‹ Prequel: Invisibility



"I'm sorry I scared you this morning, I just-" I said.

Gerard cut me off. "You don't have to explain."

We were sitting at a small table on the balcony. The sun was setting so Gerard lit the candles. It was so sweet that he put this all together for us. He didn't have to.

"Really?" I asked. It was so nice that he didn't care. Maybe he already knew?Was he awake the entire time I was in there? Or even most of it would have been wierd.

"Yeah, it's okay. I was just a bit startled to notice an angel at my bedside watching me sleep." He laughed.

"You should have seen the look on you face." I said and laughed along with him.

We ended up messing around for a bit. A funny romantic dinner. I bet you never heard that sentence before.

After we were done eating our chinese and Taco Bell, the perfect meal for a funny romantic date on the balcony, I helped clean everything up. We were still in our pajamas, which I found hilarious.

"I'll get the candles," Gee said and blew them out. Before I picked up the wrappers and empty chinese boxes (Yes we ate alot) I leaned over the table to kiss him. Thank God he already put out the candles, I would have caught on fire already.

The sun was finally set and the moon was up and shining.

"This doesn't increase my chances of getting laid does it?" He laughed.

"You stole that from my brother," I laughed harder than usual. "No it doens't."

After throwing everything away we sat down on the couch in the livingroom. It was huge. Two big for two people, and it freaked me out a bit. I leaned closer into Gerard and laid my head on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and turned on the TV.

I woke up later with the credits rolling on the TV. I was lying down on the couch with Gerard behind me. His arm was around my waist. I could hear him snoring lightly. God, it was so cute how he did that. I moved closer to him and fell asleep once more.