I never said i'd lie and wait forever

23. Yeah , I Told Him

After speaking to Gerard I finally felt like a weight had been lifted . I wasn't holding everything about my dad inside now. Somebody finally knew the torture I am put through.

Gerard cuddles me closer and strokes me hair before kissing my forehead . I squirm at first and I think he can understand why . But I shouldnt squirm away , It's Gerard . Not my dad. He promiced not to tell anyone and I feel I can trust him.

We had been sat in silence for 20 minutes before anybody spoke.

''Im so sorry'' Mumbled Gerard '' I cant even begin to imagine how bad it must have been for you , Having to go through all this pain and also having to hold it all inside. I don't want you to be here . I want you to get away. Move in with me and mikey.''

I stared at him in shock not knowing what to say, So insted of using words I simply nodded and Gerard stood , Leaving me feeling alone.

He walked towards my bedroom and returned with a suitcase .

3 hours later

We had packed all of my clothes and many essentials into 3 suitcases . I had also left a note to my parents on the dining room table so they knew why I wouldnt be there.

Dear Mum + Dad .

Wait start again.

Dear houseowners ,
This is emily. Im just leaving you a note so you know that I have moved out and I never want to see you again. You have ruined my life and now I feel i need to take control.

Fuck you both
♠ ♠ ♠
Authors Note

Hey hope you like the new updates , Sorry its been so long . Got moch exams next week dammit. Having to do shitting revision. But ill make up for it by posting more updates over the next few days . Also a few more may be up tonight . Depending on how many comments i get . Hint Hint :P

Love + Shiz

Emmie Emergency..<3