Status: Completed



Gerard stared at the off white walls of his cubical with a completely blank expression.

Aiden had been gone for only a week and he already found himself dreading getting up in the morning. He had to force himself to dress neatly in his tie and button down shit, and get in his crappy black car. But somewhere about halfway to work, his mind kind of switched off: Zombie Mode. The world was a blur of pastels, with no intensity. He would find himself at home with no clear recollection of what he had been doing all day. It was clear that his job was slowly choking the life from him, but he was too apathetic to leave.

He could only dream about Aiden, and her smile. People always go on and on about how when the person they love smiles their heart gets all warm and they can't help but do the same. Gerard thought that was bullshit- until he had met Aiden. She was irresistible.

Straight black hair that went to her shoulders, clear pale skin and vibrant eyes. If there was a definition of perfect in Gerard's world, this girl was it. She had either been fired or quit, and now somehow it was like the volume had been turned down on everything.

He sat mindlessly at his desk and did meaningless tasks unless his boss happened to came by and order him to do some menial little errand. Gerard really didn't know how it got this way. He used to spend each day fantasizing about Aiden, writing her love notes, enjoying even the stupid shit that came with his job. He looked at the complimentary cooperate calender. He was one of the very few poor souls who could be hoodwinked into coming in on a Saturday. He decided that things needed to change. He had long ago torn up all his foolish love notes. Three days until the end, he declared in his head. Just enough time to get all the supplies he would require and orchestrate what needed to be done.

-Tuesday morning-

Gerard looked pleasantly at the newly rising sphere to his right. It was far too early for anyone to be up or about. He stood on the corner across the street, parallel to the office building he worked in. He put his hands in his pockets smiling pleasantly. No one was even near the building, or out at all for that matter, and he counted on that.

The streetlights were still casting illumination forth as the rays of the sun slowly crept over the pavement and toward Gerard. He was beyond excited. His heart was racing, and the closer he came to the moment the more ecstatic he felt. He wanted to jump up and down and maybe do a little dance. This would be the last sunrise.

The morning dew was barely settled on the leaves when Gerard heard soft footsteps walking calmly toward him. His first inclination was to whip around and do something, anything to distract the person long enough for his plan to carry out without them getting in it's path and possibly hurt. He instead decided to remain as he was and only intervene if the person headed directly into harm's way. For all he knew they might not even be going anywhere near the danger zone. A second later, a familiar voice tentatively called, "Gerard? Is that you?" He turned, smiling even wider, and completely shocked.

"Aiden." He was almost breathless.

"What are you doing?" she questioned amiably standing next to him.

"Waiting, how about you?"

"I'm on my way to work, I have to open up today. At the comic book store down the street, you know we're getting a huge shipment today and it's gonna take hours to stock," Comic book store; he loved this girl. When he didn't immediately respond she said, "Well you looked a little lonely, so I figured I see if it was you, and say hi. It was really great seeing you Gerard." She smiled. A smile to kill. Flawless.

"Wait, Aiden, will you stand and wait with me for a while?" He couldn't blame her for her odd expression, it was a rather unusual request.

"Alright," she shrugged. "I've got time. Why are we waiting though?"
He smiled broadly.

"You'll see," he promised.

"So why did you leave?" he asked. Aiden knew what he meant.

"It was soul sucking," she laughed.

"You were the only thing that brightened my day."

"How have you been?" It was her turn to inquire.

"If I said I was doing fine I'd be lying," was how he chose to respond. She put a hand on his shoulder in silent comfort. "It won't be long now," Gerard smiled at her. She dropped her slender fingers to her sides, seeing the sun rise just a little higher. The brilliant rays gave the world color. Her eyes redirected to the building. It stood intimidating and modern for maybe sixty seconds more before the streetlights blinked out.

Fire and clouds of debris and smoke erupted from the structure before her. She gasped at it's glory like forth of July fireworks.

"Gerard," she breathed. The demolition was more gorgeous and eye-catching than the sunrise. A once in a lifetime event.

"It's beautiful," she murmured, enjoying the colors dance before her, feeling it was truly spectacular.

"So are you," he sighed. She turned to his adoring orbs as they glistened in the light of the continuing destruction. In the next instant he had swept her into his arms, hers wrapped tightly around his neck, pressing his lips passionately against her red ones.

The flames still burned brightly as the couple walked off hand in hand.