I'll Never Be What You Need.

So Beautiful And Free

"So, Mikey. What do you think ?" Frank asked, stretching his arms out wide and displaying his room.

Mikey set his bag on the floor near the door. The room was something he definitely expected from Frank. The room was painted a dark blue, with random sketches of Batman and The Joker everywhere. There were a couple of advertisements for Pokemon as well, and several band posters that Mikey actually recognized.

"Smashing Pumpkins ?" Mikey asked.

Frank nodded enthusiastically. "I love them. I really like punk and alternative music. It's just kind of where I fit in," he explained.

Mikey kind of wrinkled his nose at that, even though Frank didn't notice. Frank was amazing. Why would he need to fit in anywhere ? "That's cool," Mikey replied.

Frank nodded. "So..." he trailed off. "Um... WHAT MOVIE DO YOU WANT TO WATCH ?!" he nearly screeched in excitement.

"Um... what do you have ?"

"Well... follow me."

Mikey did as he was instructed and began following Frank to the living room. For a house that only housed two people, it was fairly large; Mikey could probably fit two of his apartments inside.

Frank bent down under the large TV where the DVD's were stored in a shelf. Mikey was trying really fucking hard not to look at his ass. "We have... 'Legally Blonde', '10 Things I Hate About You', 'Titanic', 'The Notebook', 'You've Got Mail'... Sorry, dude, but pretty much all my mom has is chick movies," he blushed.

"Um... how about '10 Things I Hate About You' ?" Mikey asked. Why the hell not ? It couldn't be too bad.

"All right." Frank popped in the movie and settle next to Mikey on the couch.

* * * *

It sounded so wrong, but Frank practically drooled every time Patrick Verona, played by Heath Ledger, appeared on the screen. It was like... pure perfection. That long, but not too long hair, those dark brooding eyes... he was just... amazingly looking. And it was so weird, because he really should have been staring at Julia Stiles the whole time. But he wasn't. He was allowed to think another guy was attractive, right ? It's not like he was having fantasies about fucking him or anything...

Not too far away from him, Mikey was having similar thoughts. Heath was just so capturing... it was like trying to look away from fireworks. They nearly blind you, yet you can't help but stare. He loved his Australian accent... it was like music to his ears. It didn't help that his character was increasingly witty and danced on bleachers for his lady. How could you not win someone over with that ? It also didn't help that he had an amazing smile. But not nearly as amazing as someone else's he knew...

Uh Oh. Looks like our boys have their first celebrity crush...

Julia Stiles, playing Kat, looked to Heath with an amused expression. "You can't just buy me a guitar every time you screw up, you know," she told him.

Heath studied her, half smirking. "Yeah, I know. But then, you know, there's always drums, and bass, and maybe even one day a tambourine !" he exclaimed, that smile lighting up his face.

Frank and Mikey almost sighed dreamily. Either one of them would have loved for someone to buy them a guitar.

Mikey was so focused on the screen that he didn't even notice how close Frank was to him now. Their legs were touching, and Frank hadn't taken notice either.

The end credits rolled, and Mikey arched his back and stretched, exposing a small sliver of his flawless hip. Frank averted his eyes quickly and scooted away from him.

"So, what do you want to do now ?" Frank asked.

Mikey shrugged. "I don't care. I'll do whatever you want," he answered.

"Let's... um... uh... GO EAT FOOD !"

Mikey chuckled. Frank was just so random sometimes. "All right."

Frank pulled Mikey to his feet and out the door before he could say anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
The oh so perfect Heath. We miss you doll. R.I.P. Chapter is dedicated to him. I couldn't resist. :]

Okay, here's the deal; you comment, you get a virtual hug from either Frank or Mikey. But you have to choose one. You can't have both ;] You comment more than once and you get a virtual hug from our angel, Heath.