Just One of the Boys

Chapter 22

“Try this,” Claudia instructed, shoving yet another article of clothing into my arms. We were in a small clothing boutique near the Starbucks searching for an outfit for the ‘date’ Alex and I would have in two days; Friday. “With this—wait, what about this?” I was staggering under the weight of the clothes that Claudia kept stacking on my arms.

“I don’t know what they say about me, but Claude, I’m not made of money,” I grumbled, my words muffled by the multitude of cloth.

“Don’t call me Claude,” Claudia corrected. “And who cares, we just need to find the perfect outfit for you. And, yea, pshaw, you’re made of money.”

“I resent that!” I cried, following her blindly towards the dressing room. “I happen to be…oh fine, I’m made of money.”

“Told ya,” Claudia smirked, holding the door open. “Now scoot!”

“Honestly, how the hell did I get myself into this?” I complained, shimmying out of my clothes and stepping into a jean skit and flowy flowered tee. “Whadduyah think?”

“Eh, it’s not nice enough,” she squinted. “Try something else. And you got into this by opening your fat mouth.”

“I do not have a fat mouth!” I cried, indignant. “My mouth is perfect. And oh my god, Claudia, could you have found an uglier outfit?” I tugged the clothes of and chucked them over the door.

“Crap, Holly, that was my eye!” Claudia shrieked.

“Serves you right,” I murmured. “Now, what else is there to wear?”

“Here, try this.” A navy blue strappless dress was lifted over the top of the door, and I took it, raising an eyebrow at the new voice.

“Um, okay,” I muttered. Slipping the dress over my head, I unlocked the door and stepped out without looking. “Whudduyah think, folks?”

“Smoking!” Claudia wolf whistled.

“I like it,” the mystery person shrugged. “Go for that.”

“Really?” I turned towards the mirror, glancing over the outfit. “It seems too casual.”

“I’ve lived here my whole life, and trust me, whatever Alex has planned out is not going to be fancy,” the girl informed me. Claudia and I exchanged glances, before looking back at her.

“So…you know the local boy gossip, right?” I questioned carefully.

“It happened, I'll know it,” she smirked. “Krista at your service.”

“I’m Claudia, she’s Holly,” Claudia introduced us, gesturing to me.

“I gathered who you were,” she replied dryly, nodding to me. “I mean, you’re practically famous already around here. Everyone wants to know if Alex is going to pull it off.”

“Great, just what I needed,” I muttered, brushing one hand down my front and refusing to look at Krista. “More popularity.” I dropped onto the seat next to the floor-length mirror, my head in my hands.

“Hey, don’t worry, it’s cool,” Krista assured me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Us girls are all rooting for you to drop him faster than a hot tamale. After all, he does deserve to be stood up to for once in his life.” Noticing my questioning glance, she was quick to inform me. “If you haven’t realized by now, Alex has hit on practically every girl here, and has gotten his way for pretty much everyone. He just has this charm about him that is pretty undefeatable. So we all want him to meet his match, and we know it’s you.”

“No pressure.” Laughing at Claudia’s joke, I stood up and entered the dressing room, changing back into my clothes, and joining the gossiping girls.

“I better head back,” I cringed, checking my Coach watch. “It was nice meeting you, Krista!” Gather the clothes into my arms, I headed towards the cashier, paid for them, and handed the bags to Claudia. “You know why,” I muttered as I pulled her into a farewell hug. “See you both tomorrow!” Jogging towards my bike, I straddled the seat, gunned the engine, and took off back towards the town.

“Sup, dude?” I tilted my head upwards the second I strutted through the door of my room. Alex was lying on his unmade bed, staring at the ceiling. The moment he heard my voice, however, he jumped from the mattress and pinned me against the wall.

“You have got to help me.” His eyes were wide and crazed as I gulped, nervous as hell.
“H-help you?” I squeaked, my voice turning falsetto. “W-w-with what?”

“I am in such deep crap right now,” he muttered, letting me go and turning away, running a hand through his hair causing it to stand up. “I just dared Holly-freaking gorgeous Holly!-to go on a date with me. A date! What the heck am I going to do on this date? And if I completely blow it, that’s it! She’s never going to date me again! You have to help me! Zack is off in search of Christine--”

“Claudia,” I corrected dryly.

“Right, whatever. Rian and Jack are off with Nolan, and you’re here! So please, dude, ya gotta help me!” he begged, falling to his knees and clasping his hands in prayer.

“Just…” Sighing, I flopped onto my bed and tugged a pillow over my head. Don’t scream, Holly, don’t scream. “Take me—her—to a restaurant and a walk on the beach.” Thank god my pillow muffled my words.

“Huh?” Alex ripped the pillow from my face, staring down at me. “What am I supposed to do?”

“I dunno, think of something!” I cried, tossing my hands in the air. “I can’t handle this right now!” Storming from the room, I made sure that the door was properly slammed behind me before I sprinted down the stairs and headed wherever my feet took me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I did go shopping with Claudia, right before Christmas. We have a tradition of picking out the ugliest clothes we can find and making the other wear them. Trust me, we weren't the prettiest of sights. But we did get some great inside jokes, which will probably be used in hte upcoming chapters.
And I'm super sorry guys, my writing for each chapter seems to get worse and worse. I'm working on it, so the next one will be better, I promise.