Harmonious Infatuation

Chapter Seven

"So what was up with that guy today at the fountain?" I finally asked as I sketched the inside of a pear in my sketch book.
"What, you mean Parker?"
I looked at her, not saying a word.
"Parker Howard is September's brother." She finally said, not exactly answering my question.
"He sings?" I poked my snakebite stud.
"I guess. I mean, that's what he did last year at the Battle Of The Bands." She popped a cd into her walk man and twirled the volume wheel on the side. I could hear old classical music blaring from inside.
I gave her an awkward glance, wondering.
"It's my homework," she blew a pink bubblegum bubble and it popped right before she added, "My uncle wants nothing more than for me to get into this kinda stuff. I do like it, it's just, not the type of music I'd set as my ring tone for my cell or music I would head bang to at a party." She laughed and I joined in.
I had this weird feeling that Parker was not a subject Drea wanted to discuss and it bothered me. But I felt no need to ask anymore questions. Maybe she would come out with it later.
"So what's this Battle Of The Bands?" I asked.
"It's something the students in music preform at at the end of the semester." She twirled a piece of baby pink hair around her black polished nail.
"Are you going to compete?"
"But of course!" She exclaimed and then put a hand toward my face, "le dur."

After study hall we had a two hour interlude to go do whatever we wanted, eat lunch, talk to people, catch up on work- But I decided I would call Aiden. Maybe he would pick up this time.
The phone rang five times before I heard Aiden's silky voice on the other line.
"Aiden? It's me." I said nervously, I hadn't spoken to him in over a week. It felt so weird to communicate with him.
"Lai? How are you, babe?" He asked sweetly. He made my heart do back-flips whenever he called me babe. The anxious feeling in my stomach began to diminish.
"I'm great," I paused and listened to his soft breath on the other end of the phone before adding, "I really miss you."
"I miss you too, Lai." He said without hesitation, "summer has been so awful without you." I heard a smile in his voice at the end, like he was holding something back.
"Aiden, are you hiding something from me?"
"Nothing besides the fact that I'm coming to visit you in four days." He said joyfully.
My heart stopped and I nearly melted, finally, I would get to see him. "Really?"
"Yes, really. I've made enough money from working for my foster parents at this sports equipment store. I can take the train down there and then take a cab to your place!" He exclaimed.
"Oh my goodness, Aiden, that'd be great." I was excited to see him, luckily he was coming on the weekend and classes weren't in session on the weekends, so I would get to spend time with him, but suddenly another question invaded my mind.
"Aid, where will you stay?"
"All taken care of. I called the place you said you were staying at and asked for your loft number and I asked your father. It took a lot of convincing but he eventually said it was okay with him."
"Aiden, you're incredible. But where will you sleep? We only have three rooms-"
"Couch is good enough for me." I could practically hear his cocky smile over the phone and I smiled. I was still blown away by the idea that no one had stolen him from me. That he wasn't in the arms of another girl. Atleast, I hoped not. But I didn't ask, instead I ended the conversation with an 'I love you" and hung up the phone.

I walked to my last class of the day in complete silence, still off in another world, thinking of what I would do when Aiden got here. Where would we go? Are there any fancy dinner places that we could go to? Oh, my father told me about this place called Gejas. It has fondue and everything, maybe Aiden would like that.
My thoughts were suddenly corrupted when a larger mass of something hit me and threw me to the ground. My eyes were closed but when they finally re-opened I saw a blurry vision of the same flawless face I had seen early that day by the fountain.
"Are you okay?" The voice said as my eyes finally began to clear and I bolted up, about to collect my scattered folders when I noticed he had already stacked them beside me.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that." I said embarassed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.
I placed my hand on my head and rubbed it.
"Need any ice?" He asked with my folders in his hands.
"Nope, I'm good." I said as I reached for my folders but then suddenly stopped, feeling woozy.
He smirked, "c'mon." He threw his arm over my shoulder and directed me around the corner to the nurses office. He sat me down on a chair and talked to the lady at the desk infront of me. I saw the lady nod her head after several seconds and then walk through another door. She came back soon with a bag of ice rapped in a green cloth. She passed it to me and I put it gently on top of my head and leaned it back against the wall, "thanks," was all I could manage to say.
"I'm Parker, by the way." He said and sat next to me.
"Laila Vasser." I breathed, beginning to feel a bit better.
He nodded and we sat there in silence for a few minutes until I felt better and had enough courage to say, "you have a great voice."
He glanced over at me, his eyes hard.
"At the fountain. You and your sister. September?"
He nodded.
"You two are really good at what you do."
"Well thanks." He said politely and then sat up and stood infront of me. "Ready to go?" He held a hand out toward me and I grabbed it as he hauled me to my feet once more with little effort.
"Yeah, and thanks again." I waved as I headed out of the nurses office, half expecting him to follow, but he didn't.
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Okay Okay.
i'm aware this is a little dull.
I'm planing for later in the story where things get really interesting, but just cut me some slack here.
It will get better.
please comment :) thank you