You're the Reason I Can't Control Myself

Chapter Two

I came back from my mission to Tomo’s room tosteal borrow a new guitar string to find Shannon’s room full of people. I love people!

But as I stepped in the door they all looked at me. It was mildly unnerving. Their eyes running up and down my body.

… they were totally checking me out.

“What?” I finally asked, when their eyes were starting to creep me out a bit.

A few shrugged and turned away, talking to my brother again about… stuff… I smiled and said hello to a brown haired guy who was still watching me, shook his hand, you know, all that friendly stuff you do with people. I just needed to remember their names. Seriously. My mind is like… a sieve. Shannon remembers all the names, I just… smile and look pretty as he mutters them into my ear.

But these random lovely people must be our support band that I’d asked for. I recognise them from around Give It A Name. Good couple of shows, they were. I remember listening to them from backstage and thinking they were amazing. Good with the crowd and everything. Very friendly with fans. I loved them immediately. I just can’t remember their names.

I left brown hair to go fix my guitar, taking out the old string and threading the new one in, watching the blonde guy by me out the corner of my eye. He was kidna… just stood there… watching me.

There was a garbled squeak and my head jerked towards the boy, he looked like he was about to have a heart attack or something. Or maybe he was just like, star struck or something. That seems to happen around me for some reason. Girls just… freeze and look at me weirdly. Creeps me out sometimes.

But I just grinned up at him, still bent over my guitar, and met his eyes. Maybe if I acted nice he’d realise that I was a nice person and not gonna bite him.

“Oh hey,” I asked as he started to look slightly out of it. “How’ve you been?”

“Good,” he replied when I looked back down at the guitar I was fiddling with. “You?”

“Good,” I replied as well, looking up. Oh god, this was turning out like some really bad MSN conversation.

“Can you put your finger here?” I asked him when I realised I didn’t have three hands to wrap it around the tuning prong with. He put his finger on the string as I did what I had to do.

“Thanks-” I paused. Over his shoulder the brown haired guy was mouthing something at me dramatically. “Sean.”

The brown haired guy grinned and nodded. Blondie, well, Sean, blushed slightly and bit his lip, playing with his fringe. It was pretty cute. Actually, very cute.

“We should be getting back,” the… tall one nodded. I needed to learn names. Maybe I’ll google them later. Or ask Shannon. “We need to go eat.”

“So do we!” Shannon grinned. “Can we come with you? Please?”

The tall guy looked confused for a moment before nodding, “sure…”

“Cool,” my brother grinned again. “We’ll be ready in about ten, yeah? We’ll grab Tomo and meet you downstairs.”

“Sure…” the tall guy nodded, still looking slightly overwhelmed as he herded the rest of The Blackout out the room.

“See ya in a few,” I smiled at them as they left.

“They’re nice!” Shannon announced as soon as the door shut. “Snoz is awesome, he really is, we’re gonna have to talk about drums some more another time and-”

“Hold up,” I interrupted. “Snoz?”

“Tall one, the one that suggested lunch,” Shannon told me.

“Ooooh,” I nodded. “Short, brown hair, stubble?”


“Short, bald?”


“Tall, thin, looks like he’s been locked in a cupboard?”

“Matthew or Rhys.”

“Which is the one with the curly hair?” I asked.


“Cupboard guy is Matthew then,” I nodded.

“And I’m guessing you already know Sean?” he asked. “I saw you talking.”

“Something like that,” I shrugged. “It was awkward.”

“That’s because we’re ‘famous’,” Shannon laughed. “Anyways, he’s blonde.”

“… and?”

“We all know you like blondes.”

I poked my tongue out at him. “Let’s just go find Tomo.”