Just One of the Boys

Chapter 10

Two hours later, I drove my motorcycle into the clearing in the woods from before. I parked, yanking off my helmet and swinging a leg around. Whistling slightly to myself, I lifted up the seat, pulling out Henry’s clothes, wig, and bind. I tugged the shirt over my head, pulled on the wig, and changed my pants and underwear. As I reached for the bind, a very startled voice caused me to jump.

“Holy shit, Henry?” With a startled yelp, I spun around, my hands crossed over my currently exposed bra and chest. Zack was standing about fifteen feet away, his eyes the size of golf balls and glued to my chest.

“Zack!” At the sound of my voice, my real voice, Zack seemed to jerk awake. Tumbling backwards into the dirt, he scrambled to get back on his feet.

“Oh shit,” he stuttered. “Oh my holy shit…”

“Zack, stop!” I cried, chasing towards him. Out of habit, Zack glanced back, saw my exposed bra, and tripped over a tree branch. Sprawled out on the ground, Zack attempted to stand back up, but I placed my foot on his chest.

“Get away!” he shouted, hands flying up to cover his eyes. “Just, get away!”

“Zack, listen to me,” I commanded, bending down. Zack grabbed my foot and shoved it off of him, causing me to tumbled forward, half on him, half off. I rolled off him, clutching my forehead where his had connected with mine. I buried my head in my hands, trying to blink back tears.

Zack sat away from me, silent as a rock for a few moments before I spoke up. “Please, Zack, just…say something.”

“What the hell, Henry?” he muttered finally, eyes still on my chest. “You have boobs. I mean, like, boobs, boobs.”

“I figured,” I snapped, eyes closed and teeth gritted.

“Why haven’t you like, gotten them removed are something? I mean, I now that would cost a hell of a lot of money, but come on!” he continued, gesturing towards the bra. “Don’t think I’m like, prejudice, but are you a hermaphrodite?”

I stared at him, shocked. I slowly lifted my hand up to my face and smacked my forehead. Oh. My. God. “Zack, I’m a girl.”

“HOLY FUCKING SHIT!” he screamed, slapping his hands over his eyes. “COVER THEM UP! COVER THEM UP! COVER THEM UP!”

“Okay, okay!” I stumbled to my bike and tugged a shirt over my head. “They’re covered, they’re covered!”

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” Zack was beginning to hyperventilate, and it was kind of freaky. His chest was heaving up and down as he dropped his head in between his knees. “You’re a GIRL!”

“Yes, I am in fact 100% girl,” I half grinned, taking the wig off. Zack took one look at what I really looked like, and passed out. Well, that went well.Not.
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This is probably one of my favorite chapters ever. Seriously, I love Zack, and it's jsut so much fun to put him in awkward situations.
Now, it has come to my attention that no one seems to be reading toesofthetickledkind's amazingly hularious stories. Come on people, go read them! Seriously, they diserve the attention!!!!
Also, would you guys mind commenting after you read this? Please? I'd really like to have some more feed back on this. I mean, 108 people have read it, 36 people subscribed, and yet only 20 comments? You can tell me it sucked and won't care! Please comment!!!!