Blessed Be The Name

Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful

Let’s have a listen in to a conversation in the other room I was next to…..
“Ok, so you want to adopt a kid….”
“Duh! I want a kid, a girl…..”
“Do you have any kids of your own?”
“Yes, 2. One is 11, and the other is 8, both of whom are boys. My wife and I would love to have a daughter now. We want to give a child a future, a bright shinny future.”
“Ok, we have about ten girls; do you have a specific age group?’
“Um….My wife Adrienne and I talked and we would like a teen, early teenish.”
“Ok, we have Alexis Watson, Sophomore in High school, 15, a pretty good kid, a couple troubles with the law but pretty good, she gets about C’s and B’s in school….”
“Sounds perfect!”
“Now Mr. Armstrong, you do know that a teen would probably be the hardest to take care of…”
“Yes. We are prepared.”
“OK, just fill out these forums while I tell Alexis to say goodbye and pack.”
“Thank You.”

I was smiling but only on the inside, the last time I got adopted, the family was fine, but then it all started to plumb it extremely fast and I ended up back here. Beka walked through the door knowing that I already was listening I usually do. I listen but never really voice my opinion.
“Lexi, you better go than.” She said smiling.
I nodded and walked to my room, and packed everything, which wasn’t much, since I lost most of my stuff in the accident. Which I don’t wanna talk about right now. “Alexis!” Beka yelled up to my room, I let out a shaky breath, stupid anxiety, curiosity of my mother thank you. I grabbed my things and walked down to Beka, who was standing next to a guy whose hat was pulled over his face shading him the world.
“Bye Beka.” I said hugging her.
“You be good, and remember to just breath and relax.” I laughed a little and nodded. The man grabbed my suitcase and started walking out the door, I quietly followed looking down. He threw my stuff in the backseat of his blue mini cooper, and opened the door for him. I tanked him as I got into my seat. He got in and took off his hat to reveal his face and blonde hair. He just stared at me for awhile which freaked me out, I thought Beka gave me to some pervert.
“My name’s Billie Joe Armstrong. You can call me Billie, Bill, BJ, or even dude.” He said smiling.
“You can call me Lexi or Root Beer.” I said as he finally looked away from me. We started on our way, as he turned on the radio. Some awful music started blaring out the speakers.
“You can change it to any station you want. he laughed as he saw my disgusted face. I shyly reach over and changed it to 88.5 and turned it up when my fave song “Me and Jesus” by Stellar Kart came on. I sang along forgetting that dude was in the car with me.
“When there’s nowhere else to turn
All your bridges have been burned
Feels like you’ve hit rock bottom

Don’t give up it’s not the end
Open up your heart again
When you feel like no one understands
Where you are

Someone loves you
Even when you don’t think so
Don’t you know
You got me and Jesus

By your side
Through the fight
You will never be alone
On your own
You got me and Jesus

After all that we’ve been through
By now, you know I’ve doubted too
But every time my head was in my hands
You said to me

Hold on to what we got
This is worth any cost
So make the most of life that’s borrowed
Love like there’s no tomorrow…” Just as the song ended Billie stopped the car in front of a huge yellow house.
“Were here!”