The Silence Is Scaring Me


"I have to go. See you later Danny." Ashlynn hung up her phone as she opened the door to her house.

She walked inside. To her left she saw her dad, sitting on the sofa, watching television. There was a large bottle on the table next to him that was almost empty, but the liquid that remained in it was light brown. He was undoubtedly drunk, again. Ashlynn went upstairs to change into her pajamas, an over sized white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. She went back downstairs for a glass of water.

Ashlynn walked quietly into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. When she finished she walked back into the sitting room and she took the bottle of alcohol off the table and replaced it with the glass of water that she had, originally, made for herself and a bottle of aspirin. She grabbed the remote off the floor and handed it to her dad. Without a word he snatched it from her and looked at her with pure hatred. She walked back into the kitchen, not saying a word the entire time.

"Where were you today?" David slurred from his couch.

"At the cafe." she said quietly.

"Speak louder." he yelled, spit flying from his mouth.

"At the cafe." she said instantly.

He stood up from his chair and walked toward her, Ashlynn took a few steps back as he did so. He looked at her up and down with disgust as she shook and started to cry. Ashlynn tried to run, but her father grabbed her by her by her hair and pulled her to the ground. She screamed as her head hit the hard wooden floor followed by the pounding of her fathers foot into her side.

David stood back and watched as his daughter writhed on the ground, holding her side and coughing. Suddenly she got up and ran up the stairs, still crying and groaning from the pain. Her father chased her and she ran down the hall, into her room, shutting the door and locking it behind her. She leaned against the door as her father tried to beat it down. Ashlynn sat there crying. As the door splintered she screamed. She ran over to the window and forced it open with shaking hands. She threw one leg over the ledge and groaned in pain. She threw the other leg over the ledge of the window as her father burst through the door. At this point she was hanging off the side of the building. As she heard her dad's footsteps she let go of the wooden ledge. Her feet gave out beneath her as she landed.

Ashlynn looked up and got to her feet it was only then did she notice the bloodstain on her white shirt. She ran as fast as she could, ignoring her aching ribs and her pounding head. She was headed to the only person she could trust, Gio. She had no money so she would have to walk the entire way there. She was barefoot and heavily bruised. Everyone could see all of her scars because of what she was wearing, but she ignored all of the staring. She was still crying as she walked. She had been beaten before, almost everyday since her mom died in-fact, but never this badly, not all at once at least. She knew it would be risky to go over to Gio's house because she might have company, but she really had no choice.

She walked up to Giovanna's door and hesitantly rang the doorbell. The door opened, not by Gio, but by her boyfriend, Tom. Tom looked like he was shocked. Ashlynn bent her head in slight embarrassment, she was still crying.

"Is Gio here?" she whispered shakily, holding her side which was still bleeding.

"Um, yeah. Just stay right here I'll go get her." he said sounding quite flustered.

Gio came running to the door, embracing Ashlynn in a hug. "Oh my god! What did he do?" Gio was the only other person who knew about her being abused. Ashlynn just shook her head to show she didn't want to talk about it.

"Come on in. Did you walk all the way here? Ashlynn, do you need to stay here? You know you're more than welcome." Tom just stood to the side with the same expression on his face as when he opened the door.

"Could I, please? I can't go back." she said crying harder.

(later that night)

Gio had given Ashlynn a change of clothes after she took a shower. She would be staying in the guest bedroom. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either.

"So your dad did all that?" Tom had suddenly appeared at the door.

She didn't say anything for a moment, "Yeah."

"Gio said you're name's Ashlynn." He said.

"That's right." she said pulling back the covers on the guest bed.

"Were you at 'A Cafe' earlier today?" He asked rather randomly.

"Um, yeah." she knew what he was getting at he must've talked to Danny.

"Were you talking to Danny earlier today?" he asked.

"Yep." she said.

"Oh, okay. Good Night." For some reason he was smiling.

(The phone conversation)

Danny: Hello
Tom: Hey, mate. You at home?
Danny: No I'm at "A Cafe"
Tom: Who with?
Danny: Ashlynn
Tom: Ah, a girl. Is she fit?
Danny: Yeah
Tom: Alright I'll go then. Good luck. Bye.
Danny: Bye.
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