Harmonious Infatuation

Chapter Twelve

I awoke the next morning feeling woozy and unnaturally cold. I hadn't slept at all last night and it was eight a.m. I knew well enough that no one would be awake yet, and even if they were they wouldn't come into the kitchen because I was almost positive Aiden was still asleep.
I quickly walked over to the mirror that was now hanging above my dresser and fixed my hair. It was a complete mess, but I figured I'd be able to sneak down the hallway to my bathroom without waking Aiden up. I didn't want him to see me when I was a complete mess.
I tip-toed out of my room, the only sound being the ticking from the clock in the kitchen. As I walked out of my door and toward the bathroom, I heard heavy breathing, very close to snoring, but not quite. I stepped closer to the sound and soon saw Aiden's messy dark hair on the couch arm rest. I walked a little closer, making sure to be very quiet. As I walked toward him I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt and his defined muscles were showing. I nearly gasped at the sight. I had never really seen Aiden's front....Just his back, once. He was gorgeous though. His skin was the same tone all over, no tan lines or anything. His abs looked hard but he didn't look like a huge football player either, which I liked. I also noticed he had pecks, which didn't come around often with guys my age. He was, undeniably, a god.
I was snapped out my dream phase just as I heard Aiden roll over on the leathery couch and yawn. I quickly but quietly snuck into the bathroom close by and flicked the lights on. I looked at myself in the mirror under the flourescent lighting and noticed I had lines inprinted on the side of my face from my pillow. I ignored them and quickly stripped down and turned the water on in the shower. I slid behind the glass door and moaned at the feeling of the hot water on my cold body. I had tried to shower fast though, I wanted nothing more than to watch Aiden sleep. I know how creepy it must sound, but watching his sleep was the sweetest thing.
When I got out of the shower I quickly threw the towel around my body, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and blow dried my hair. I stuck a small yellow bow clip in my hair and straightened the long ends of my hair quickly. I smiled at my appearence, not that I was one to be obsessed with vanity. But I pleased that I looked decent now and didn't need to worry about Aiden catching me at my worst. All I needed to do now was to get dressed.
I reached down to the floor to grab my clean clothes for the day when I had noticed that I had forgotten to bring then in. I wispered a profanity under my breath and opened the bathroom door a crack, watching as the steam flooded out into the non-humid atmosphere outside the bathroom. Everything was as it was twenty minutes ago. I made sure my towel was wrapped around me tightly once more before heading back out, only to notice Aiden was not on the couch. I bit the inside of my cheek and walked into the room slowly, examining the empty couch. I then heard a door shut and I turned my head immidiatly toward the sound. Aiden was just walking away from the extra bathroom by the dining room. I quickly ducked behind the wall, but hesitated to move.
I then heard a low quiet voice, "looking for me?"
I gasped and turned to face Aiden. He was standing next to me now, still shirtless, wearing only plaid pajama bottoms. I ran my eyes over his body before I looked at his face again. I'm sure I was obvious about it to.
"You can look, but touching is gonna cost ya," he said in his cocky voice and looked down at my towel.
"I just got out of the shower." I said.
"I see that," he said quietly and touched my cheek with a smirk.
I felt my body tremble at his touch. It was too early in the morning and things were more alarming than usual.
"Is my father and Laura awake?" I asked, not sure if he'd have a clue.
"I didn't hear them come into the kitchen for coffee or anything." He whispered as he neared closer to me.
"Oh," I managed to say, even though I was still trembling. I wanted nothing more than for him to touch me and for us to be alone, but I was worried my dad would find out and send him home before we even got to spend the day together. He was leaving tomorrow and I didn't want him leaving today.
As he inched closer to me I felt myself backing up. He smiled, he wanted me to back up. I was soon herded by Aiden into my room. I didn't stop him either. I was soon stopped when I backed into my bed. I was obviously unaware that I was still in a towel because until then because I felt it slipping off. I saw Aiden reach back with a long arm and close the door so there was only a crack. I quickly scrammbled to tuck the lose end of the towel back into place to keep it from slipping, but Aiden smiled and slowly pushed my arms away. I felt his lips near mine and his cool breath on my face. He smelt like mint, fresh and clean. He flashed his pearly whites at me, not once taking his eyes off of mine. His lips brushed mine deicatly and then toward my ear, he whispered faintly, "I love you..."
"I-I love you t-too..." I stuttered nervously.
"What's the matter?" He said and moved his face away from mine, "are you uncomfortable? Because I'll stop, Lai, seriously. I don't want to rush anything..." He said apologitically and then ran his fingers through his air in frustration. He looked upset that he hadn't made sure it was okay with me first. The idea of him by me was not what made me nervous, it was that I didn't want the situation to be like one I had had before. I remembered telling Aiden about that night at the party with Ricky. He was upset, not at me for almsot letting him do something bad to me, but upset that Ricky would have to nerve to ever harm me. He was okay with Ricky now. He knew we were just friends and I reminded Aiden of what I had went through with him and Jen. It no longer bothered Aiden, but I'm sure the idea was in his head when I didn't respond right away, which is why I guess he was upset with himself. He didn't want to force something on me that I didn't want. The idea made me smile. I quickly grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him closer. He seemed surprised but his gaze never fell from mine.
"I want this," I whispered.
He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I saw the heat in his eyes as they grew dark with love and lust. His hands glided down my neck and toward my chest where they slowed to a hault. He looked in my eyes curiously and I nodded as I kissed his neck. I soon felt his large hands move downward and then stop as I looked at the time and quickly reached down to adjust the towel that was beginning to slip off my body. He still hadn't caught a glimpse of the exposed me and for some reason I was relieved of that. I wanted to wait, I decided.
"What's wrong?" He asked kindly. Not minding the interuption as much as I thought he would.
"My dad always gets up at nine." I said as I nodded toward the clock.
"Oh," Aiden said and rubbed his scruffy black hair, not looking so smooth since he had just woken up not long ago. "I should probably hop in the shower anyway. You have to show me around town, missy." He smiled and tapped the tip of my nose and kissed my forehead before heading out of my bedroom.
When he finally left, a deep breath escaped my lungs and I fell back on the bed. I couldn't quite comprehend what just happened, but it felt so right.