The Protectors

Armstrong Gets in Trouble

I finished reading the history of the Protectors. It was the night after I had started to think that this might all be true. I was in the bathroom, just sitting on top of the toilet, in order to get some privacy for a few minutes. I was about to flip to another page when I heard Mike shout.

“Billie! Someone’s at the door for you!”

I shut the book, puzzled. Who would want to see me at this hour? It was probably almost 11 by now. I wasn’t expecting anyone... Wait a minute. What about the vampire I had ran away from last night? What if he found out where I lived and wanted to get even.

I got out of the bathroom, but not before putting the book behind the door. No one should need to use it while he saw who it was, he hoped. I took a detour on the way to the door, stopping in the kitchen to get something. I had no clue why we had it, but I grabbed what I came in there for before going to see who the heck it was at the door for me.

My eyes widened and I gulped as I saw the tall, slim figure at the door, Mike standing near him with a blank look on his face. The pale man in the doorway grinned, fangs glinting in the light. I hesitated.

His eyes seemed to glow red as he said, “I see that you remember me. I bet you also remember what you did to me last night. And now I bet you know what I’m gonna do to you.” He licked his fangs, stepping inside.

I took a step back, sticking one hand into my pocket. When the vampire was right in front of me, I took my hand out of my pocket and threw garlic powder into the vampire’s eyes. He screamed in pain and rubbed his eyes. I grinned when he suddenly grabbed my throat and lifted me off of my feet. I started clawing at his hand, trying to get him to loosen his grasp, desperately wanting air. He glared at me, his eyes even redder after having garlic powder being thrown into them. Then he let out a chuckle.

“You actually thought that that works on us?” he sneered. “You humans are so stupid. You actually think garlic hurts us anymore than it hurts you. Only the Protectors know anything about what really goes on in the world. All the rest are just ignorant. I can’t wait until we finally take over and stop living under you.”

I stopped struggling when he said “the Protectors”. He took notice before narrowing his eyes.
“Wait a minute...aren’t you Billie Joe Armstrong?” he asked. “As in Andrew Armstrong’s son?”

I couldn’t make a sound and felt ready to pass out. He took notice of this and released his grip. I fell to the floor and gasped for air. I couldn’t seem to get nearly enough air into my lungs, but I knew that I shouldn’t take too long. I was already on this guy’s bad side.

“Y-yeah,” I choked out in a hoarse voice. I wanted to ask him how he knew my name. Luckily he seemed to read my mind.

“I know you’re in a band, Green Day. I sometimes wonder around by Gilman Street at night. Plenty of people around there. Lots of blood.” The vampire wrung his hands now, looking twitchy.

I finally started breathing regularly again and got up. “How come you’re not killing me?”

“You’re a Protector,” he said simply. “If I killed you, I’d be in big trouble with the other ones. That’s the last thing I need.” Then he looked me up and down. “But then again, you thought that garlic had an effect on us. You either didn’t believe and haven’t started doing your job yet or are lying. You might not be the person your father trusted to carry on his job. He had other sons. Either way, none of the other Protectors would know about you yet so I don’t have to worry, I can kill you!”

I tried to turn and run but the vampire just grabbed my shirt, jerking me back. He turned me around and bent in towards my neck. I tried to shove him back, but I didn’t bother him. I saw Mike, still just standing there with a blank stare on his face.

“Mike!” I shouted. “Don’t just stand there, help me!”

But he just blinked, staying where he was, staring at me as though he were in a daydream or something. I felt his fangs touch my skin when I tried the same thing I did last night. The same effect was achieved and the vampire cursed loudly at me, some things I couldn’t understand. But one thing I did understand and it didn’t sound too good to me.

“You just made a big mistake, Armstrong!” he shouted. “You’re going to regret this. I’ll make sure every vampire and even werewolf knows to make you have a hard time! I’ll tell everybody who walks at night to make your job a living hell when it involves them!”

I was scared by that. I hardly knew anything and now I had just made enemies with everything that was a creature of the night. Not exactly the best way to start.

Before he could attack me again, I decided to kick him again, in the stomach this time. “Get lost,” I told him. “Get lost before I find something to kill you with. And don’t come back. Next time I’ll be prepared.”

The look that he gave me made my stomach drop to my feet. I felt weaker at the knees, but managed to keep standing. He held his hurt areas and stumbled out of the room, barely being able to walk.

His words rang in my head. “I’ll tell everybody who walks at night to make your job a living hell when it involves them!”