Just One of the Boys

Chapter 21

“Tell me everything!” I demanded the moment Claudia and I sat down in front of Starbucks. Claudia rolled her eyes and sighed, but I wasn’t fooled. She had a glitter in her eyes that informed me she had been dying to tell me every dirty detail.

“Okay, so it was the most awkward thing I have ever had to go through,” Claudia whispered, leaning in towards me. “We didn’t speak to each other the entire time because I was trying to uphold your honor and all that jazz.”

“My honor? Really Claudia, I’m touched,” I smirked, placing a hand over my heart.

“Can it Williams, I’m not done,” she giggled, playfully smacking my arm. “So then, he’s driving me home, right? And he parks the car and turns to me, making this amazing speech about how he had no balls to ask me out, and how he pretty much fell for me the moment he spotted me outside Starbucks with you that first time. And then he proceeded to tell me that he though I was smart and beautiful and everything! So then, I did what any normal girl would do in my position. I kissed him, and he kissed me back before I got out of the car, thanked him, and told him I’d see him!” Claudia gushed, a dreamy look in her eyes.

“Claudia’s in love, Claudia’s in love!” I sang, smirking at my best friend as she turned a ruddy blush and stammered something out.

“Shut up! I’m not in love, I’m merely in like. Anyways, what’s going on with the roommate?”

“Ugh, awful as ever. I found out he lives strictly by something he and his friends call ‘The Three F’s’: flirt, fuck, forget. Apparently, I’m about to be his next victim,” I sighed, dropping my head to the metal table. The sun gently warmed the back of my neck, making me smile against my wishes.

“You like the attention, you whore,” Claudia teased.

“Shut up, slut,” I replied.

“Hey, that’s not cool,” Claudia snapped, crossing her arms. “I’m a ho, not a slut.”

“Sorry, my mistake,” I giggled, as Claudia did the same. A shadow passed over head, and Claudia instantly blushed a darker shade of red. Raising an eyebrow, I turned and saw Zack standing over us, chewing his lip. He opened his mouth to say something, but turned and sprinted back to a table full of laughing boys. “That dumbass,” I muttered, shaking my head.

“Hey! He’s my dumbass,” Claudia protested, smacking my arm. “And I think it’s cute.” The moment the words left her mouth, she slapped a palm over it, eyes wide.

“Aw, he’s yours?” I cooed, flailing my arms. “That’s so sweet!” Once again, the shadow passed over head.

“JUST GET IT OVER WITH!” someone shouted from the table the boys were at.

“Yes, oh darling stranger who is dating my best friend?” I smirked, raising an eyebrow. “May we help you?” Once again, Zack opened his mouth to speak, his face a very dark shade of red. The exact shade, actually, of Claudia’s face. He turned and headed back to the table, as the others burst into loud groans and cat calls. “Claudia, darling,” I drawled with my best British accent. “Please, rescue Zachary’s reputation.”

“Zack!” Claudia called, standing up. He turned, grinning like a madman. “Want to take a walk with me?” The guys ooed and awed, while I rolled my eyes. Boys, they’re so immature.

“I’d love to,” he replied, taking her outstretched hand. “Wait, what about--”

“Holly Williams,” I introduced myself, standing up and holding out my hand for him to shake. “Nice to meet you.”

“Oh, um…Zack Merrick,” he smirked, taking my hand and shaking it. “Nice to meet you, too.”

“GET HER NUMBER!” Alex not so secretly shouted.

“Um…” Zack looked at me hopefully, but I rolled my eyes.

“Sorry, my boyfriend would like it,” I shouted back, not looking in his direction.

“Boyfriend?” Zack questioned. “You do realize that won’t stop him.”

“Eh, it was worth a try,” I shrugged. “Oh well.”


“Oh really?” I snapped, turning around to face him with my hands on my hips. Alex was smirking, imitating my position. “What makes you so sure?”

“Because, sweetheart,” Alex smirked, causing my teeth to set on edge. “Any girl as hot as you would be taken. You, however, are not.”

“And how can you tell by just looking at me?” I growled, crossing my arms.

“Hey, ya know what, Holly?” Zack muttered. “We’re just going to go on that walk.” Zack started to walk away, Claudia’s hand grasped in his, but Claudia stopped him.

“No, we’re going to watch this,” Claudia replied. “This’ll be good.” Zack made a noise of protest, but Claudia shut him up with a glare. "Trust me, this is better than any walk on the beach."

“You think you’re so smart, don’t you?” I sneered. “You, who’s probably never truly dated a girl in your life!”

“Like you’ve had any experience with that stick up your butt?” Alex snapped back. “I bet you anything I’ve gotten laid more times than you.”

“Another reason not to give you my number: you’re a manwhore,” I snapped.

“How do you know this?” Alex took a step closer to me, while I took one closer to him.

“Please, just look at you!” I laughed, letting my anger out at him. “You ego is practically smothering me!” We were getting an audience, which only fed the fire.

“Well look at you!” Alex cried, tossing his arms out. “Look at little Miss I’m-Too-Good-For-Anyone! I bet that you’ve never actually had a boyfriend!”

“Wrong,” Claudia snorted.

“Dead wrong,” I glared. “I’ve dated boys much worse than you.”

“Then give me a chance,” Alex smirked, crossing his arms.

“In your dreams,” I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

“You betcha, you’ll be in my dreams.” He pretended to hump the air, causing the boys back at the table to burst into loud laughter. I took a step towards him, teeth on edge, while he copied me. We were about two feet away from each other at this point, and he closed the gap with a rather large step.

“Go out with me, I dare you. And I bet I can make you forget all about your dear little boyfriend,” Alex challenged me. Narrowing my eyes, I accepted.

“You’re on.” We shook hands on it before spinning around on our heels and marking back to our respected tables. It was war now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Krista, cross my heart and hope to die, you are coming into the story. PROMISE.
Anyways, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays. More should be expected.
Oh, and I know Holly's acting like a bitch, all will be explained later on.