I never said i'd lie and wait forever

3.Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me

I step out of my house and the sharp cold wind hits me. I pull up my hood and look down hoping to god that today gets better, but why would it. Nobody cares about me.

After 15 minutes I arrive at school. I walk up the driveway but I am suddenly on the floor.

''I'm so sorry'' He says.

''No it's ok , I should have been looking where I was going'' I try to hurry past but he holds out his hand to me.

''Hi , I'm Gerard. I'm new here.''

''Hi.'' I reply but then I hurry away before he could have a chance to reply.

Why did he talk to me ? Nobody ever talks to me, unless they are calling me a freak or an emo. Maybe he is like me. No I doubt it. Nobody is like me. I am alone in this world. The school bell knocks me from my thoughts as I enter registration. I take my usual seat at the back of the classroom and pull out my sketch book. I start drawing Alice. She is my favourite doll to draw, She is a confused little girl who is scared of everything and she is always alone. I start to draw the background when somebody sits next to me. I turn slowly to me right.

''Hello again '' Gerard said shyly .

He blushed ! Wait yes I'm right he blushed, but why ?
I wave at him but go back to my drawing. Out of the corner of my eye I notice that he also pulls out a sketch book and starts to doodle. My curiosity takes over and I turn to look at what he is drawing. It is a skeleton which he has labelled Fred. He see's me looking and closes his book. Maybe I shouldn't have looked.

He is a very good drawer.
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This is all im writing for tonight. Need to get a story plan written out so that im not just writing what comes into my head, Like the last 3 chapters, Please comment and the updates will come quicker.. Thanks. This is my first story , Hope you like it xx