Just One of the Boys

Chapter 24

It was finally Friday. Claudia and Krista (new fast friends) had come tokidnap me pick me up the second class ended, so I had no choice but to be dragged back to her Great Aunt Mimi’s house and pampered, fluffed, styled, powdered, and made up. The problem with me and Claudia is that, because we attended Fairgroves since freshman year of high school, we had been forced into uniforms and had no real idea how to place together date outfits without the help of every other junior on our floor. Our uniforms consisted of red and black skirts that ended one inch above out knees, white polos or button downs, a red tie, and black knee socks with paten leather Mary Jane ballet flats. Not to mention the fact that it was an all girls school, so we didn’t have boys to make us become fashion fanatics. Never mind that the majority of us had our own stylists, when it came to us alone with no Filipe or Jean, we were hopeless.

Krista, on the other hand, had grown up attending coed public school, so she knew what to wear and when to wear it. She was our savior, our god, and our fashion adviser. Without her, I probably would have shown up for the date in pajamas with my hair in a sloppy bun atop my head. Not to mention the fact that I’ve been freaking out because I had to go meet Alex in less than twenty minutes. After attempting to sneak out of the house, Claudia and Krista took matters into their own hands.

“You know, the handcuffs are just insulting,” I whined, struggling to free my arms. Claudia turned around from the front seat and smirked at me.

“I happen to know that if I freed you, you’d jump out of the car while it was moving and run away.” She turned back around and turned the radio up higher.

“I would not!” I muttered, wiggling again. “I would wait for a stop sign!”

“That’s what I thought,” Krista giggled. “Don’t worry, the second we get to Thames Street, I’ll untie you.”

“Are you for cereal?” I gaped. “They’ve named a street Thames Street?”

“It intersects with South Broadway,” Claudia added. “Haven’t you paid any attention to the street signs?”

“Um, no,” I snorted. “Who does?” When I met silence, I immediately backed down. Obviously, they do. “So…does anyone have an idea what Alex’s plans are?”




“We’re here!” Claudia sang, pointing to the corner streets. Alex was leaning against the street pole, checking his watch.

“Okay, here’s how it going to go down,” Krista instructed, pulling into a parking space and turning to face me. “He’s going to hit on you a countless number of times, but don’t you fall for it. Just, act cool, and be yourself. Just don’t give in!”

“Okay, I got that. Now will you untie me?” I sighed, twisting in the seat so they had access to my hands. Giggling, Claudia untied my hands and patted my shoulder.

“Have fun,” she smiled. “Go break some hearts.” I flashed her a thumbs up before climbing out of the car, smoothing my navy blue halter dress over my front.

“Here goes nothing,” I muttered under my breath, walking around the car to face Alex. He was wearing a black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and a grey and blue stripped hoodie, a pair of light wash jeans, while his hair was swept to the side.

“Holly,” he smirked, taking my hand and pressing his lips to my knuckles. My heart fluttered, but I snatched my hand away, wiping it on my skirt.

“Gaskarth,” I sneered, trying to calm my heart. His smirk deepened as he took my hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow.

“Shall we?” Alex led me down the street, South Broadway, to be exact. He practically dragged me after him, my hand trapped between his arm and his ribs. Stumbling over my peep-toed pumps, I followed him down the street clumsily.

“So, what do you want to do?” Alex asked, still leading me down the street.

“Honestly? I want to go home. There is nothing I want,” I lied.

“Not even the moon? Do you want to moon? Cause I’ll lasso the moon and drag it right down here for you,” he smirked, stopping and turning to me. I raised an eyebrow, but didn’t stop him. “Well, then you can swallow it, and it'll all dissolve, see... and the moonbeams would shoot out of your fingers and your toes and the ends of your hair...” Alex fingered a lock of my hair in front of my face and slowly dragged it across my cheek to behind my ear. “Am I talking too much?”

“Next time,” I whispered, leaning in closer. He bent forward eagerly, hoping for a kiss, but I wouldn’t give in. I bent to the left so that my cheek was against his. “Don’t quote It’s A Wonderful Life. We aren’t George and Mary Bailey, after all.”

“You knew that?” he pouted. “Damn, I was going for you not knowing.”

“Shall we keep going?” I asked sweetly, jerking my thumb down the street. This was war, after all. So far, I was winning. “I’d like this to go quickly, please.” Alex followed me like a dumb little puppy, desperate to think of another pickup line to ‘charm’ me with.

“First, let’s get the supplies,” Alex chirped, taking my hand and tugging me into a small deli. “Choose whatever you’d like,” he grinned, gesturing to the counter. “I’ll pay.”

“I sure hope so,” I muttered, turning away from him.

Holly: 2
Alex: 0

The man behind the counter laughed, not even bothering to hide his loud chuckles. Alex hid his embarrassment behind a smirk, but failed. “I’ll have a salami sandwich on Dutch crunch, please.”

“Sure thing, little lady,” the man nodded, turning towards Alex. “Anything for you?”

