Hypnotized by the Carbon Monoxide

Chapter Twenty-Six

They stared down at the two, all with a pair of binoculars in their hands as they watched them. Several sat behind them on the bed of the hotel room watching the two down in front of the building.

“You guys are pathetic.” Joel mused as he tended to Harlow, pacing in circles. Nicole and the other girls giggled as the group of boys looked at them.

“It’s my sister you ass.” Matt growled.

“I’m nosey as hell.” Benji shrugged, Mason and Ant pointed at him while Paul shrugged.

“Simply curious.” Paul mused as Billy entered the room.

“What the hell?” He gasped with Linzi at his side.

“They’re spying on Charlie and Trace.” Aimz clarified. The Martin’s nodded in total understand meant. “It’s pathetic.” She added. None of the boys responded to her and simply went back to watching the two.

Trace smiled as Charlie laughed at him. He stopped picking a small flower from the planter box and holding it up to her. She smiled taking it. The guys all gagged but Paul, he simply watched with out a word, he was trying to gauge what they’re relationship was.

Charlie took a drag of her cigarette as she looked at the flower. Smiling up at Trace she lifted it and stuck it in his hair, the stem going just behind his ear.

“Do I look pretty now?” Trace teased as he took a drag of his cigarette. Charlie laughed up at him and nodded.

“You always looked good, pretty may be a little much.” She stated fixing his hair lightly. He watched her closely. “You still owe me that promise.” She added lightly sitting down on the planter box.

“I would if I could but your brother is stalking me like I’m his pray. I bet you anything he’s watching right now.” Charlie rolled her eyes.

“My rooms empty and I’m the only one with a key. If we make a run for it.” Trace dropped his half smoked cigarette and stepped it out. Charlie laughed taking another drag of her cigarette. “Go to my room, I’ll meet you there, just incases he is watching.”

“Big Brother takes on a whole new meaning.” Trace laughed as he turned walking away from her and back inside the hotel. Laughing she took another drag from her cigarette and looked around waiting for Matt to go walking past.

“Where the hell is he going?” Benji gasped lightly as he watched Trace walk back inside and Charlie not even move.

“I bet she pissed his off.” Ant stated lightly. “Or scared him.” He stated watching Charlie finished smoking her cigarette and go inside after snuffing it out.

Charlie walked up to her room with a smile on her face seeing Trace leaning against her door, hands behind his back. Laughing she pulled her room key out. Trace smiled at her as she opened the door and let them in. He kicked the door closed as he pulled her into a kiss.

“So…” Charlie mused as she pulled her hair up into a bun on the back of her head. Trace watched her move from his spot on the bed. She was in nothing but her underwear, she wasn’t even wearing a bra.

“You aren’t shy are you?” Trace laughed. Giggling she crawled back into bed and straddled his hips.

“You should know by now that I’m not. How many times have we had sex?”

“Well.. how many actual times or how many times we’ve been alone to have sex?” Trace asked. “Because for the first question… to many to count, for the second question, two.” He stated. She flicked his nose as she pressed her bare chest to his.

“Smart ass.” She stated kissing along his neck as his hands ran up her sides. Trace grasped as her hips pressed down into his as she back arched. He groaned lightly.

“Haven’t we gone at it enough times? My balls are starting to hurt.” He laughed lightly as he shifted as her his ground into his.

“For now.” She purred lightly pressing her lips to his. Trace gripped either side of her face pulling her lips closer to his. He looked the feeling of her swollen lips against his. “But… as for later?” she stated pulling away. “Not even close.” She breathed at him. Trace nodded rolling them over.

“I only meant for right now. I’m planning on later.” He stated. A knock rang from the door. They both froze.

“Room service.” Rang through the door. Standing Trace grabbed his pants and pulled them on, not even caring about his boxers. Charlie pulled the sheets up around her body and sat there as he peeked through the door.

“Hi.” He smiled at the small woman pushing the cart. She nodded at him as he signed for it and tipped her. “Have a nice night.” He stated before closing and locking the door.

“What’d you get?” Charlie asked eyeing the silver tops. Laughing Trace picked the tray up off the rolling cart and moved to the bed, setting it next to her. “What?” She laughed at his goofy grin.

“Ta-da!” Trace stating removing the tops of the trays revealing nothing but desert.

“You are a god.” Charlie laughed.

“You said you wanted something sweet.” Trace shrugged as he lifted a bowl with a chocolate brownie in it.

“I was talking about you, but this works too.” She laughed picking up a bowl of ice cream drowned in chocolate sauce and other toppings. Trace shrugged through a mouth full of brownie.

“Same thing. I bet I’m pretty good covered in whipped cream and chocolate sauce.” He mused. Charlie smiled at him before leaning over the tray and quickly kissing him. “Hm. That’s good ice cream.” She laughed taking another bite of it. “You want me to order real food?” Charlie shook her head as she shifted up to the head board and leaned against it.

“I was just planning on eating you.” Trace choked on his brownie at the words that flowed off her full, and swollen lips as if it was nothing. “Umm.. in all seriousness, no. This is good enough for me.” Trace nodded as he forced his fist against his chest. “You okay?” She laughed leaning forward and patting his back for him.

“Yeah.” He choked out. “Just wasn’t expecting that. You can’t say things like that to me with my mouth full.” Charlie nodded lightly at that.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” She stated. “Let me have a bite.” She asked eyeing his brownie. Lifting his fork he feed her a piece of his brownie. “hmm. That’s good.” She stated.