Hypnotized by the Carbon Monoxide

Chapter Twelve

Sighing I looked over at Trace. His mouth hung open a bit; his blue eyes closed as his chest rose and fell with deep, heavy and even breaths. He’d fallen asleep about twenty minutes ago as he passed over the bay bridge into the city. The traffic had been bad enough that he was getting a good amount of sleep as he shifted his shoulders in the seat, arms crossed over his angular torso. Turning back to the street I drove along easily through the small cramped streets.

“Bay Street.” I muttered pointing at the street sigh while I stopped at the light by it. “So that’s North Point street.” I added lightly and glanced at Trace. “Hey.” I muttered grabbing his shoulder shaking his a bit. “Trace, wake up.” I muttered he swatted at my hand as he shifted toward the window leaning his head against, his hair pushing up a bit as his reflection seemed to almost taunt me that he was still asleep. His face looked so angelic as he slept against my car window, his breath fogging the glass a bit as the cold sea breeze battered against my car. “Jerk.” I mumbled lightly passing Bay Street and North Point turning quickly onto Beach Street. Slowing down I looked for the hotel, the tall off white building glaring down at me as I found it. Quickly I pulled up into the parking lot. “Trace.” I muttered shaking him roughly. “Trace dear god wake up!” I laughed as his head hit the window a few times, only earning a few grunts in response with a wave of his hand to get me to go away. “oh my god…” I whispered. “You are worse than Will.” I whispered placing a hand over my mouth as I looked up at the tall building the valet smiling at me. Narrowing my eyes at the man in the green vest I sighed shaking Trace once more in attempt to wake him. “You suck! I hope you know that!” I yelled at him whimpering as I sank in my seat looking down at my hands. I paused seeing the small black object between his legs. “You get no privacy in my car.” I stated grabbing him. He closed his legs for a second before they fell back open. “Contacts…” I whispered opening the phone and trying to work the difficult thing. “ah-ha!” I gasped as a tap came to my window. Looking up I opened the door. “Back off buddy.” I growled before slamming it on the valet. “hmm…” I muttered and paused on one name Blake-buster “I hope this is Blake and not his messed up way of putting in blockbuster.” I whispered hitting the call button watching the man next to me sleep. Turing to him I began shaking his roughly. “Wake up!”

Hello?” came a deep groggy voice through the phone.

“Is this Blake?” I asked hopefully as I banged his band members head against the window lightly in attempt to wake the man.

Si.” He groaned lightly as I stopped just watching Trace lean against the window, mouth open, eyes closed, arms now unfolded and at his sides.

“Wanna come get Trace… even though I think he’s dead…” I muttered poking Trace in the arm watching as he slumped back a bit and seemed to almost stop moving. There was a mumble on the other end of the phone as a tap came at my window. Rolling down the window I glared up at the man. “If you don’t stop that I’ll hurt you. You could chip the glass.” I growled turning away from him.

“Can I park for you ma’am?” He asked lightly holding his hand out to me with a hopeful smile.

“No.” I snapped at him pushing his hand away. “And how old do I look to you?” I hissed as he stepped back a bit startled. I have the full right to be a mean bitch, I’ve got a dead man in my car, it’s nearly two am, I’ve gotta get up by eight am in the morning, am I’ve got to deal with Aimz and Lacey soon.

“Twenty?” He muttered lightly.

“Younger, but tell me how a twenty-year-old gets the title of ma’am?” I asked

If Trace is awake tell him to get out of the car, stop pissing you off and come to room 582.” Blake groaned. Turning I looked at Trace poking him in the cheek.

“He’s not awake, he’s fucking dead.” I stated flatly.

Be down in a minute.” With that the line went dead and I put Trace’s phone in his pocket patting him on the shoulder with a small, but awkward smile. He groaned sliding down in the seat a bit and re-crossing his arms over his chest.

“Is he really dead?” The valet asked. There was silence as he watched Trace clearly move and breathe. I watched the man with a blank stare for a moment trying to figure out clearly why he wasn’t on the day shift.

“If he was really dead I wouldn’t be here.” I growled at him. “I’d be dumping him in the bay to be shark food. He’s out cold now go away before I file a complaint.” I hissed with that the valet walked away as Mason and Blake exited the hotel lobby.

Slowly the two made their way over and peered into the car window. I watched as they did three rounds of rock paper scissors, Blake lost. Swinging open the door Blake caught the sleeping man and began pulling him out of the car. Mason grabbing his legs lifting him up and closed the door, letting one of Trace’s legs drop.

“Have a nice night.” Mason muttered dully picking up Trace’s fallen leg before they began their trek into the hotel, waddling under the weight of the tall guitarist.

I hummed a bit watching as they got to the lobby’s rotating door and finding trouble with carrying the tall man through them. Shrugging I peeled out of the parking lot leaving them to their worries as I headed to the Golden gate bridge, just over that and towards the far outer part of San Francisco I’d be as home as I could be for the moment.

The large white house seemed out of place among all the homes around it. It look similar enough, but it’s pure white shell, with it’s large beams in the front, the long stoned driveway, the perfect bushes and gardens all neatly tended to; It looked like a house that should be in Beverly hills, not San Francisco to me. I pulled up on the far side of the bricked driveway just in behind a small black prius. Killing the engine I got out, looking up and down the long curing street for any sign of the beast I’d call home soon.

