Harmonious Infatuation

Chapter Nine

There was a knock on my door at eight a.m. the next morning and I still needed sleep, luckily for everyone at the academy, classes didn't start until ten. I groaned and lifted myself out of bed, stumbling toward the door. I looked over at Drea who was a heavy sleeper, drooling on her pillow with a pikachu stuffed animal on top of her head. I unlocked the door and opened it.
"Laila, I wanna talk to you." Kasper said and walked into the room without me inviting him in.
Kasper and I were not the best of friends yet, but I still felt comfortable talking to him so I joined him on my gross unmade bed. He didn't seem to care.
"What's up?" I asked, running my fingers through my tangled hair.
"Will she wake up?" He pointed to Drea, ignoring my question. She sighed and flopped over on her other side.
"I don't think so," I laughed.
"Laila, remember when we talked about me being, well, gay and all?" He leaned against the headboard of the bed gripping the pillow next to him.
"Well, I feel awful. I haven't told my parents yet." He admitted and looked down.
"Well, I can't say I can relate but I've heard it's very hard to come out with it." I rubbed my eyes.
"I don't know what to do. They're coming up this weekend to visit me and they know nothing about me being, well, ya know."
"Kasper, who do you think is the most understanding of either of your parents?"
"My mother, definatly." He nodded.
"Well then maybe she'll be understanding of this. Just tell her. I'm sure that'll make you feel better." I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of panties and a bra and threw it next to the outfit I had picked out the night before. I didn't really care that Kasper saw, it didn't seem to phase him one bit.
"Yeah, I guess." He said and I watched as he bit his nail.
"Kasper, what's wrong? There's something else isn't there?" I walked back over to him and sat down.
"Nothing, I'm just nervous. My family is very religious. I don't know if they'll be accepting of me or not."
I threw my arm around his shoulder and he leaned against me, "Kasp, if you're mother doesn't approve, I'll make her approve." I smiled.
He laughed, "maybe that black belt in karate will come in handy." He joked and jumped off my bed.
"You knowz it!" I exclaimed and held out my karate chopping hands.
"Shhh!" He pointed at Drea who was fidgeting in bed.
"Oops," I whispered as he opened the door and walked out of the room.
I decided that since I was up I would get in the bathroom early before anyone else and shower up and get ready. Maybe I would be better off for classes that day if I was more awake. Maybe I wouldn't run into anyone today, either.

Walking to classes that day felt like I had been doing the same thing for the past few months. I was already comfortable with the academy and eveything about it. But because I had woken up early from, SOMEONE, I decided to wonder around a bit before I headed to class. I went down the practice halls, putting my ear against each door, hearing something different come from behind each. First a cello, then a plute, then a keyboard, and then I neared a door where I heard quiet singing and a strum of a guitar chord every once in a awhile and then a repetition of the same line sung before. I bit my tongue as I opened the door quietly to peek in and see who's amazing voice was behind the wooden door. As I did the strumming and singing stopped immidiatly and I noticed Parker's back facing me.
"Um, it's usually nice to knock!" He called, not turning back to see who was standing there.
'Parker, it's Lai." I said and closed the door behind me.
He quickly stiffened and threw his guitar over his shoulder. This moment was way too much like the day I had made up with Aiden. It made my stomach turn. I felt like I should leave.
"Hey." He walked over to me and held me in his warm embrace.
I hugged him back, trying not to admit to myself that this was beginning to feel better than it had the first time. It worried me.
"Whatcha up to?" I questioned, finally pulling away from him.
"Working on some lyrics. I can't play guitar for shit, but it helps me stay in tune." He walked over to his guitar again, that I actually noticed then was September's Harmony, and packed it in the case on the ground. "I have a female singing part and my sister is frustrating me because she says she can't sing. So now I have to find someone who can sing with me." He peered up at me through his bronze hair.
"Oh, well, goodluck with that." I smiled and walked toward him.
He stood infront of me then, a bit too close. My heart stopped and I felt weak. What was going on? He then reached for my hand and held it gently by my side. He smiled and I finally broke whatever spell I was under and shook my head.
"No, I can't do this, I'm sorry." I stormed out of the room not looking at him once.
When I got outside of the building and noticed he hadn't followed, I threw myself on the pavement ground and leaned my head against the wall. What was getting into me?
I decided then that I couldn't let the attraction I had to Parker get in the way with my relationship with Aiden. I didn't even like him in that way I just think he's, well, cute. So I came up with a plan. Parker is going on a double date with Aiden and I. Oh yes, he is.