And It Was Called Yellow

Pillow Fight

I woke up and realized that two arm were snug tightly around my waist.

"BECKETT!", I screamed and pushed him off the bed, him landing with a thump.

"Ugh, really Addy, what did you do that for?"

"Who gave you the right to come in MY bed when I was SLEEPING?!"

"Well, do you think its comfortable on the floor?"

"You had an air mattres ."

After that, he just got up and out of the room. I was very surprised he didn't defend himself. Did that mean I just won?

I decided getting up was probably a good idea too, so I walked downstairs into the kitchen and got myself a bowl of cereal. I sat down at the small table, and all I kept hearing was small laughs coming from the living room as I was eating. Probably watching cartoons.

I put my bowl in the sink and walked in the living room. yup cartoons, but hey it was Family Guy so I didn't complain. I sat down at the end of the L shaped couch, right on the chase lounge so I could stretch out my legs, but also to be far away from Will as possible.

I know avoiding him was not the best idea, because face it, I know I'll find myself crawling back near him anyways.But, what he wrote on my back on the plane, well that kinda freaked me out. Will had never been nice. I mean yea, we were friends but like I don't know. Things this summer are making us a little closer, possibly to best friends. Not that I didn't like that, but I wasn't sure what was going on, and I'm still not. And, I do hate to admit it, but I think I might like him too.

"God, Herbert the Pervert is hilarious.", Brendon recalled, making me come back to reality.

"Oh I know! He's so creepy. 'Would you like a Popsicle young man? You need to come down to the cellar and get a nice, cold , Popsicle' Dude. He is so sick !"

"OH MY GOD ITS FAMILY GUY!!", I just recalled.

"Um, Addy, you've been watching this for the past 7 minutes with us. Are you ok?"

"Yeah Matt, I'm fine. Just thinking."

"Oh! About who?", Brendon asked.

"No one. Besides, what make you say i was thinking about someone. I could've been thinking about a something."

"Addy, no need to lie. We all know you were thinking about me. I mean, who wouldn't when they just had the night of their lives with, not think about me? ", William replied.

That just earned him a pillow in his face. More like a slap, but I didn't have the guts to be that harsh.

I took a pillow from the couch and whacked it in his face.

"Don't you ever say such a thing again! I would never do that!"

Whack, another pillow. But not from me, from Brendon.
Soon, Matt was walking down the stairs with 2 more pillows in his hands, one for him and one for Will.

This all ended up with people catching their breath and a big mess of feathers all over the furniture and the floor. Luckily, my aunt and uncle and little cousin were out, so we didn't get screamed at.
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Yea, I know, it should be long, but more coming possibly today or tomorrow. I have more and more ideas but still need the inbetweens. I'm open for suggestions and i really do appreciate the comments. Lol I'm so happy! This has 2 stars, 11 subscribers and 52 readers! I want to thank you guys soooooo much!