“Same as her,” Alex instructed, grinning at me. I rolled my eyes and tried not to blush. The man frowned, but made his food anyways. About five minutes later, our food was ready and after Alex paid, we left.

Alex’s hand slipped to the small of my back as we walked further down the street, the bag of food in his hands. It crept further and further down until it was just above my butt. As I felt his fingers move, I gripped his arm, my nails digging into the flesh of his wrist. He yelped, trying to pull his arm back, but I wouldn’t let him.

“I’m warning you Gaskarth,” I growled, pushing my nails in harder. “Touch me like that again, and I’ll make sure you will never be able to touch someone again. Do. You. Understand. Me?” He nodded, eyes wide. I released his arm and stepped away from him.

Holly: 3
Alex: -1

“Shall we go get drinks?” he asked after a moment of silence. I sniffed, turning away from him. He didn’t even apologize! I thought, pissed. “C’mon, Holly!”

Alex led me to a liquor store, and I scoffed mentally. Seriously? He’s going to try and get me drunk? The bell jingled above us as we passed through the doorway, headed towards one of the many isles. Alex grabbed two bottles of Jaeger and headed back to the cashier.

“Can I see some ID?” the guy drawled, obviously bored. Alex’s jaw dropped, but he covered it up quickly, fumbling for his wallet.

“Here,” I sighed, flashing mine from my wallet. Claudia and I had gotten them just before school let out, so I was kind of happy that I had an excuse to use them.

Holly: 4
Alex: -1

“That’ll be $34.50.” Alex handed the man the money, received his change, and grabbed the bottles and my hand, pulling me (once again) back outside. The sun was setting, the light brushing over the buildings, people, and water, sparkling and glittering. Couples strolled down the dock at the bay, staring out at the lake while children chased each other down the streets. I shivered, goose-bumps peppering my skin as a gust of wind blew over us.

“Here.” A hoodie wrapped around my shoulders, the soft fabric caressing the skin.

Holly: 4
Alex: 0

“Thanks,” I murmured, pulling it closer. After a moment’s hesitation, Alex wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close. His chest was warm, and he smelled like vanilla and Axe, something I had grown used to from our dorm room. I pulled away, his warmth edging away. I sped up, letting him fall a few paces behind him.

“Wait, turn here!” he instructed. I paused, and let him catch up to me. He walked briskly out of town and towards the lake, leading me towards a section I had never been to. “Okay, so we’re going to have to take a trail, so your shoes might be a bit ruined,” Alex warned, glancing down at my pumps pointedly.

I frowned, not wanted to take them off. I could risk the trail and ruin them, or tromp through the woods and ruin my feet. I mean, my shoes weren’t even mine, they were Krista’s, and I have no clue how she’d take to seeing her new pumps muddy and trashed. But, if I got blisters and cuts from walking barefooted, how would I explain that as Henry? Alex took control of the situation.

“Can you please put me down?” I was squirming, trying to get off from my position slung over his shoulder. “Like, right now, before I kick you in the face?”

“We’re almost there, just wait as sec,” he replied, still walking through the trail. His hand slowly started sliding further up my legs towards my ass again, until I kicked him in the gut. I mean seriously, does he never learn his lesson?

Alex lost his breath, toppling over, his face headed to the ground. With a scream, I fell with him, his face being planted right between my legs. The top of his head brushed between my legs while his nose was pressed into the dirt. Gasping for breath, I struggled to catch my breath, while Alex struggled to stand back up.

His hands relocated to my thighs as he pushed off, trying to get into a sitting position. “Get off!” I screeched, thrashing wildly. “Get your hands off me!” I kneed him in the mouth and he fell to the side, groaning.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” he apologized, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry!”

I scrambled into a crouched position, tugging my skirt down. My cheeks were flame red as embarrassment stained my skin. I stood up, my legs pressed tightly together and my arms crossed over my chest.

“Holly, I’m--”

“Save it,” I mumbled, staring down at my feet. “Just…c’mon, let’s forget about this.” Still stuttering out apologizes, Alex beckoned me down the trail, leading me out into a part of Hamilton I had never even imagined. “Oh my god,” I breathed, shocked.

It was a secluded meadow, a semicircle of emerald green grass that looked like it had never been touched. The grass ended at the beach where tiny waves lapped at the edge. A small wooden dock stretched out onto the clear water, ending about ten feet out. Tied to the end was a rowboat, the oars locked in place and resting in the water. The sinking sun reflected off the water, bathing us in golden light.

“So you like it?” Alex breathed, startling me from the beauty of the meadow. “I have candles in the boat so we can see.”

“God Alex, this is beautiful,” I sighed, against my wished. Damnit.

Holly: 4
Alex: 1

“Shall we?” Alex held his arm out for me to loop mine through his, and I did almost unwillingly. He led me out to the dock, and gently helped me into the boat. It started rocking back and forth, and Alex held out his hand for it to stop. “Careful, wouldn’t want that tipping over on you.” He climbed in as well, untied the boat, and pushed off, sending us gliding over the sun-stained waters.

