I never said i'd lie and wait forever

17. He got my message.

Emily's POV

I stand up and wipe the now drying mushy pea's offve my jeans. I walk over to the door and look at myself in the mirror hanging on the back of it.

I look rough. My hair is now wavey, Eye liner rubbed all over my face . and I look tired,


I start trying to sytle my hair using my fingers as a comb when the door opens and I am stood facing Gerard.

He got my message.

"Hey Gerard.''

"Emily, why did you run ?''

"I'm sorry. Let's sit '' I indicate towards the mushy pea stained bed.

I look at his perfectly defined face and notice the tear stain's rolled from his eyes. I run my finger down one of the stains stopping on his lips.

''I really like you Gerard. But I can't get intimate with anybody. It's difficult.''

"I'm not asking for you to get intiamte with me . I just want to know why you ran'' He delectaly removes my finger from his lips and laces his fingers with my own.

Should I tell him . My past , The Present. The future .

All ruled by the one im supposed to call Daddy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments are love .. Comments are my drug :]
