The Silence Is Scaring Me

Lies and Broken Promises

"Ah! Turn off the microphone! Turn it off!" Dougie yelled as the four boys tried to shield their ears from Ashlynn's loud and high-pitched screaming.

"Which button is it?" Danny shouted back, but before he had finished his sentence Tom had turned off the mic. Because the sound booth was sound proof, Ashlynn just looked like she had a really frightened look on her face. After her mouth had closed she hid underneath the studio window so they couldn't see her.

"What the hell was that?" Harry asked.

"I told you she was shy, you idiot!" Danny told Harry.

"What's she shy for?" Harry asked.

"I don't know! Ask her!"

"Fine then." Harry walked around into the booth door. Alexis looked up at him and he told her, "Sorry about that, I didn't know you'd completely freak out."

"It's okay." she said quietly, "I was a little over-dramatic."

"Just a little" Harry said smiling. "You're really a good singer. Why are you so shy?"

"I'm not really sure." She told him truthfully.

"Well you should sing more" he told Ashlynn.

Danny's voice came over the intercom. "Yeah your voice is beautiful" Tom and Dougie nodded in agreement and Ashlynn laughed because they were listening in on the conversation.

"Thanks, you guys." she said with a small smirk.

(End of date...just cause I'm too lazy to write out the whole thing. hahaha.)

Ashlynn had a great time with Danny, Tom, Harry, and Dougie. She had finally found a group of people she felt comfortable with. Together they would sing, make up odd dances, share weird jokes, and they were even teaching her how to play the guitar, drums, and bass. Dougie seemed a little nervous to touch her hand to show her the finger placements, but he got over it after a while. Ashlynn and Danny had already made plans to go on a date the very next day because they were having so much fun together

"I'll see you later guys." Ashlynn told Danny, Dougie and Harry. Tom was going to take her to Gio's house since he had planned on going there anyways. She gave all of the boys a hug and a kiss on the cheek before getting into Tom's car.

Once Tom and Ashlynn got to Gio's house, after blaring the radio and screaming the lyrics to all of the songs, they were greeted by Gio. She was still wide awake and gave them both hugs before they walked into the door. Ashlynn just went straight to the guest room and fell asleep.

(Afternoon of the next day. Once again too lazy to put in a story line.)

"Are you sure you have to go?" Gio asked worriedly.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." Ashlynn told Gio pulling her into a hug.

"You don't need a ride?" asked Tom as he gave her a hug.

"No thanks. I'll be fine. I'll see the two of you later" she told them as she walked backward toward the door.

"See you later" they chimed back.

"And remember," she stepped over the thresh hold and looked at them accusingly, "always practice safe sex."

"Get out of here!" Gio yelled at her laughing.

(Back at home.)

"Ashlynn!" her father yelled before the front door even closed.

"Yes?" Ashlynn called back, scared.

"Get in here now!" he said in his familiar harsh tone.

Ashlynn found him in the kitchen. "Yes dad?"

"Where were you last night?"

Ashlynn stayed silent for a moment, "I was at Gio's house."

"Liar!" he shouted.

"Wh-" she tried to speak, but was cut off by her dad.

"You are a liar and a slut!" he yelled at her.

"Dad, what are you talking about?" she asked, crying. He threw a magazine on the table to his left.

"Look at the cover." he said in a dark voice.

There was a picture of Ashlynn and Danny, holding hands, walking into the studio. The cover read "Another McFly Boy Taken?" Ashlynn cursed the creators of the magazine in her mind.

"I might be wrong, but that doesn't look like Gio to me."

"Dad I-"

"What?" he yelled suddenly, making Ashlynn jump. "Are you a tramp now? I can't even trust you!"

"Dad." Ashlynn pleaded quietly as he walked toward her looking as angry as ever, if not angrier.

He pinned her against the wall near the door which made her head slam into the door frame. "I trusted you!" he shouted. "I'm finally nice to you and you lie to me!"

"I'm sorry!" Ashlynn screamed through her tears.

"Shut up!" he yelled, moving one of his hands to her throat as the other held down her hands."How do I know what you did last night? You could have had sex, done drugs, gotten drunk. Why should I trust you?" he screamed at her, inches away from her face as she cried heavily.

"I didn't do any of that!" she protested."And you lied too! You promised you wouldn't hurt me!" Ashlynn yelled back at him through her sobs and gritted teeth.

"Shut up!" he shouted louder than Ashlynn had ever head him.

The next thing happened so fast. Ashlynn's dad moved his hand that was around her neck and took a firm grip of her hair. He spun her around on the spot and slammed the side of her face into the door frame. Ashlynn shrieked and fell to the floor as her father let go. She ran her fingers over the cut that went from the end of her eyebrow, almost to her jaw. She cried harder as she heard the door slam, signifying that her dad had left.

The first thing she realized was that she would have to cancel her date with Danny that night. There was no way to cover the gash that now ran down the side of her face. She pulled herself together enough to make the call.

"Danny?" she asked as soon as the ringing stopped.

"You alright." He asked, she hadn't done a very good job of hiding her tears.

"Not really, I've just gotten really sick." she lied, "I can't make it to the date. I'm so, so, so sorry"

"No it's okay" he said sweetly "You can't help if you're sick."

"Thanks for understanding." she said hoarsely as she was still holding back her tears. "I'm sorry to cut the conversation short, but I really have to go." Ashlynn could feel the blood running down her face and she was feeling slightly dizzy.

"Okay, call me if you need anything." Danny told her, concerned.

"I'll talk to you later, Danny." she said quietly.

"Yeah, talk to you later."
♠ ♠ ♠

p.s. her so called "dad" is a DICK!!!... sorry, but hey no one else said it so I figured I had to. hahaha

p.s.s. sorry peoples the last time I put this chapter up it was on the wrong story. It was like three in the morning though!!! give me a break here! I wasn't wearing glasses so I could barely see and it was pitch black inside my room cause I was about to go to sleeeeeeeeep. But, once again my apologies for confusing you all! xD