Status: HIATUS WARNING: (9.19.09) This is taking a bit longer to process than I thought. I may not have a new chapter up until maybe even the winter. Sorry for the inconvienience (as usual!)

Smiling Oak's Academy for the Insane.

How Wouldn't She Know?

I sat facing the door.
This time, they were courteous enough to have a chair ready for me in the "academy". However, I had my back facing the table and my eyes in the bottom corner of the door window.

"Claudia?" Innocence said tiredly, yet smoothly.

"Terminated." Basher sighed over the shuffling of papers.





There was a painful silence, followed by a "WHAT?!"

"He may have gotten away." Basher said calmly.

"NO WAY!" Innocence said, grinding her teeth.

"Ask Richard! Isn't he coming to the visitings today?"

"Yeah, but I can't discuss it with him here!"

"Well, trust me, I think Cliff was the only one to possibly get away besides Jasmilla."

"So let's see..." Innocence began to think out loud, in her smooth voice, as if she'd never got mad and started yelling in the first place. "Jasmilla was attacked on Friday, and Cliff was on Tuesday..." Innocence audibly scratched her head, "If Cliff is terminated, Jasmilla's thirty miles east of Cliff's body, so she'd be about three miles into the woods... Hm, reply hazy."

I didn't catch myself looking back at her in amazement.

"Staring doesn't make you look smart, Eyelid. What's up?"

"How do you know this kind of stuff?" I sounded more scared than I was. And I was very scared. Who wouldn't be? And, why did they want me around them so much, even if I was the look-out gerbil?

Her eyes narrowed and she smiled a maniacal smile. "How wouldn't I know?" She got up and approached me swiftly, swinging her hips like a pendulum. Even then, I was shaking in my boots, almost thinking about slipping out the door and hiding behind the closest guard. "Are you still breaking out with us on Friday?" She asked as if it were like hanging out.

"I-I-" my throat got dry and cold, "I don't kn-kn-know."

She spoke, practically in a whisper, "You don't have much time to ponder, sweetie." She backed away the same way she approached. Then, as she still stared at me and as she still backed away, she continued to call out names. "Morgan."

"Terminated." Basher said.


♠ ♠ ♠
Meh. A filler.
Next chapter will be pretty awesome.