Hypnotized by the Carbon Monoxide

Chapter Twenty

Charlie stepped off the bus at the new stop and looked around. Her eyes landed on Trace talking with Blake and Ant. Her heart jumped into her throat at the thought of him calling him a bitch last night.

“Hey.” Charlie turned looking up at Matt walking off the bus, pushing his hair out of his blue eyes.

“Sup Bro-ski.” Charlie giggled hugging him around the middle. She frowned. “How come you got the tall genes?” She mumbled up at him. He shrugged.

“I dunno. But I think it’d be a bit weird for you to be taller than all your boy toys.” Charlie nodded at the idea. Patting her brother’s stomach lightly she stepped back lightly. “Yeah, I’m the smart one.” He laughed. Huffing Charlie slammed the back of her hand into his stomach making him hunch over. “Ow.” He groaned.

“Jerk.” She breathed walking off. She passed Trace, Blake and Ant. “Sup.” She stated pulling the door open and walking in.

“Charlie.” She stopped holding the door open halfway in. She looked at Trace. “You might wanna put on a different shirt or Ronnie’s gonna jump you.” He mumbled at Blank and Ant nodded slowly. Charlie looked down at the shirt she’d slept in still on, glancing back up at them

“Why are you looking anyway?” She shot. Stepping back Trace held his hands up in his defense. “That’s what I thought, hoe.” She giggled walking inside.

Trace shook his head laughing slightly. All she’d done from when he saw her last night was put pants on over her boy shorts. He shook his head grabbing Blake’s arm and looking at his watch lightly. Lifting a finger he pointed at the door as the small hand hit the ten. He didn’t glance up from the watch for a whole minute before Charlie came bursting out.

“Fucking asswhole!” She growled as Trace looked up at her.

“I hate to say I told you so, but… I told you so!” Trace yelled. Charlie spun on her heels storming back at him. She shoved him into the wall gripping his shirt with one hand the other raised.

Trace only blinked once before her fist collided with his jaw. His jaw throbbed with pain as his vision blurred.

“You mother fucking, son of a bitch.” Charlie hissed at him as his knees gave slightly. The grip on his shirt released as Matt picked Charlie up. “Put me down!” She yelled. People stopped to look at the failing woman trying to hit at her twin brother. Trace put his weight against his back to stay standing. He could taste a dusty metallic liquid gathering in his mouth.

Standing up right he spit it out, watching the crimson trail fall to the ground. His eyes moved back to Matt caring Charlie over his shoulder; her arched back over it, he could clearly see down her shirt as she kicked her legs and swung her arms around, smacking her brother.

“I’m going to kick your ass Trace!” She screamed. “You Pansy ass mother fucker, running away.” Charlie yelled.

“I’m not running.” Charlie froze at his words. “Put her down Matt.” Charlie smirked as Matt turned to Trace. “Put her down. She wants a fight, fine.” Trace growled. He couldn’t stand being called a pansy. He wasn’t week simply because he didn’t fight back.

Sighing Matt put his sister down. Charlie smiled pulling her small tank top down at bit as Trace spit again. It already felt like his jaw was broken but he wasn’t going to let her push him around and call him a pansy. At least he was going to try to not let her if he could help it.

“I’ll call the hospital.” Matt grumbled having flash backs to his high school days when Charlie got into fights all the time. He pulled his phone out as he watched Trace and Charlie glare up at each other. “Charlie, remember killing if a federal offense and jail is not your friends.” Trace looked up at Matt as Charlie turned to glare at her brother. “You and girls don’t really get along.”

“Does she get along with anyone?” Ant asked softly. Not once had he really seen Charlie get along with anyone. She was fighting with Brendon and Tony almost daily, she fought with William all the time who just ignored her, Ronnie was on her hit list and all the members of Escape the Fate and Good Charlotte practically hid from her or hardly spoke to her. Paul and Aimz were the only two he saw getting along with Charlie.

“yeah, you’ve be amazed how many friends she has.” Matt muttered Charlie completely turned to face her brother, a frown and glare in her features as she placed her hands on her hips. Blake ducked into the venue quickly not wanting to be a target. “Most the people she fights with know how to avoid the fights or enjoy fighting with her.” Ant nodded.

