Just One of the Boys

Chapter 34

Stumbling over each other, Alex and I undressed each other as we waded through the tall grass behind the carnival. Jumping up, I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist as one hand tangled itself in my hair, the other supporting me under my butt. I broke free of our—dare I say it—scandalous make out and moved my lips to his neck, nipping and kissing every part I could reach in my awkward position.

Alex twisted my head back to his lips, sticking his tongue in my mouth as I tugged his shirt over his head, running my hands up and down his chest. “My turn,” he smirked through heavy breathing, pulling my shirt off and moving straight to my bra.

We toppled over backwards, our kiss not even broken as we continued with our attack on each other’s mouths against the dirt and bent grass. Classy, huh? I mean, not even one hundred feet away people were at a carnival! But hey, if you had Alex Gaskarth unbuttoning your shorts, would you complain? I thought not.

My hand moved to his belt, my fingers fumbling with the leather and metal, my mouth moving in synch with his talented lips. I pulled the little metal stick out of the hole, freeing his button, and paused. Alex, however, was barely forward, pulling down my zipper.

“Why’d you stop?” he muttered, moving to nip on my earlobe.

“We gotta stop.”

“Wah?” Alex jerked back, eyes searching my face. “Are we going too fast? Cause we can take it slow. I’m cool with that.” He bent back over, ravishing my mouth with his. I placed my hand on his chest, pushing him away gently.


“With what? The kissing?” Alex stared at me incredulously as he ran a hand through his hair. “What’s wrong with the kissing?”

“This! This is wrong!” I sat up, causing him to topple backwards and leaving another indent in the summer-dried grass. “We shouldn’t be doing this!”

“Are you kidding me?” he groaned as he slapped a hand over his eyes. “Holly, that’s such a load of bull.”

“I’m not going to date you,” I sniffed, redressing. “I’m sorry, but no.”

“Holly!” protested Alex. “You have got to be kidding me. Why not?”

“Because I’m not looking for a relationship, let alone one with my roommate!” I snapped, standing up and brushing dirt and grass from my body. “Sorry, but no!”

As I walked to where we left the bike, I could hear Alex stumbling behind me. “Holly, just give me a chance! C’mon!”

“No, Alex,” I called over my shoulder, rolling my eyes at his stubbornness.

“But Holly--”

“Drop it, Gaskarth!” Picking my up my pace, I jogged to the carnival, the sounds growing louder with each step I took under the pristine moonlight. Rounding the corner of the poles placed in the ground to hold the fairy-lights, I could see the bike rack where we left Nolan’s bike.

Sighing with relief, I ran my eyes over the racks, searching for the neon pink bike. However, it came to my attention that the bike was missing. There were very few bikes left, seeing as the carnival was closing down and couples were leaving together, moonlight shinning in their hair and content smiles on their drowsy faces.

“Alex,” I called, not facing him. “Where’s the bike?”

“What do you mean?” he sighed, coming up behind me. “It should be right…Hey! Where’d it go?”

“It was on a bike rack,” I muttered, scratching my head. “Where could it have gone?”

“We did use the bike chain, right?”

“Well, yeah, we did. Did someone take it?” I stood up on my tiptoes, flickering my gaze over
the field in search of the bike.

“Great, now how are we going to get home?” he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Walk?”

“Holly! Hey, Holly!” someone called, causing me to turn around. There, headed our way, were two beach blondes I had never seen before.

“Um, hi?” I said in more of a questioning tone. “Do I know you?”

“Technically, no,” the closest one grinned as she flipped a sheet of hair over her shoulder. “I’m Britney Tompson, and this is my best friend Alexis Harrison.”

“Hi,” I repeated, smiling. “I’m Holly.”

“We know,” Alexis snapped with a roll of her eyes. Britney elbowed her, glaring at her best friend before giving me the same smile as before.

“Anyways, I was just wondering how long you planned on staying in town, seeing as you’re back really quickly from California,” Britney asked sweetly.


“She’s staying until the Fourth of July,” Alex interrupted, slinging an arm around my
shoulders. “Holly here begged her mother to be able to come back her, she just couldn’t keep away.” Britney and Alexis shot me looks of pure amazement, as if to say “Why come here?”

“Yup,” I lied weakly. “Just had to see the festivities for the Fourth of July.”

“That’s perfect, because I was planning on having a party on the second, and I would love if you would come!” Britney cooed, grasping my arm. “It will be totally fun!”

“Yeah, totally,” I muttered, carefully shaking myself free. “Well, we have to get going. But it
was nice meeting you guys!”

“You too, Holly,” they chirped before walking back to their car. The moment they were out of earshot, I punched Alex as hard as I could in the arm.

“You douchebag!” I whisper-shouted. “Now I’m stuck here as Holly until the Fourth of July! That’s a week away! Why the hell would you do that?”

“Hey, is it my fault I wanted to actually see you as a girl more than once?” he pouted, rubbing his arm. “And that hurt!”

“Good!” I snarled. “And just so you know, then next time you see this body in any form of undress, it’ll be in your dreams!” With that being said, I stalked out of the parking lot, headed back home.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, yesturday, May 8, was my birthday. I turned one year older, and it was quite epic. Let's just say my friends are the greatest things...ever :)
I know this chapter is semi fillerish, but it's also quite important. I realize that I've been drawing this story out, and to be honest I have no idea how long it will be. It'll be however long I want it, plus a sequal, and maybe even a trequal. Who knows?I do!
I wrote a one-shot for a really awesome contest, go check it out, yeah? Yeah. Just go to my story section and it'll be there :)
Hey, do you think this time we can go over 300? Kinda like a semi-belated birthday present?