Just One of the Boys

Chapter 16

The moment I stepped foot in the room, I was met with thunderous applause. Nolan stood up and walked towards me, clasping me on the shoulder. “I’m so proud of you,” he praised me, a huge grin on his face.

“Um…why?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“You were getting some in the bathroom,” he informed me. “My little Henry, all grown up.” He wiped a fake tear from his eye. “It’s my proudest moment.”

“Screw that, what’s her name?” Devon grinned.

“How’d you get her in the school?” Andrew questioned.

“More importantly, how is she?” Nolan smirked, leaning over. My eyebrows furrowed before flying up to my hairline. An arm found its way around my shoulders, holding me back from ripping his throat out.

“Not worth it,” Zack muttered, tugging me towards my seat as the guys bombarded me with questions.

“I was not ‘getting some’ in the bathroom,” I snapped as Jeff questioned me on how I snuck the girl in with no one noticing. “And there is no way in hell I am answering questions!”

“That’s nice to know, Henry,” Chris smirked from behind me. “Why don’t you sit down and talk about your personal life outside of class?” Too pissed off to even bother blushing, I stormed to my seat, Zack sitting next to me. Jack leaned over, his eyes flashing with curiosity.

“Ask me just one more question and I’ll castrate you with a spork.” He sat back in his chair, scooting as far away from me as possible.


When the bell rang, I left as quickly as possible so as to escape horny boys with horny questions. As I sped walked towards the dorms, I tried not to think of everyway possible way to kill Nolan. So he was the one that was peeing in the bathroom. He must’ve heard me and Claudia laughing and mistook it for us screwing. Yuck.

I hurriedly yanked the key to my dorm out from my pocket and shoved it into the keyhole. Kicking the door open, I tossed my crap onto my bed and stormed back outside, ignoring the shouts of guys wanting to know more about the bathroom incident.

“Henry! Henry, wait up!” Fuming, I spun around, eyes squeezed shut.

“For the last time! No, girls do not like having to sit on the toilet seat so you can fu—Maria!” I quickly stopped talking after I noticed that it wasn’t, in fact, a boy. “Um….sorry.”

“It's perfectly fine. Hey, I was wondering if you were free today,” she questioned, twirling a lock of chocolate brown hair around a finger.


“Great! Let’s go get lunch!” she squealed, snatching my hand in hers and dragging me towards a bright red convertible. “Hop on in!” I climbed into her car, slightly nervous.

“Um, Maria, let me just make this clear beforehand, okay?” I asked, fiddling my thumbs. “I have a girlfriend.” She paused, for just a second, but climbed in, smiling.

“That’s okay, we can just go as friends!” Throwing the car into reverse, Maria slammed her platform-ed foot onto the gas and speed out of the parking lot, me holding onto the sides for dear life. What the crap did I get myself into?
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Sorry this is so late, but I've been swamped with homework and stuff. In four days, I will be rocking out with Panic at the Disco! I'm super excited for it, so expect a very long and detailed journal about it in the upcoming days...
Please comment/subscribe/love, and please read my other story, They Rule The Streets I'm working hard on it, so I'd like to hear what you guys think of it! Oh, and can you guys make me banners, please?