“So, you hungry?” Alex asked, nudging the bag towards me as he took the oars in his hands.

“Yeah,” I mumbled, taking one of the sandwiches out and unwrapping it. “Where did you find this spot?”

“Freshman year, I was hiding from the seniors. See, they have this thing called Freshman Friday, where the seniors prank the freshman. So, in order to not get pranked, I decided to run into town. Well, they chased me, but I managed to escape here,” Alex explained, his arms working tirelessly as he pulled the boat deeper into the water. “I’ve been coming back here at random times, when I need space to breathe. Have I met you before?”

“Excuse me?” I swallowed the mouthful of sandwich, staring at him. “Um, yeah, at that Starbucks before.”

“No, I feel like I’ve seen you before, or talked to you. You sound and look familiar,” he squinted, his eyes searching my face. I blushed and looked down.

“I’ve only met you before outside of Starbucks,” I lied. “I don’t know where you could have meet me before.”

“Oh well. So, tell me something about yourself,” he demanded, still rowing.

“I like the color yellow,” I shrugged.

“Oh really? That’s all I get to know?” Alex teased, stopping the arm motions. “Not like where you live, your boyfriend’s name, nothing like that?”

“I live on planet Earth,” I shot back, trailing my fingers in the cool water.

“What’s your last name?” Alex quizzed. “I feel like a douche, considering I have no clue what it is.”

“That, is for me to know and for you to never find out,” I smirked.

“You’re just set on being a mystery, aren’t you?” Alex sighed. “Why are you being so difficult?”

“Why are you so set on having me?” I growled, wrapping up my sandwich and shoving it back in the bag. “Why can’t you get it through your head that I don’t want to date you!”

“Because I know that’s not true!” Alex snapped. “You keep looking at me with this look in your eyes, like you want me!”

“I want you dead!” I shrieked. We glared at each other, until I stood up. “This is the worst date of my life, Alex. I’m not going to suffer through it any longer.”

“What are you going to do, jump off the boat?” Alex sneered.

“Row this back, Alex,” I hissed. “I’m not putting up with your shit anymore.”

“No,” Alex shot back. “I’m not rowing back.”

“Why are you trying so hard? Why? What is so great about me that makes you just have to have me?” I shouted, tossing my arms above my head.

“I don’t know!” he bellowed. “Okay? Can’t you just accept that maybe I like you?”

“NO! Because I know what kind of guy you are, and you’re a player! I’m not going to get played, Alex,” I screamed.

“You wish you would get played by me,” Alex smirked. I stood up, the boat rocking dangerously.

“I’m serious. If you do not row this boat back, I will jump into the water,” I threatened. He glared at me, as I did the same back at him. “One.” He didn’t move, and I kicked off my shoes. “Two.” He flexed his hands on the oars, but they stayed still in the water. “Two and a half.” I climbed up onto the seat, balancing, before moving quickly to the rail. “I swear, I’ll jump.”

“Don’t,” he finally snapped. “Just, sit down, and I promise I’ll be good.” For some odd reason, I gave him a second chance and sat down. It might have been because I really wasn’t looking forward to ruining my dress.

“Last chance, Gaskarth,” I growled, sitting back down. “Then, I swear I’ll leave.”

“I promise to behave,” he smirked. “Jaeger?”

“Sure,” I muttered, grabbing one of the bottles from the bag and ripping off the plastic. I untwisted the cap and tilted the golden liquid into my mouth. Wincing at the burn, I shook my head, coughing.

“Wow, daring,” Alex laughed. “Most girls wouldn’t dream of doing that.”

“I’m not like most girls,” I retorted, cocking an eyebrow and swigging from the bottle again. “Want some?”

“Gladly.” Alex took the bottle from me and gulped down the liquid, whipping the remains off with the back of his hand. We continued like that, not talking, just drinking from the bottle.

“You know what I hate?” I sighed after about five minutes. “I hate Hollywood. It’s so fake, and the people there are so stuck up.”

“I get what you mean,” he replied, rowing us further out. By now the dock was a small speck behind us, while we were going down away from town and Hamilton, more towards the East Side. “It’s all full of phonies and fakes.”

“I wish the world was a better place,” I sighed, cradling the bottle closer to me. “It’s just going to hell.” I crawled onto the bottom of the boat, staring up at the sky. “Lie down next to me.”

“The stars look like you can touch them,” Alex murmured, occupying the section next to me. “It’s amazing.”

“We’re six feet under them,” I giggled, sipping more of the alcohol. “Six feet under the stars…”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, Mibba made me slice this date in half. I wrote over ten pages of a date, so this is only half of it. I'm sorry to say it's also not the exciting part, but this way is better because I want to correct the second part.
So, please comment/subscribe/love, and please read my other stories. I like comments, they're like little bundles of joy. Also, anyone want to make me banners for either this one or my other stuff?