You're the Reason I Can't Control Myself

Chapter Four

First show of the tour. I love the first show. It’s the one where you’re full of energy and haven’t yet been dragged down from the weariness of being on the road. Not that it means it’s the best one. Adrenaline can give you one hell of a kick, along with red bull, but it was nice to cherish a show in clean clothes after a proper shower. Don’t know when it’s going to happen again.

Right now The Blackout are playing, and I have nothing better to do, so I figured I’d go stand on the stage and watch them. Disguised from fans in this really amazing hat I’d found with a red bobble on the top. Seriously, it’s amazing.

I suppose it didn’t work so well, as when I stood to the side of the stage and fans at a certain angle caught sight of me, more cameras started flashing. But I paid no attention to them. They were supposed to be watching The Blackout right now, not me. They can watch me later.

Gavin and Snoz, see, I remembered their names, glanced over to see the cause of increased camera activity, and gave brief smiles before continuing playing. Sean seemed to caught up in a world of his own to notice. Shaking his hips from side to side smoothly. So smoothly.

“Enjoying the view?”

I jumped as Shannon’s hand clapped down on my shoulder and he laughed.

“Something like that,” I smirked.

“He’s too young for you,” Shannon warned, being serious for once.

“It’s only, what? Ten years? Not that much.”

“Twelve,” my brother corrected.

“Still, not that much.”

“You don’t even know if he’s gay,” Shan pointed out.

“Have you seen the way he looks at me?!” I asked incredulously, eyes fixed on him as he swung his hips round again above some awestricken girls head.

“But still…” Shannon trailed off. “I need to go find Tomo, make sure he’s actually getting ready.”

I nodded and waved absentmindedly as the hip shaking song came to a close. One more song until their set was over. High Tide Baby, or something like that. A break up song, if I remember correctly. Album version including guest vocals from a rather sexy Ian Watkins. God that man could sing.

One lingering note, a good bye and thank you, and they were done. Unplugging themselves form various instruments and filing offstage. My bands nice little runners were taking down The Blackout’s set, for ease and convenience. We’d be on in about half an hour, give or take a few. Depending on how long it would take. Mean while the crowd had a bunch of songs hand picked by Tomo to get them through. God help the poor sods.

“Good show,” I congratulated them as they came past, I fell into step next to Sean.

“You were watching?” he asked in surprise. “I didn’t see you.”

“Only the last two songs,” I told him. “I liked the sexy hip shaking one, what was that called?”

He blushed red and looked down, fiddling with his belt loop.
“You mean the one where Sean acts like a whore the whole way through?” Bob asked from behind us. “I know you are but what am I.”

“Ahh,” I grinned. “I’m going to have to look out for that one in future.” I winked at Bob as Sean smiled nervously. Bob just laughed and ruffled Sean’s hair, before running ahead slightly to join Snoz.

“I liked the last song too, especially the album version. Ian sets the song off nicely.”

“Yeah,” Sean nodded. “He really does, it was great of him to sing on it and all, he just invaded the stage one day when we were supporting them and joined in, Gavin decided to keep it.”

“Haha, sounds like him.”

“You know Ian?” Sean asked slightly surprised.

“Well, yeah, met him on a few tours, few festivals, lovely guys,” I thought for a second. “I think I got his number through Gerard who met him at-” I stopped, realising it kinda sounded like I was name dropping now. “But still, he’s a great guy.”

Uh. Silence. Something odd for the both of us it seems. Sean seemed slightly distracted right now, probably just wanted to get away and wipe off the sweat, maybe change his shirt. Generally get unstickyified. Though, I did notice, his hair didn’t seem sweaty at all. Still looked dry.

“Who wrote High Tide Baby, by the way?” I asked as I lead the way back to their dressing room. Should have time to go there, go to mine, put more eyeliner on, then get onto the stage with out pissing people off for having to wait.

“I did, one of the first songs I wrote,” he said. “And it’s , It’s High Tide, Baby.”

“Ah, sorry.”

He shrugged.

“Was it about any one in particular?” I asked. Out of mild curiosity, of course. The thought of looking up on Sean’s ex’s had not crossed my mind. At all. Not one bit.

But he just shrugged again, “not really.”

“Oh, okay,” I nodded. “Well, here’s your stop, and I should be… going…” I pointed over my shoulder. “I have to go like, perform, for people… on the stage now.”

He nodded.

“I’ll see you after the show?” I asked, for some unknown reason.

“Sure,” he nodded.

I nodded too, then Sean went in his dressing rooms. I sighed and turned around, one more coat of eyeliner and we could go on stage. Where the only thing I’d have to worry about was the amount of good-byes I stuck on the end of A Modern Myth.

I count them on my fingers.