“Charlie!” My eyes lifted to the blonde woman running at me.

“Is Billy here?” The brunette muttered from the door as the blonde tackled me to the door. Grunting I wrapped my arms around my best friend giving her a tight squeeze. “Charlie…” My eyes darted to the worried looking brunette woman standing in her pajamas.

“He’s on the bus; they’re stuck in traffic… I think Paul’s staying here.” I added realizing the fact that Paul said he was staying on our bus and I’d only taken Trace to his hotel, if Paul was going to the hotel he would have been riding with me.

“You mean Pauly-Wally?” The blonde squealed lightly as I nodded slowly amazed by her excitement for two am. “Yay!” She muttered pulling me up quickly. “I’m all packed!” she added slinging her arm around my shoulders pulling me towards the familiar home. Smiling I wrapped my arms around the worried looking brunette.

“He’ll be here Lacey, don’t worry.” I whispered to her giving her an extra squeeze. Nodding she slowly wrapped her arms around me hugging me back with a small frown. “I promise.” I added lightly while looking at the bouncing blonde jump around the room exited for tour, and in three days she’d hate it because she won’t be able to shower till we his L.A. and that’s five or six days away.

“I know, but this is the last time I get to see him in a long time. I’ve only spent two days with him since the last tour ended.” She whispered pulling away from me watching down the street. Nodding I pulled her in the house closing the door, instantly Lacey went to the window sitting in it, watching for the bus.

“But isn’t…” My head swiveled to the bouncing blonde who instantly shut her mouth, hands slapped over her small mouth, which in turn made her lips rather large. “Sorry.” She whispered as I walked over to the couch throwing myself on it, there was nothing to do but wait for the bus; it did have all the stuff I forgot to grab on it. The blonde tucked herself next to me, hand son her knees as they pressed to my side. “But isn’t, divide asking minus to add and multiply with it?” She muttered, my eyes slowly shifting to her as I watched with confused eyes.

“Aimz you scare me sometimes.” I yawned slapping my hand over my mouth. I got the main idea of what she was saying but, why she used math was beyond me. “And yes.” I added so she wouldn’t use a more obvious way to state the facts of life in front of the one person who wasn’t suppose to know yet. Clapping Aimz laid her head on my shoulder. “Wake me when the bus gets here.” I added closing my eyes letting sleep over come me.

“Oh Char-Char-Charmander…” came the chipper and egger voice of Aimz in my ear. Opening my eyes I looked at her. “Bus.” Sitting up I noticed Lacey already in the doorway. Walking up behind her I watched the bus driver pull up the driveway. “I already opened the gate.” Aimz stated proudly from next to me. Nodding I watched with half open eyes as half the bus vanished down the side of the house.

I waited, getting an odd look from Lacey. Normally I rushed for the bus to get my stuff, rushed back inside, claimed the shower then after I was ready for bed passed out where ever looked the more comfortable, but there was no way I was missing anything tonight.

William was the firs to approach us. He gathered Lacey up in his arms and pressed his lips to her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Ew.” I muttered dully as Aimz covered her eyes squealing with disgust. Both looked at us, William with a small glare as Lacey turned a bright red.

“Are you packed?” William asked lightly watching as his girlfriend shook her head slowly. “Wait that mean…” He whirled around looking at Aimz. “You kept a secret.” He whispered pointing at her, his mouth hung open a bit as she nodded vigorously. “I love you right now Aimz.” He gasped spinning back around his blonde hair falling into his eyes. “Okay.” He muttered quickly as Lacey looked between. “Because I haven’t seen you very often lately, and I miss you,” He swallowed as Lacey stared at him with wide honey colored eyes. “I want you to come on tour with me.” He smiled at her as she stood there frozen.

“Shot down.” I muttered lightly raising my hand and letting my fingers fall to towards the ground. Glaring at me for only a second William turned to Lacey grabbing her shoulders. “Sorry.” I muttered as he rolled his eyes trying to get any reaction out of her.

“Lacey?” He asked lightly, his voice cracking as he seemed to freak out.

“Oh my god yes!” She finally gasped throwing her arms around his neck hugging him tightly. With a groan and a wave of my hand I passed the guys heading to the bus, running for it.

“Pauly-Wally!” Aimz yelled throwing her self at the bassist.

“Hey Pun.” Paul greeted as I got on the bus. Grabbing my rolling suitcase out of my bunk and Puff’s cage I hurried off making it inside the house before anyone. I went through my normal routine before falling asleep on Aimz bed, out cold. The bad thing about the night was what I dreamt about, Trace filled my dreams. Those liquid blue eyes, that wide smile, his tall, lanky, but perfectly toned body, the tattoos on his body, the feel of his hands, the sound of his voice, his smell even seemed to linger in my dream driving me crazy.
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so I'm thinking every ten chapters I'll do one first person so you get a little bit more inside to Charlie's mind and workings. It's not the best in her head, It's a bit of change from thrid all the time.
I got four stars!! I love you all.
Thanks for everythings: Reading, subscribing, commenting.
everything. :]