The Silence Is Scaring Me

A Birthday To Remember

(December 2, 2005 6:45 am)

Ashlynn sat on her bed with a bruised leg and tears streaming from her face. Earlier that morning Ashlynn had accidentally dropped her father's breakfast plate. Her father stepped on her leg after knocking her to the floor. She doubted he had even remembered it was her birthday. Ashlynn hadn't celebrated her birthday since she was seven, the year her mom died. Ashlynn spread her legs out across her bed and gripped the cross shaped charm on her necklace as she thought about her mother, Cara.

Ashlynn was always, and always will be, her mother's child. Even when her mom was alive, Ashlynn felt like her dad didn't care much for her. Her dad had wanted a son. Ashlynn began to cry harder until her phone rang.

"Hello?" Ashlynn asked wearily.

"Hey Ashlynn! Happy birthday!" Gio said Merrily, Ashlynn accidentally let out a sob. "Are you okay?"

"No not really." Ashlynn sighed. "He hit me again. He probably didn't even realize it's my birthday."

"Aww, I'm sorry Ash. Your dad is such a jackass!" Gio shouted. "Well maybe you should come over my house so we can celebrate your nineteenth birthday properly."

"I guess I could do that." Ashlynn whispered.

"Good because I have a surprise for you." Gio said in a way that you could see her smile through the phone.

"Oh god, Gio what now?"

"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?"

"I guess not. What time should I be over to see my fantabulous surprise?" Ashlynn asked, smirking.

"About four o'clock." Gio told her.

"Alright, see you then."

(4:00 pm)

"Gio! Tom!" Ashlynn was surprised to see them both waiting outside for her.

"Hey Ash!" Ashlynn walked forward and hugged Gio then Tom, who kissed her on her fore head.

"You okay, Ash?" Tom asked. "Gio told me what happened, this morning."

"I'm quite alright now, thanks. It's just a bruise anyways." Ashlynn saw Gio roll her eyes. "What?"

"Nothing, besides the fact that your dad could have snapped your leg in half and you would have said it was just a scratch."

"Ugh whatever." Ashlynn said. Suddenly Gio grabbed both of her pant legs and pulled them up. She immediately jumped back when she saw a large purple bruise going up Ashlynn's right shin.

"Oh my god." Tom said. "What the hell did he do, hit you with an iron skillet."

"It's not that bad." Ashlynn said rolling her pant legs back down. "Can we just go?"

"Yeah." Gio said deciding that she shouldn't argue the point.

(4:15 pm)

Tom, Gio, and Ashlynn got out of Tom's blue mini cooper and walked toward the movie theater.

"So, Ash, what movie do you wanna see?" Tom asked, as if he didn't already have a movie in mind. "Oh wait," Tom said over-dramatically pulling a present from behind his back. "I almost forgot to give you this."

"Why thank you kind sir." Ashlynn took out a navy blue Star Wars shirt from the box. "Oh how convenient that Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith just so happens to be playing at this exact time."

"Is it?" Tom said in fake shock. "Well isn't that odd?"

"Aha ha," Gio laughed sarcastically, pushing Tom playfully.

Ashlynn took off her top (she was wearing a long sleeved under shirt.) and put on the Star Wars one. Ashlynn was a Star Wars fan, just like Tom.

"Do or do not, there is no try." Ashlynn said, quoting Yoda. (The only reason I know that quote is because my friend bought me a t-shirt that said it, with Yoda on the looks awesome.)
Ashlynn high-fived Tom as they walked into the theater.

(6: 35 pm)

As they walked out of the theater Tom and Ashlynn were having a light saber fight with the light sabers that they sold in the front of the theater while Gio just laughed.

"Ouch!" Ashlynn squealed she had tripped and fell on her hurt leg because she was walking backward. She rolled up her pants, it was scraped and bleeding.

"You alright?" Gio asked in a panic.

"Yeah I'm fine, it just stings a bit." Ashlynn reassured her and got to her feet. "I can still walk."

"Get on my back." Tom said squatting down for Ashlynn to get on.

"Tom, I'm fine."

"Well get on anyways." Ashlynn gave in and hopped on his back. "God, you're light. Wha do you weigh? Nothing?"

"Whatever, Tom." Ashlynn rolled her eyes.

"Tom we have to get Ashlynn to the place." Gio said opening her eyes wide and looking at her watch.

"What place?" Ashlynn asked.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot." Tom said, ignoring Ashlynn.

"Tom, what place?"

"Don't worry about that." Tom said as Gio took out her phone.

"Hey we're on our way, you ready?" Gio said to whoever was on the phone, Tom sat Ashlynn down in the car. "Alright."

"Where are you taking me?" Ashlynn asked eagerly, neither one of them answered.


Tom pulled up to a laser quest place where Ashlynn could clearly see Dougie and Harry waiting for her. Harry opened her door and both he and Dougie waved at her animatedly before giving her a hug and wishing her a happy birthday. They both had on birthday hats and balloons tied to their jeans.

"Okay, so let me guess." Ashlynn pretended to concentrate really hard. "We are going... laser questing."

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" Harry shouted

"I never would have guessed," said Dougie. "No seriously, they wouldn't even tell me what we were doing for your birthday until today cause they thought I'd spoil the surprise."

"Oh, poor Doug." Ashlynn wrapped her arm around Dougie as he pretended to cry. "If it makes you feel any better, no one told me until today either."

Dougie laughed as they entered the laser quest building.

(8:20 pm)

"I won! I won!" Harry chanted.

"That's only because you're an insensitive freak." Ashlynn said smiling.

"Hey you said that your leg was fine and that I was, I believe your words were, 'going down'. What happened to that?" Harry teased.

"Shut up Harry!" Ashlynn said, hitting him playfully.

"Well I let you win. I mean it's good manners isn't it? With it being your birthday and all." Dougie said defensively.

"Uh-huh yeah sure, whatever Doug." Ashlynn said smirking.

"What? A guy can't be a gentleman anymore?" Dougie said in pretend outrage.

"I'm sorry Doug. Thank you for being so chivalrous." Ashlynn gave Dougie a kiss on the cheek. Dougie stuck his tongue out at Harry.

"Hey, I opened your door for you." Harry said.

"Oh, come here you big baby." Ashlynn kissed him on the cheek too. Harry stuck his tongue out at Dougie.

"We have a gift for you too." Harry said pulling out a decent sized box.

"We do?" Dougie said, Harry nodded his head. "God, no one ever tells me anything! I think I need another kiss on the cheek."

"Nice try." Ashlynn said and Dougie gave a small pout. Ashlynn opened the box to find a beautiful sapphire dress.

"Oh you guys it's beautiful."

"Gio probably picked it out." Dougie mumbled, earning a slap from Harry. "Okay fine, Harry picked it out. He's the gay." Harry hit him again.

"Now were supposed to lead you around back where a limo just happens to be waiting, but first you have to change into that dress."

(8:40 pm)

Ashlynn came out of the bathroom in the dress that Gio picked out. It was perfect because it had flesh colored sleeves and sort of a mermaid-like bottom. It covered all of her bruises and it had a matching sapphire hair pin.

"Wow," said both Harry and Dougie.

"You look great." said Harry. Dougie just stood there with goofy smirk on his face with his mouth wide open.

"Thanks Harry." Ashlynn smiled.

Dougie opened the door to the limo.

"Thanks Dougie." Ashlynn said. Dougie leaned in the limo with his cheek in her face. Ashlynn chuckled and kissed his cheek. Dougie and Harry waved goodbye as the limo drove away to a destination not yet known to Ashlynn.
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