Status: HIATUS WARNING: (9.19.09) This is taking a bit longer to process than I thought. I may not have a new chapter up until maybe even the winter. Sorry for the inconvienience (as usual!)

Smiling Oak's Academy for the Insane.

Academy Madness.

The five of us met in the academy later that day, at two.
But what was different about today was that they actually let me sit at the table with them.
Skull wasn't pleased with that. In fact, she glared at me the whole time with her small, sharp eyes from next to Harlequin.
Another thing that was different was that the swinging lamp was gone, and was replaced with four foul-smelling candles sitting on the table: green, purple, blue, orange and yellow. They smelled of blood, grass (both from the ground and weed,) dust and liquor.

"Gals," Innocence began from across the table, happily, yet chill (despite the happenings of that morning,) and mysterious (as usual.) "Only nine hours." She began to preach. "Let's hope things don't fall through this time."

"This time?"I thought.

"Now let's hold hands with the young woman next to us."

Harlequin grabbed my left hand and Basher grabbed my right. Everyone closed their eyes, except for me, who would close them, then open them to look around.

Innocence began to chant. "Oh lord of the sub-wreckage, give us five the strength to escape this insane asylum for good." She spoke in one tone, smoothly and clearly. Then the room got cold. Like standing on the ledge of a snowy bridge as the wind's blowing on a Valentines day. She began to chant in another language. "おお下位難破〔残骸〕の主人、永遠にこの気違いじみた隠れ場〔養護施設〕を逃れるために私たち5人に力〔強み〕を与えてください."
I was frightened. That could be an understatement.

"Oh lord of the sub-wreckage," Harlequin said in a higher tone than "Innocence"'s, "give the five of us the mind power to stay out of this insane asylum for the rest of our living." Her hair began to rise, and her tone of voice got even higher. "啊子殘骸的君主,給所有五個我們避開這個瘋狂的收容所的頭腦力量對其他的我們的生活."

"Oh lord of the sub-wreckage," Basher said in an unnaturally high voice, higher than Harlot's, "rob us five of our hearts for the ones who have once harmed and betrayed us." Her teeth got sharper and her eyelids got darker as her voice got higher. "啊子残骸的君主,剥夺我们我们的对曾经损害和背叛了我们的心的五."

"Oh lord of the sub-wreckage," Skull's tone was even higher than everyone else's. "cause our enemies to render defenseless and reluctant to surrender."
My eyelids shut automatically, and I couldn't open them. The air got thick and it smelled of pine needles, and a hint of blood.
Harlequin and Basher's hands felt prickly against mine, and I couldn't let go.

"О лорд подкрушения, заставьте наших врагов отдавать беззащитный и неохотный сдаться"

My eyes opened suddenly, and my eyeballs rolled back. "Oh lord of the sub-wreckage," I couldn't control what was coming out of my mouth. My voice was higher than anyone else's and higher than what I could ever recall, "please let our sacrifices rest in peace." The room got windy and I couldn't breathe. " Å herre av sub-vrakgodset, vær så snill og la vår offre rest i fred."

"BLESS!" Innocence shouted in a helium-high voice.
Then then atmosphere turned back to normal, and the funny-smelling candles were out.
"So here we meet," Innocence's voice was back to normal, and she was no longer chanting, "At eleven."
♠ ♠ ♠
Innocence was speaking Japanese.
Harlequin,Traditional Chinese.
Basher, Simplified Chinese.
Skull, Russian.
Lydia, Norwegian.
And they may be a bit off, because I used
Their translations suck.
So, thanks for reading! Expect a double-post week soon!