Harmonious Infatuation

Chapter Ten

Friday night came along way too fast and I couldn't wait to get home to greet Aiden who was going to be over at seven o' clock. I was utterly surprised that my father agreed to him spending the night. But I was also aware that this came with a catch. My father wouldn't give in to this guy that easily.
I ran around the house, tiding up anything that was left on the floor. Simple packing peanuts and little clumps of Cabage fur were all I had picked up- oh, and a random purple paper clip. My father and Emma looked at me curiously as I darted this way and that around the house-into the bathroom to fix my hair, around the corner to clean the milk ring off the table, into the family room to turn the fireplace on- everything had to be perfect.
There were still five minutes left until Aiden was suppose to arrive, but that meant seven considering he was always two minutes fashionably late. I was extremely excited to see him though, I hadn't seen him in weeks. I wonder if he's changed? Yeah, I'm aware that's a stupid thing to question. But I know people who've changed like crazy just over the course of one summer.
The elevator door buzzed, I ran toward it sliding on my heels on the hardwood floor the minute my dad pressed the button to open the doors before me. He rolled his eyes and backed away so Aiden could get in. As the doors opened the tall figure behind it lifted his dark head and flashed his bright smile at me. I nearly melted, completely forgetting about the effect he had on me.
"Welcome to our home!" My dad greeted cheerfully, extending his arms toward the living area.
"Wow, this is incredible." Aiden breathed as he set his small suitcase down and walked into the living area past me. I had just realized I didn't say anything yet.
"It's nice to have you over, Aiden." My dad said warmly and reached his hand toward Aiden.
Aiden shook it and replied, "thanks for letting me stay here, sir."
"Laura is picking up some pizza. You'll join us for dinner right?"
Aiden shrugged, "I don't know many teenage boys that would pass up that invitation Mr. Vasser." He smiled and shoved his hands in his skinny jean pockets.
My dad chuckled and headed toward the back rooms.
Aiden turned to me the moment my father was out of sight and smiled. "Hello, beautiful." He held his arms out wide, offering me a hug.
I ran into them with no hesitation. It felt good to be in his arms. I sighed as he rubbed his hands up and down my back, holding me tightly enough to feel his warmth. "How've you been?" He questioned and kissed my forehead, still holding me.
"I've been great." I smiled, but then frowned. "It's been hard without you, though."
He swept a piece of hair behind my ear,"aw, babe. You know I'll be able to drive up as often as I want when school starts and I get my license."
"I know." I sighed and squeezed him tightly before letting him go.
I walked toward the couch by the firplace. "Welcome to your luxery resort." I presented the room to him like a show host.
"It's lovely," he covered his heart with his hand.
I giggled and pushed him onto the couch, he pulled me down with him and placed his forhead against mine as we both laughed. When the laughter stopped he looked into my eyes and rubbed my chin with his thumb softly. I smiled and placed my hand on the side of his face, leaning in for a kiss.
"Father in room!" I heard my dad's voice say loudly.
Aiden quickly lifted his arm and placed it in his lap instead of around me as I scooted away slightly.
"Razzle, may I speak to you in private for a moment?" My dad said and raised his eyebrow, motioning toward his room. I nodded and looked at Aiden who gave me an approving nod. I slid off the couch and followed my father with my head down. "Dad, before you say anything-" I began as he shut the room door behind him.
"No, no, you listen." He said and sat on the bed, patting the space next to him.
I joined him.
"I'm not going to be a hardass, but I want you and Aiden to behave," he paused, "and that means him not sneaking into your room at night-"
"Well, jeez, I don't know, Lai. You have a larger bed now." He threw his hands in the air.
I feel back on his bed and looked at the ceiling fan. "Okay, dad." I smiled at him.
"Just know I don't hate this boy. If he cares about my daughter, I like him already." He smiled and patted my head.
"Thanks, dad." I smiled once more and lifted myself off the bed and back to the living room where Aiden was now scavenging through his suitcase. Before I entered the room I went to the linen closet and pulled a few blankets and a pillow out for him. I walked toward Aiden who now had his hands on the tv remote, flipping through the channels on tv. I laughed and threw the blankets on top of his head. They covered him like a ghost and I continued to laugh. I couldn't see his face, but he turned around and seemed to be staring at me. He got up off the couch and crept over toward my with the blue blanket covering his body. He began to make creepy ghost noises as he neared me. I shrieked and hid behind the counters in the kitchen near by. I heard his footsteps as he made his way toward me and suddenly I heard a loud "Boo!" I yelped and saw Aiden sitting next to me on the floor behind the counter as he removed the blanket from his head. He chuckled and I laughed too.
"Dinner!" Laura's voice called right then.