jonas Brothers. I bit my lip nervously as we stared at each other. He shot me a heart melting smile and I smiled back.

"I'm Nick."

I heard clapping behind me and I now noticed that there was a large gap in the crowd that was previously there. I broke Nick's gaze to turn towards the clapping to see a large crowd of people clapping, along with who I recognized to be Kevin and Joe Jonas and Lacy snapping pictures and videotaping the entire scene.

"Look." Nick whispered in my ear. A chill ran down my spine and I looked over to where Nick was pointing to see the entire scene playing over and over on a large screen, visible to everyone. I looked back over to Nick and smiled at him, placing a passionate kiss onto his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I slid mine around his neck. He now lifted me off the ground and we continued our passionate kiss. We pulled away, intertwined our fingers, and walked off through the crowd. This new kiss was now playing on the screen and Joe, Kevin, and Lacy were following behind us with their cameras, recording away.

I have a feeling this is going to be the start of a wonderful relationship.
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Tell me what you think! I happen to like this one a lot and I would love to know your opinions! feedback please?
comments are always welcome!
