When In Australia, Do As the Australians Do


Naomi was six years old when her parents divorced. Her father walked out and she thought she'd never see him again. At least, in person. You see, her father was a big-shot movie star. And she didn't want anything to do with him - but she couldn't seem to get away from his face. 11 years after her father walked out her mother dies of cancer. Naomi is almost 18, but the social worker says she has to live with a guardian until she is 18. She has nowhere to go except for her... father. He currently resides in Australia. Well, there's an upside to it, Naomi realizes. Not only is her father paying for her two best friends to come, but she gets to vacation the summer before college in Australia! Maybe this won't be so bad.... all she has to do is pretend to like him....
  1. Prologue
    An argument.
  2. Chapter One
    A plane ride.
  3. Chapter Two
    A hansion.
  4. Chapter Three
    A beach.