Just One of the Boys

Chapter 6

The bell rang, causing us to scramble towards the door, our books clutched firmly in our hands. I glared at the book, already fearful that my secret would be revealed. “Hey, Henry, wait up!” I paused and turned around, waiting for the others to catch up to me.

“So, what books do you guys have to read?” I asked, trying to sound calm.

“Dante’s Inferno,” Rian answered, perfectly pronouncing the title.

Fahrenheit 451,” Jack replied, mispronouncing the title.

“Dude, it’s not fuh-WREN-he-It,” Alex laughed, shaking his head. “It’s Fahrenheit. Retard.” Jack rolled his eyes, obviously embarrased.

“I’m reading Of Mice And Men,” Zack smirked. “Mine’s noticeably shorter.”

“TRADE WITH ME! TRADE WITH ME!” Jack shouted, tackling him to the ground. Jack managed to wrestle the book from his hands and ducked behind Rian, trying to hide.

“Give it back, nimrod,” Zack commanded, his hand outstretched. “Give me back the freaking book!” Jack stuck his tongue out, taunting him. Zack lunged for Jack, aimed for a tackle. Hardly blinking, I reached out an arm and grabbed the back of his shirt.

“Hey,” I interfered, letting him go once I knew Zack wouldn't kill Jack. “If I were you, Zack, I’d take F-451. More interesting.” Sighing, Zack shrugged and picked up the book, ruffling through the pages.

“Whatever. Dude, you owe me so freaking much,” he snapped, glaring at Jack.

“You’re my best friend,” Jack cooed, slinging an arm around Zack.

“What about you, Alex?” Rian asked, glancing at Alex’s book before bursting into laughter. “Dude, Romeo & Juliet?”

“Yeah, that one,” Alex laughed, flipping it over to read the description. “‘A timelessly tragic love story for all ages’,” he quoted, opening the book to a random page. “‘But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou her maid art far more fair than she: be not her maid, since she is envious; her vestal livery is but sick and green and none but fools do wear it; cast it off.’” he shouted. Zack snatched the book from his hands and continued on with the speech.

‘It is my lady, O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were! She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that? Her eye discourses; I will answer it. I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks: Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her eyes to twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, as daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night. See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!’” Zack danced around, grinning like a fool. “‘Ay me!’” He quickly changed his voice to a falsetto to imitate Juliet’s part. Jack stole the book from Zack’s hands, clearing his throat.

“‘She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head-’” Jack began before Rian ripped it from his hands, holding it over Alex’s hands.

“Dude, give it back!” he laughed, jumping up to get the book back.

‘-As is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air.’!” Rian tossed the book to me and I quickly located Juliet’s quote. I cleared my throat and started to speak.

“‘O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet.’!” I laughed, using my original voice. They all froze, staring at me.

“Oh my god, Henry, that’s scary!” Alex laughed, recovering first. “How the hell did you pull that off?” Blushing, I looked down at my feet.

“Um, I used to try and imitate my friends, and the voice just kind of caught on. It’s perfect for prank phone calls,” I smirked.

“Dude, that’s an evil talent, use it well!” Jack commanded, slapping me on the back.

“Don’t worry, I will,” I grinned, raising an eyebrow.

“What book did you get?” Zack asked, taking my book.

Twelfth Night, also by Shakespeare,” I shrugged. Noticing their blank looks, I decided to explain. “It’s about a woman named Viola who thinks her twin brother Sebastian has died. So, she goes undercover as a man—a page to be more specific—and falls in love with her boss, a Duke. However, the girl the Duke loves, Lady Olivia, falls in love with Viola. So, later, Sebastian comes back, and Lady Olivia asks him to marry him, he explains, and later Viola has to come clean about her masquerade and marries the Duke,” I explained.

“Geez, that sounds awesome! Wouldn’t it be great if someone actually did that?” Alex laughed. “God, I’d date that girl in a heartbeat!” My heart began to start pounding, as I felt my face began to flush.

“If only you knew,” I mumbled, fiddling with my book. “If only…”
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Once again, another chapter. This is sort of just a filler, but it's long, which is good.
I cut my hair pretty short, and I'm getting used to it. I'm the type of girl who always wears pony tails, and now my hair is too short for ponytails. It's frustrating.
As for everyone who commented and/or messaged me for help, thank you all so much, you guys have no idea how amazing that was!!