Harmonious Infatuation

Chapter Four

Before I knew it, Drea and I had become bestfriends at the academy, something I would have never expected. I wasn't planning on making friends while I was here, not really thinking I'd meet anyone like me. But Drea ended up being like the sister I've never had.
We were making our way down to the food court and Drea continued to ramble on about random things, often switching the conversation from why she's a vegetarian to what guys are hot at her school. I was actually very interested in her being vegetarian, I had always wanted to become one, but my father is a meat man and thinks I'd be lacking on my source of protein if I skip on meat completely. Plus, I've tried, but I just can't resist Laura's eggs and bacon in the morning.
As Drea continued to talk, I listened and nodded inbetween sentences as I grabbed some sushi at the sushi bar and a Vitamin Water. I walked over to the regsiter, staring blankly at the lady as I handed her five dollars, and as I began to walk away the most embarassing thing that could possibly happen to me on my first day happened.

I wasn't aware that the cash register lady was telling me to watch out, because of her thick Russian accent, until I slipped on the floor right by a "Wet Floor" sign. In the moment, everything moved slowly enough for me to remember my tray flipping out of my hands while the terribly closed sushi lid fell off in mid air and fell all over my white v-neck shirt. I groaned and didn't move from the floor. I was already embarassed enough, no need to get up now....
"O-M-G, Lai!" Drea said slowly with her hands covering her mouth.
"Dre-help me up...." I complained.
She reached for my hand and lifted me off the floor, I mummbled as I felt an irratating throbbing pain on the right side of my head. I rubbed it, squinting.
"Lai, are you alright?" Drea questioned as she scurried along the floor trying to pick up a few things that I had "dropped".
"Yeah, yeah...Fine...Really." I groaned.
"Doesn't look like you're okay." A different voice interupted.
I quickly snapped my head in th direction of the voice and saw Kasper, leaning against the wall right behind me. He walked over and stood before me. I said nothing. I looked back at Drea who looked dumb-founded. She shrugged. I turned back to Kasper who's nose was now wrinkled, "what's that smell...it smells-"
"Fishy?" Drea cut him off.
I turned to her and gave her a death glare. She cowered away from us with her tray and headed out to the tables just beyond the food court.
"If you were here long enough to observe, I spilled sushi....On myself..." I admitted.
He laughed and held a paperbag infront of my face, "share my lunch?" He smirked.
I tried to hold back a girlish giggle, "sure..."
Kasper and I walked in silence to the tables where Drea was sitting. She waved her hands frantically in the air to get our attention, even though we had already spotted her. I slid into the seat across from her and Kasper pulled up a seat at the end of the table, between the both of us.
"Drea, this is Kasper. Kasper...Drea." I introduced them, using my hands to motion back and forth between the two.
Kasper nodded and held up a hand in a friendly gesture. Drea smiled and bit her lip. Oh god....I knew where this was going.
"Hey, I forgot to get a drink, be right back." Kasper announced as he slid out of his chair and headed toward the food court again.
"He's adorable!" Drea shrieked the minute he was out of our range.
"Shhh, Drea." I hissed at her.
"Oh c'mon, like he heard..."
"Heard what?" An all too familiar voice interupted.
Drea squealed in shock and I turned to Kasper, "um, nothing...." I said.
He shrugged and sat back down.
"So Kasp...Can I call you that?" Drea asked flirtfully, punching his arm playfully.
He didn't have time to answer before she asked, "is this your first year here?"
"Uh, no actually. This is my third." He smiled, obviously proud of himself.
"You single?" Drea asked immidiatly and grimaced.
I kicked her shin under the table and put my head in my hands.
"Ow!" She whispered harshly.
"Yeah." Kasper said, oblivious to our under the table fight.
"See any girls you like?" She asked. I let that one go, considering we were already on the subject.
He threw his head back and laughed, "Nooooooo!" He exclaimed, still laughing.
Drea and I glanced from him to each other, confused.
"Really?" I questioned.
"Girls....I'm gay." Kasper said, finally calming down his laughter. "Is it not obvious?"
Drea gulped and mouthed a big "NOOOooooooooOooo".
I answered him, "um to be honest, not really...."
Kasper shrugged and looked at Drea who looked uncomfortable. Probably because she was flirting with a gay guy. I wanted to laugh at her, but tried not to.
"When did you come out?" Drea suddenly asked.
Kasper took a deep breath before replying, "haven't....atleast, not to my family."
I watched as Kasper finally opened his lunchbag and ripped his PB&J sandwich in half, giving me the other half. He looked uncomfortable.
"We don't have to talk about it, Kasper." I said.
"I know." He looked down at his sandwich and then took a hearty bite.
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sorry this ones short, i've been trying to write a lot of chapters lately so sooner or later i'll be able to post more than just one chapter a day.