“I’m sorry I doubted your social ability.” Ant muttered bowing at Charlie before ducking into the venue leaving Matt, Trace and Charlie alone.

“I’m not related to you.” Charlie growled at her brother as he moved on to the bus. “Stop staring at my ass.”

“I’m not.” Trace stated, he was glaring at the back of her head. He stepped closer. “You may think you’re hot because you gave the cashier blue balls, but you’re really not as hot as you think you are.” Charlie smirked turning to him with a raised brow.

“Is that way,” Charlie purred grabbing his shirt pulling his down towards her. Her lips hovered an inch from his. Trace reached up grabbing Charlie’s wrist with a frown on his lips as he glared into her lust filled blue eyes. “You always stare at my ass and my chest? Because you don’t want me.”

“I want a girl who can actually get me off. You’ve got no curves.” Trace lied. “You’re cute but I need a girl who can get me hard with a single look, you’re not it.” He stated pulling her hand off his shirt. Charlie smirked.

“Then what’s this?” She asked grabbing Trace’s crotch. With a startled jump and a small grunt he frowned at her.

“That’s cheating, grabbing a man always makes him a bit tense.” Charlie frowned at him. Her full lips pursing to one side. “the second you get me hard with a single look, and regular cloths on, we’ll talk about who stares at whom.” He grunted grabbing Charlie wrist trying to push her hand away. He stopped as she gripped harder smiling up at him. “Charlie.” He growled at her, watching her smile turn into a smirk. Trace began thinking of the most disgusting things he’d ever seen or could ever see.

“Is that a challenge… big boy?” Charlie mused at him gripping him a bit tighter. She really didn’t want to let go of him, it was the closest she’d been to holding a man’s junk in a long time, apart of her wanted to drag Trace back to her bunk by the crotch of his jeans.

“If you want it to be, fine. Just let go of my junk.” Trace muttered ignoring the fact that she was possibly teasing him. He wanted to grab Charlie by the front of her jeans and take her back to his bunk. Her hand on him was the closest anyone’s hand had been to it but his own in months.

“What is I don’t want to?” Charlie asked. Trace leaned in as Charlie leaned down. He opened his mouth as Charlie did, their noses slid past each others as their hot breath ghosted over each others faces. They could feel the soft butterfly touch of the others lips against their own. Trace’s hand slid over Charlie hip and waist as Charlie moved pushed her hands lightly against Trace’s junk more.

“I don’t thin WiL would be very happy with you.” Trace stated, startling Charlie enough to push her hand away. “Tease.” He shot walking off before he did anything he’d regret.

Charlie frowned at the thought of WiL; he was becoming more and more of a problem for her. She’d just hat a man’s junk in her hand, a very hot man’s junk at that and she couldn’t have him or the wondrous body part attached to him.

“Fucking A!” She growled storming back onto the bus. Matt hurried to the bus window, ready to see Trace laying face down on the ground bleeding.

“What happened?”

“War Games.” Charlie muttered slamming the door to the bunks. Groaning Matt fell into the couch cushions. Lifting his phone he dialed, pressing the small item to his ear he sighed into it as the person answer.

Yes Matt?

Matt sighed. “Charlie’s have a War Game with Trace.” He muttered softly into the phone. He heard the other person groan lightly.

Fuck.” Was all they whispered before hanging up. Matt stood up going to the back and paused as he found his sister doing her hair and make-up while getting dressed. His brows narrowed at her, confused. This wasn’t the usual style of starting a War Game.

“What are you doing?” Matt muttered softly watching her fluff her hair lightly. She smiled at him.

“I’m going to make Ronnie’s head explode then I’m going to get Trace back with this.” She stated tossing a small bag at her brother. He lifted it looking at the smoke bombs and stink bombs in the bags. Matt nodded, that was the start of a war game right there. The only thing was, Charlie wasn’t really planning on using them on Trace, nor was she going to try and make Ronnie’s head explode (she was over that long ago.). She was going to try and make Trace’s head explode.