Status: HIATUS WARNING: (9.19.09) This is taking a bit longer to process than I thought. I may not have a new chapter up until maybe even the winter. Sorry for the inconvienience (as usual!)

Smiling Oak's Academy for the Insane.

Threats and Things Nobody Needs To Hear.


"Mission accomplished, fiends." Innocence tore the letter with her lone canine.

"Since when are we your fiends?" Harlequin said.

Harlequin had long brunette hair and always looked like a diva, even without makeup. That was only half the reason she was locked up in that hell. The real reason was that at a young age, circa thirteen, she'd bring home a different man every night, and in the morning, he'd disappear. And not in the "screw-and-leave" kind of way. They'd literally disappear. The cops couldn't trace a thing. However, they arrested her and threw her in juvie because they knew something was up.
While there, people started disappearing, including security guards, and her bunk mates. She was seldom picked at, seeing as she posed as a threat. Completely petrified, the judge moved her to the insane asylum, where she'd been for six years.

"Since she never cared about our well-being!" Skull screeched.

Skull was scarred. At 4'11", 110 pounds, and seventeen years young, she'd seen a lot.
When she was eighteen months old, her mother fed her meth amphetamine. She was taken to a foster home, where she was tortured for fourteen years, often beaten with screwdrivers, curling irons, and paper clips every time she would cut up. When she was fifteen, she ran away, to the streets, where she was homeless for five months.
One rainy night, as she sat in between in the corner two buildings, a man approached her with a baseball bat. "Hey, pretty lady. Wanna go somewhere?"

Without thought, Skull pulled out her switchblade, stabbed him in the leg three times, and when he fell over, she started carving at his skin.
She was imprisoned for a year, where girls hesitated to bully her, and she was known as the "skin-obsessed girl". After she was caught one night with most of her scalp missing as she grated her head against a chipped edge of her bunk, she was transfered to the insane asylum. That is, after she was taken to the hospital.

"Chill, guys! She was obviously kidding." Basher said while picking at her nails.

Basher was a natural born sinner, but was pretty calm. At the age of twelve, she became a heroine addict.She was sent to rehab for half a year, but was soon arrested for the attempted murder of her mother, from whom she stole the heroine.
In juvenile hall, she'd been picked on for her shaved head, hatched face and her pale skin. She was once attacked by a girl three times her size and thrown against the wall, as the security guards stood and watched. She constantly plotted revenge.
One night, after a long fight with her nemesis, LeRoya, and the humiliation afterwords of being known as the "bitch who used the plastic fork", Basher had had it. She broke off a piece of her bunk, slipped out of bed and rammed it through her bunkmate's head, putting her into a coma. A day later, Basher was sent to the asylum, where she'd been for six years.

"See, Basher gets it." Innocence smiled. Then she looked cautious. "Oh, shit! Was that a guard?!" she whispered.

Innocence was hell-bent on destroying the world...or at least ruling it...even if it meant doing it all from the asylum. This was against her wishes, to be pent up in that hell hole. She'd been locked in for eight years, and the first ten years that she was alive, she'd been holding skeletons in her closet...and in her car... and in her suitcase... and in her mouth. She taunted the other women in the asylum with threats and things nobody needed to hear. Soon, she was locked into solitary confinement for two full years. This didn't put a stop to her insanity, or rambling about disturbing things. But if you ever asked her about the deeds she's done, she'd never tell.
"Ooh, I swear, we need another person on look out." Innocence said, hiding in her usual place.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, I didn't read over this.
Sorry. It's sketchy and late.