Just One of the Boys

Chapter 12

“Full name?” Zack and I were sitting cross legged, facing each other.

“Holly Cassandra Williams,” I replied, picking a hang nail.


“April 27, 1986.” Zack nodded, obviously content with the knowledge he had obtained so far.

“Parents?” he asked, his eyebrow raised. I froze, my face deathly pale.


“Can’t do that!” he lectured, sticking out a finger and waggling it. “You have to tell me.”

“I’m allowed to skip whatever I want!” I cried, tossing my hands up. “You can’t tell me what to do!”

“I most certainly can, Holly,” he sneered. “Aren’t you forgetting?” I crossed my arms like a child and glared daggers at him.

“I refuse,” I snarled.

“Than I’m going to the dean!” he snapped, standing up. I stood up, too, still glaring. He held contact for what seemed like years but could only have been about a minute before Zack spoke again. “You obviously have something to hide if you won’t talk.”

“Yes, I have lots of things to hide, things which you’re never going to find out,” I hissed. Once again we stood in silence, before I cracked. “Emma. My mother’s name is Emma.”

“And you dad?” Zack probed.

“Is dead,” I replied with as much malice as possible, wishing to god that Zack were, too. Zack’s features melted into one of complete horror.

“Oh my god, Henry—I mean Holly—I’m so sorry,” he breathed, one hand reaching out to land on my shoulder. I dodged away, my temper flaring.

“Why? Why are you sorry? Did you kill him? No! So don’t be!” I yelled, my fists balled at my side. “For seven years it’s been ‘Holly I’m so sorry’ or ‘Holly he was such a good man’! How do they know? They only knew his name! Hell, who the fuck doesn’t know Austin Williams?”

“Your dad’s Austin Williams?” Zack gaped. “That means your mother is…”

“Emma Williams, yeah, I know,” I muttered, instantly embarrassed and pissed off.

“But that would make you…”

“Holly Williams, heiress to the largest fortune in the world. Yeah, yeah, tell me something I don’t know.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Three cheers for an update! I'm thinking of updating for a second time because this one was really short. It's kinda a filler, only not really, if you catch my drift...
I had my first dance of the year on Friday and man was it fun! I danced the whole night with my friends and sang along with all the songs.
I'm thinking of starting three new stories: one where a band gets signed onto Decaydance/FueledByRamen, one where it's like West Side Story FBR/DD style, or the other where a girl finds herself as nanny to a star (haven't decided which one)'s daughter. Message me if you want to know more, tell me which band boy to use, or to suggest names!
Don't forget to comment, please!