Just One of the Boys

Chapter 2

I took a deep breath and knocked three times on the thick door that claimed to be room 203, my new dorm, at least for the summer. I had signed up for only two classes over the summer, English and band, my two favorites. “Come on in!” a voice called. I entered the dorm, glancing around gently. “You must be my new roommate.”

Startled, I turned to find myself face to face with the most handsome guy I have ever laid eyes on. Oh (Insert swear word of choice here). Amazingly enough, while my brain drooled over him, my mouth managed to work, forcing out the deeper voice I had practiced. “Hey, I’m Henry Williams.”

“Alex Gaskarth,” he greeted. “So, where’d you go to school before here?”

Emily Fairgrove School for Girls, I thought sarcastically. “Public school. Small town, you’d probably never heard of it,” I lied, shrugging.

“Oh…that’s cool. So, what summer classes you taking?” Alex took the paper out of my hands before I even had the chance to read it myself. “Sweet, we have the same classes! What instrument do you play?”

“I play guitar.”

“Really? Hey, me too! Do you want to go get some food? I could introduce you to some of the guys here, also,” Alex said, grabbing his hoodie.

“Sure, why not? Just let me put my stuff away, alright?” I tossed my duffle onto the spare bed and turned back to the door. “Done!” Laughing, we walked out of the room towards the cafeteria, or what Alex told me was the cafeteria.
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Okay, so I finally figure out how to post more than one chapter, thanks to many different people. I already have eight chapters posted on Quizilla, in case anyone wants to read ahead. I have more that will be posted, so don't worry.

Image by A w e s o .me. because that's what she is, awesome