Status: Done :)

They say love is blind, or is it just me?

Chapter thirty six

Part thirty six:

"It took us years to even get together! " I laughed. "I don’t see the need to rush things. Besides.. why change a situation you’re both comfortable in? I don’t know about Bam, but I don’t need that piece of paper to prove I love him. I can’t even read it anyways.." Glomb chuckled at my smartass response and started to talk about something else. I felt a squeeze in my side from Bam and he kissed the side of my face. I’m guessing that was a good thing? I even shocked myself with that fast response, but it was how I felt. Why change a good thing? I know he’s it for me.. I don’t need paper for that. If we do happen to split up(knock on wood), that paper won’t be any help in holding us together.. if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.

~Dunn’s POV~
I linked my arm with hers as Kendra came walking towards me. She chuckled and quickly adjusted herself. "The restaurant’s that way you know.. " She pointed awkwardly back at the building I had just stood in front of. I nodded. "I know.. I just want to go somewhere else.. " She raised an eyebrow. "Then why did you ask me to meet you there?! " I laughed. "Don’t know, really.. " She shook her head in disbelief. "You really are something Ryan.. " She muttered softly.

~Kendra’s POV~
My thoughts, when I saw Ryan for the first time, where mainly involving his beard. How the hell can I feel this way? I stole a glance and caught him looking at me too, we both turned away, blushing. "You still don’t want to tell me where we’re going? " I asked him softly. He shook his head and laced his fingers with mine. "Nope.. " I was quite shocked by the gesture, but liked it none the less. "Hey Ryan? " He turned to face me. I quickly stood on my toes and pressed my lips to his. He stood frozen, didn’t do anything.. Except for breathing.. maybe.. "What was.. that for? " He asked, still stunned. "I just wanted to try it.. " I shrugged. "Your beard doesn’t tickle as much as I thought it would.. " I said grinning a little. That gave him his composure back. He chuckled. "I’m going to shut up and take that as a compliment.. " I smiled and nodded, ready to continue our way to wherever he was taking me. I took a few steps forward and met his lips again, on his initiative this time. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. Maybe I would get the same happy ending Drea and Cassie have after all..

~Your POV~
"Hey babe? " Bam’s voice got my out of my thoughts. We all stayed home tonight. Most of the guys were feeling lazy, but Bam wanted to edit some stuff. I kept him company in the editingroom. I was laying on the couch, playing with Trouble and Demon, who both had snuck in. Demon was laying on the ground, nudging my hand with his big head and Trouble was parading around on my stomach and chest. "Yah? " I answered, pushing trouble out of my face, which he strangely found the most comfortable spot. "Glombs question from earlier.. " He started, sounding quite unsure of himself. I could smack myself upside the head. Had I been to quick to answer? I sat up quickly, startling Trouble.. but that was the least of my concerns right now. "I didn’t mean to hurt you by what I said Bam.. " I started, but he interrupted me. "Is that really how you feel? Or did you say that just to please me. " I froze. To please him? That would mean.. "You see it that way too? " I asked disbelievingly.

~Bam’s POV~
I nodded, but realised she couldn’t see me. "Well.. yeah.. I don’t know why we should rush things.. I don’t see what it would prove. I was just afraid that you.. You were so exited when Drea told you she was getting married! Wouldn’t you want the same? " She smiled and I saw her whole body relax again. "Who says I haven’t? You gave me everything I thought I’d never experience. You gave me confidence, friendship and love. Who says I wont have the same that Drea will? I’m happy for my friend, because she’ll get what she dreamt of. I’m just glad she gets what she deserves. " I couldn’t help but start laughing. Chase made a confused face. I stood up from my chair and sat behind her on the couch, having her head resting on my chest. "This whole situation had me so nervous.. and there you go, with one simple remark, my mood is brightened. It’s almost creepy how on the same page we are on most things.. " She cracked a smile too. "Well, except on that best band issue.. " I rolled my eyes. At the beginning of our friendship, we had had a discussion about what was the best band. That’s HIM, of course.. Though she admitted it was high up her list, she didn’t agree with me. In her opinion, Linkin Park was the best band. At that moment, I already knew it would be an ongoing discussion.

"I’m sorry, no amount of money will change my mind about that.. " I looked at the laughing girl in front of me, admiring her strength. Here she was, just days into being completely blind, having a stupid discussion with me. "You can’t NOT acknowledge the best band that walks this planet! " I said frustrated. She was the single person in this house that I could not convince on this matter. "HIM is a good band, I’ll give you that.. They make great music, but they’re not the greatest band in my eyes! " She crossed her arms over her chest. "Give it up son, she’s just as stubborn as you are.. " Phil laughed walking by with the morning newspaper. I groaned. "You will agree with me.. you hear? I will get you to agree, even it it’ll take me years.. it will happen! "

"Told you then, will tell you again.. I. do not. Agree. With you. " I looked down and found her grinning up at me. I attacked her sides and tickled everywhere I could. "I had you meet the guy! All the guys! You made friends with them and listen to them every day. How can you still deny the fact that they are the best band ever!! " She squealed and squirmed under my touch.. She looked so happy that, in my joy, I forgot to continue tickling her. She snickered softly. "Kind of an anti climax.. " She giggled. Her hands felt their way to my face and I caught myself already closing my eyes in anticipation. Her lips followed suit and we started kissing more and more passionately. I love how she tastes of caramel. "I really do love you.. " I mumbled when her lips occupied themselves with my jawline for a second. She paused momentarily before coming up to my lips again. "I love you too.. more than life itself.. " She whispered before kissing me again.

It’s insane how close I feel to this woman.

~Your POV~
Amazing how it can feel like you’re no different, like you’re one and the same person. I feel what he feels and vice versa. His hands travelled up and down my sides and I shuddered under his touch. He slowly inched my shirt up higher and higher. "Here? " I asked in between kisses, indicating on the leather couch we were laying on. He once found Novak in here with one of his bimbo’s. He practically jumped through the roof of anger. But I guess his own rules don’t apply to him. Or not.. he slowed down and eased the intensity in his kisses. We moved off eachother and took our previous position on the couch. My back was to his chest, head still up though. Sneaking in a few kisses. We didn’t speak for quite a while, just enjoying each other’s company.
He was tracing little circles and shapes on my hip bone, which made me feel rather lazy. Trouble saw that the commotion had ended for the most part and made himself comfortable against his chest, leaning on the crook of my neck. The silence seemed to last an eternity, but Bam was the one who broke it.

"I’ve been wondering about our being in sync on one other issue though.. Have you.. Have you given kids any more thought? "
♠ ♠ ♠
Or not?
Found it rather cliffhanger-ish, myself.. :P
Tell me you love me, tell me you hate me?