Status: HIATUS WARNING: (9.19.09) This is taking a bit longer to process than I thought. I may not have a new chapter up until maybe even the winter. Sorry for the inconvienience (as usual!)

Smiling Oak's Academy for the Insane.

Taking The "Solitary" Out Of "Confinement".

Day fourteen.

I'd been staying away from Innocence's crew for some time, maybe a few days or so, on account of I hadn't seen them for those few days.
However, it had been quiet. Too quiet. The mental women haven't been screaming or crying, and had been minding their own business. Some even resorted to knitting without hurting themselves once.
So it was just another cloudy snowy Wednesday afternoon, with the windows shades opened wide as I read The Mortician's Daughter book that I found on the take-a-book shelf. I was fazed. Enough.

"Eyelid," someone whispered.

I looked around from the arm chair I was cozied into.

"Eyelid! Innocence waved at me from behind a fake mini oak tree and signaled for me to come over.

I got up and approached her reluctantly. "What?" I whispered.

"Come on. I must show you something."

"Something you have no business showing me, I'm sure." I thought . "What is it?"

We ended up crawling into the vent behind the fake tree.
It was completely dark and cold and the echos were unbearable.
"Where are we going, Innocence?" I asked impatiently.
Innocence dismissed it completely and ignored it.

Just then, we reached a light, and she crawled through it. "Come on!"
I crawled through, into the light, but then rolled out of the vent, onto the floor of a room that was supposed to be a solitary confinement room. However, in the center of that "solitary confinement" room, there was a table, where Skull, Basher and Harlequin sat, and a hanging lamp over it, which looked like it certainly didn't belong there. The scene looked a lot like an interrogation room, minus the giant two-way mirror.

Innocence got up and sat at the table with the rest of the gang.
I still sat on the floor next to the vent, waiting for further instruction.
Instead, they just went about their business talk.

"Hershel." Innocence began.

"Terminated." Basher sorted out papers.





"No way." Innocence said in a calm-before-the-storm tone.

"Hm?" Basher looked up, as if she'd been called on in class.

"No fucking way! Did she get away?!"

"Well, I assume. You'll have to ask Richard."

Skull looked back at me. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Innocence told me to come." I said boldly. I wasn't afraid of Skull. As far as I was concerned, she was just a young girl with a janky attitude, a lot like the girls at school who always claimed that I thought that I was better than them. I wasn't. I knew that.

"I did." Innocence said, catching me off guard during my train of thought. "Sorry, Eyelid. Go stand by the door and keep look out. And whatever you do, don't say a word to the guards!" she snapped like a young witch. Then her voice went back to smooth and quiet. "So, if you see a guard walking by, yell 'wootles'. We'll hide. Got so?"

I nodded, got up and stood next to the door.

"Are we still on for Friday night?" Harlequin whispered.

"WHY ARE YOU WHISPERING?!" Innocence yelled. "Yes, we're still on for Friday night, but we have to post an code."

"CODE?!" Skull shouted. "Then who's gonna get it?!"

Innocence looked tested.

"Shut it up, quit yelling!" Basher said calmly to Skull. "Jeesh, you'll make us go deaf... It's like sitting next to a fucking Kiss concert I'm sitting next to...Jeesh shit..." Basher trailed on.

"The smart people." Innocence continued, answering Skull's rhetorical question as if no one was sick of her. "You see, many of these women aren't really insane. Take us, for example. We aren't insane itself. We're insanely smart. Society couldn't deal with us, so they dumped us here." Her voice intensified. "Insanity doesn't exist."

I was so distracted by her speech that I didn't notice the guard walking towards. "The guard's coming!" I shouted. But when I turned my head towards the crew, they were all gone, including the table.

The guard looked through the door window as I ducked, trying to dodge his sight. Then, as he started to unlock the door, I dashed into the vent, with not one person of the group to be found.
The guard finally opened the door, to find nothing but a swinging ceiling lamp.