Harmonious Infatuation

Chapter Two

"Dad you sent my letter in, right?" I asked my father as I threw my hoodie on and grabbed a key for the room.
"Yes...." He said suspiciously as I headed toward the elevator. "Raz, where do you think you're going?"
I stopped short of the elevator door but pressed the down arrow. "Uh, waltzing through town, dur." I heard the elevator ding and the doors infront of me began to open.
"Lai, we're still unpacking. We just got her and hour ago." My dad had a box in his hands now and was hauling it toward the master bedroom.
"Dad, I'll only be gone for a little while, I promise I'll be back to help unpack!" I called through the loft as I stepped into the elevator.
He didn't respond but I didn't want to wait for him to retort, so I quickly hit the main level button on the inside of the elevator and the doors clossed infront of me.
I had been to Chicago so many times before, but this was the first time that I could call it my home. I knew I hadn't seen all of the windy city, so I was looking foward to spending my time here. I will admit though, it is quite scary walking around downtown by myself. I was surprised my dad put little effort into making me stay at home.
I rounded a corner only a few block away from ym house and the atmosphere around me immidiatly reaked of freshly backed goods and coffee. My mouth began to water and my stomach grumbled in response. I hadn't eaten all day.
I shoved my hands in my backs pockets and felt nothing, then felt around in front and found a five dollar bill. I smiled. I could buy something decent with five bucks.
I looked up at the shop that had my taste buds tingling. Bella's Bistro, was what it was called. I walked through the doors and was instantly greeted by a girl behind the counter who was blended a dark drink in a blender. "Hello, welcome to Bella's Bistro." She welcomed in a warm upbeat tone. I waved and watched as she headed to the customer at the cash register and handed him the drink. "That will be two fifty." She punched into the cash register.
I grimaced and looked at my five dollars.
I walked up to the register, "How may I help you?" The long platinum blonde girl asked. She couldn't bemuch older than me, her face was youthful and her hair had vibrant streaks of baby pink flowing throughout. Definatly the look of a normal scene teenage girl.
"I'll have an iced latte," I announced as I stared at the menu, ordering the first thing I read.
She backed away from the counter and began to pour ice into a clear plastic cup. My eyes wandered around the cute little shop. It was decorated like it came straight out of Italy. There was a huge mural on one of the walls that was a black and white picture of what looked to be an old town. The rest of the walls were different colors. It had a lot of charater. I could see myself here a lot.
"Here you go." The girl slid the tall iced latte toward me and pressed the buttons on the register again. "Two seventy five, please."
I placed the five in her hand. She placed it in the register and gave me my change. "Have a nice day." I said as I walked through the exit.
I slurped down the contents of the drink in a matter of seconds on my way home. I knew that if Laura saw that I had "spoiled my dinner" she release her wrath upon me. And no one wants to see Laura when she's trying to be that motherly.

It's been a week now and we're completely settled in. I know. What family can settle into a home in just a week? Well, considering we had no furniture to move, we had the job done much quicker. I like the feeling of living here. I've gotten used to it, but every day it gets harder and harder to be away from Aiden.
I decided to sign in AIM, because none of my friends had picked up their phones. Plus, Kat was glued to the computer, she was ALWAYS online.
laibabe28 (6:48:14): Hey Kat.
KittyKat001 (6:48:24): Lai ! omg, why haven't you called?!
laibabe28 (6:48:55): Kat, I've attempted to call you three times this week. You didn't pick up once.
KittyKat001 (6:49:24) o. sry lai. i forgot to tell u that i had camp and would only have my phone on after camp, which is at around 4. well now you know!
laibabe28 (6:49:58) you still go to DAY camp?
KittyKat001 (6:50:34): no no, silly. i work there. ya know, with the kids? ima counselor.
laibabe28 (6:50:46): ohhhhh.
laibabe28 (6:51:04): hey, have you seen Aiden around?
KittyKat001 (6:51:45): I'm afraid not. Why?
laibabe28 (6:52:12): he's only called like...twice since we moved in. is that normal when your dating someone?
KittyKay001 (6:52:53): I guess, I mean...he IS a boy. im sure he doesn't wanna be all...serious about it. like he doesn't want to smother u with calls?
laibabe28 (6:53:07): i hope that's the only reason.
KittyKat001 (6:53:26): what other reason wud there b?
laibabe28 (6:53:57): what if he met someone else????
KittyKat001 (6:54:13): lai, ur insane. he's crazy about u.
laibabe28 (6:54:35): ya think?
KittyKat001 (6:54:38): . . .
laibabe28 (6:54:50): ok yeah that was a stupid question.
KittyKat001 (6:54:59): oops, gtg babe. ttyl! ily.
laibabe28 (6:55:06): kk, bye.
KittyKat001 has signed off

"Hey, one iced latte." I said as I slid exactly two dollars and seventy five cents across the counter at Bella's Bistro. The same girl was working there that I saw the first time I came in.
"The usual." She smiled.
I was surprised she remembered me. I laughed.
There was soon an iced latte infront of me and I watched as the girl took my money and put it into the register. I focused on her name tag, Drea. Cool name, I thought. My cell phone rang and it was my father. I stared at the front screen on my phone for several seconds before heading out the door. I flipped the phone open.
"Raz, you'll never guess what just happened!" My dad exclaimed over the phone. He sounded like one of my friends getting ready to tell me news about some hot guy.
"Yeah? What is it?" I sipped on my latte.
"The Art Academy called a minute ago...." I could hear the smile in his voice.
I gulped and grew wide eyed. I felt my heart race, "yeahhh," I started nervously. "W-what's they say?"
"Laila, they loved your letter." My father stated calmly.
I knew what that meant. I shrieked.
"Ow, Raz." My dad hissed.
"Sorry, daddy," I apologized.
"Look, just be home in time for dinner. And remember to get all your stuff packed. You didn't forget that you're leaving for summer school the day after tomorrow?"
"Yeah yeah yeah, Dad. I know." I said, feeling giddy but trying to keep my composure.
"Okay. Oh and by the way, they told me some new information I think you should know- you have a new room now. The information they sent a few days ago was for you before they decided the contest winner, or something. So you have a new room and a new roomie." He said, "so I'll see you when you get home. Bye." He hung up like he was in a hurry. But I didn't care. A new room? New room mate? Wow, this new room must be some sort of super upgrade or something. Now I just prayed that I was stuck with a good room mate.
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ignore any spelling errors, though there shouldn't really be any. and sorry if this is boring right now, it gets better, I swear.